District 6 master contract pdf. UNION CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION 2023-2024.

District 6 master contract pdf . through . ) as agreed upon between the parties. It is understood, a representative of the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) of which the LEA is a member is an authorized LEA representative in collaboration Contract Between Independent School District 623 and Education Minnesota-Roseville 2021-2022/2022-2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE ONE Purpose 1 ARTICLE TWO Recognition of Exclusive Representative 1 Section 1 Recognition 1 Section 2 Authentic Collaboration 1 Section 3 Appropriate Unit 1 Section 4 Notice of Unit Designation 1 Section 5 This Master Contract, entered into between Independent School District 282 of St. The Board has a statutory obligation pursuant to SDCL 3-18 to negotiate with the Association as the sole and exclusive representative of its certified personnel. 3 The District Administration shall not be in attendance during this Association hour as listed in 3. provisions of this Master Plan Contract. DE F INIT IO NS For purposes of the Master Contract, the following definitions are used through-out: A. i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page provisions of the Master Contract. 1 article 2 - statement of understanding HAMILTON CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION AND HAMILTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION MASTER CONTRACT – EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2020 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2022 15899106v1 2 1. Diablo Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and Heritage Schools, Inc (hereinafter referred to as The following is a summary of all 4. The term of this Master Contract shall be from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 (Title 5 California Code of Regulations section 3062(a)) unless master contract agreement between the northwest association of educators an affiliate of the southwestern ohio education association, ohio education association and the national MASTER CONTRACT between the LOCKLAND EDUCATION ASSOCIATION an affiliate of the OHIO EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and the NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and the master contract 2021-2024 between the holmes county school board and the holmes county teachers association amended january 26, 2023 MASTER CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF FORT WAYNE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 1200 South Clinton Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3594 AND FORT WAYNE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, INC. The parties acknowledge that any subsequent Master Contract is to be re MASTER CONTRACT between the MILFORD EDUCATION ASSOCIATION an affiliate of the OHIO EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and the NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and the MILFORD EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Effective July 1, 2017 THROUGH JUNE 30, 20 20 K35666. We not only fought back the Board’s contract attacks but retained Art, Music, and Physical Education in the early grades, increased funding for supplies, as well as other agreements that will benefit our students. Regulations section 3062(d)) No Master Contract will be o ffered unless and until all of th e contracting requirements have been satisfied. Certified Employee/School District . compliance with laws, statutes, regulations 2 4. 3 ARTICLE II Procedure for Negotiations . 1. (Article 5) SEPTEMBER 15 Unit members eligible for a continuing contract must make a written request to the Executive Director of EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PERSONNEL MASTER CONTRACT between ORONO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 278 INDEPENDENCE-LONG LAKE-MAPLE PLAIN-MEDINA-MINNETONKA BEACH-ORONO and the SCHOOL SERVICE EMPLOYEES LOCAL NO. When it is necessary for a negotiating session to take place during normal working hours, no more than six (6) Union bargaining team members shall be granted temporary duty leave. (for and on behalf of management) and international longshoremen’s association, afl-cio (for and on behalf of itself and each of its affiliated districts and locals representing longshoremen, clerks, checkers and maintenance employees working on ships and terminals in ports on the east and gulf coasts of the united For purposes of the Master Contract, the following definitions are used through-out: A. 01 ASSOCIATION The Lockland School District Board of Education hereinafter referred to as the "BOARD", If the application packet is not completed and returned to District, no Master Contract will be issued. West Ada Education Association (“Association”) E. The term “teacher” when used within this Agreement shall refer to all certified personnel represented by the Association in the negotiation unit as defined above. 622, Maplewood, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the School Board, and the North St. The provisions of this Master Contract apply to CONTRACTOR and any of its employees or independent contractors Regulations section 3062(d)) No Master Contract will be o ffered unless and until all of th e contracting requirements have been satisfied. absence. 203, 7 Hayfield, Minnesota hereinafter referred to as 8 the School District, and the Hayfield Education 9 Association, hereinafter referred to as exclusive. certification s and licenses 1 3. term of master contract 4 . Anthony and New Brighton, Minnesota, hereinafter called the School District, and the St. 177 and forest hills local school district board of education . obtained from District for any purpose other than the performance of this Master Contract, without District’s written consent. 4 The Superintendent shall make available to the Association negotiation team all records of the School District which are relevant to the negotiations including, but not limited to, budget and staffing information, upon reasonable prior written request 2019-21 Master Contract This contract is made and entered into by and between INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. FOREST HILLS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Master Contract effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 master contract . e. CONTRACT INTENT AND PURPOSE . Compliance Between Individual Contract and Master Agreement Any individual contract between the Board and an individual member heretofore or hereafter executed shall be MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE WAVERLY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION AND WAVERLY COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION a) This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, between the Mt. Expand all. ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION . MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT . MASTER CONTRACT between THE OTTUMWA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and THE OTTUMWA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2017-2019 Ottumwa, Iowa. Contract No. This Partnering 365 Committee will address industry issues, and will also review District within its legal limitations and with its primary obligation to provide educational opportunity for the students of the School District. 4 ANNUITIES: The District may limit the right of an individual employee to designate the agent, broker or company to provide tax-sheltered annuities under an Internal Revenue 5/31/19 Santa Ana Unified School District and Provo Canyon School NONPUBLIC, NONSECTARIAN SCHOOL/AGENCY SERVICES MASTER CONTRACT 2019-2020 MASTER CONTRACT . Thomas, Superintendent Ms. – the The term "Category Three (3) Contract" shall refer to the professional employees in their third year of continuous employment with the same school district. Bench Contracts provide the District with greater flexibility and provide schools and offices with an efficient way to procure the services they need. Part-time assignments may be fulfilled either as a percentage of the total number of contract days or as a percentage of duty time worked each contract day as determined by the On the District’s website, the Master Contract shall be posted and clearly labeled. (for and on behalf of management) and international longshoremen’s association, afl-cio (for and on behalf of itself and each of its affiliated districts and locals representing longshoremen, clerks, checkers and maintenance employees working on ships and terminals in ports on the east and gulf coasts of the united Idaho Falls School District 91 2018-19 Negotiated Master Contract ARTICLE 2 General 2‐1 This agreement shall be part of the contract of all teachers of School District No. (for and onbehalf ofmanagement) and international longshoremen’s association, afl-cio (for and onbehalf ofitself and each ofits affiliated districts and locals representing longshoremen, c lerks, c heckers and maintenance employees working onships and terminals inports onthe east and gulf coasts ofthe united MASTER CONTRACT Between the WESTVILLE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION and the METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW DURHAM TOWNSHIP 2023-2024 This agreement is effective from September 15, 2023 through June 30, 2024 . contract year 2019-2020 . MASTER CONTRACT . P. (for and onbehalf ofmanagement) and international longshoremen’s association, afl-cio (for and onbehalf ofitself and each ofits affiliated districts and locals representing longshoremen, c lerks, c heckers and maintenance employees working onships and terminals inports onthe east and gulf coasts ofthe united three (3) hours per day but less than six (6) hours per day, five (5) days a week, totaling at least twenty (20) hours per week but less than thirty (30) hours per week in the primary job category assigned. 19omm ofun theicat iMasteron Comm Contractittee states: Representatives of the Board, Administration, and other Association members, including members of the current contract negotiating team, will meet once per semester to address any contract items or professional matters of concern to either the MASTER CONTRACT AND NEGOTIATIONS AGREEMENT Caldwell Education Association and Caldwell School District #132 2019-2020 . Nothing in this Agreement is intended to remove or reduce any rights or privileges gained by MASTER CONTRACT THE STATE OF FLORIDA and THE FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES COUNCIL 79 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO Human Services Bargaining Unit Professional Bargaining Unit Operational Services Bargaining Unit Administrative and Clerical Bargaining Unit 2020–2023 Master Contract Parties: This master contract is entered into between the School Board of Independent School District No. master contract 1 2. 832 and MAHTOMEDI EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021 . 1 Table of Contents Article I - Definitions 2 Article II - Professional Compensation 4 2019-2020 CPE Salary Schedule 4 2019-2020 Education Allocation 6 2019-2020 Career Technical Education Allocation 6 Recertification Stipend 6 Article III - MASTER CONTRACT : 2017 – 2019 ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION : 1. Dana Nichols, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Cassandra Watkins, Business Manager RESOURCE PERSONS Christopher L. TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 1 Directing Requests . Effect of Laws, Rules and Regulations : The Association recognizes that all teachers covered by this Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, and by INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. page authorization for master contract and general provisions 1 . If CONTRACTOR does not return the Master Contract to LEA duly signed by an authorized representative within ninety (90) calendar days of issuance by LEA, the new contract Unless otherwise provided in this Master Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide all master contract . A. BETWEEN THE . 1 Table of Contents Article I – Definitions 2 Article II – Professional Compensation 4 2021-2022 CPE Salary Schedule 4 Education Allocation 8 Career Technical Education Allocation 8 Recertification Stipend 8 Article III - Benefits 10 Article IV - District of Watertown, South Dakota, hereinafter called the “Board” and its successor boards. Master Contract between OCSD and OESP 7/1/17 - 6/30/20. Master Contract Addendum 2021-22. This MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is effective as of July 1, 2022between . Our mission is to provide every student with a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares them for success in college, career, and life. certifications and licenses 2 . 273 paraprofessionals and forest hills local school district board of education july 1, 2024 – june 30, 2027 . 11 and Anoka-Hennepin School Readiness-Kindergarten Readiness Teachers Education Minnesota July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024. TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE DESCRIPTIONS PAGE NUMBER PAGE NUMBER I. AUTHORIZATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 4 Part-Time Teacher: Any person meeting the criteria of Section 3. 284 effective JULY 1, 2023 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2025 . Angola Classroom Teachers Ratified Contract - October 25, 2021 MSD of Steuben Tentative USACE MOBILE DISTRICT AWARDED CONTRACTS. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact your Shop Stewards, Delegates, local President, or Business Agent for assistance. our solidarity and gutting our contract, Buffalo teachers demonstrated a solidarity few have witnessed. 3711 Rupp Drive, Suite 207 Fort Wayne, IN 46815 an Affiliate of the Indiana State Teachers Association and the National Education Association July master contract ohio association of public school employees local no. Manatee Education Association 2 Revised: 09/29/2023 . The offer of a Master Contract to a CONTRACTOR is at the sole discretion of the LEA (SCCOE). 8 MASTER SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND MULTIPLE PROVIDERS FOR PROJECT # 17-05-29 THIS SERVICES CONTRACT (“Contract”) is made and entered into by and between the Houston Independent School District (“HISD” or “District”), 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, Texas 77092, and multiple Providers, The District School Board of Pasco County, hereinafter called the “Board,” recognizes the United School Employees of Pasco, hereinafter called the “Union,” as the exclusive bargaining representative for all School Related Personnel (SRP) in the school district known and designated a s Pasco County School District. The intent of NONPUBLIC, NONSECTARIAN SCHOOL/AGENCY SERVICES MASTER CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION FOR MASTER CONTRACT AND GENERAL PROVISIONS 1) MASTER CONTRACT a) This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, between the Mt. 03 SCOPE OF BARGAINING 1. MONTHLY FEE - the amount paid for services offered. Master Contract Addendum 2022-23. BETWEEN . Read 2018 Master Contract (pdf) Read 2012 Master Contract (pdf) International Longshoremen’s Association, CLC . MASTER CONTRACT between the Metropolitan School District of Steuben County Board of School Trustees Angola Classroom Teachers Association Terms of Agreement January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023 Public Hearing - September 8, 2021 Tentative Agreement - October 4, 2021. integration clause 4 . 1 article 2 master contract between united states maritime alliance, ltd. Master Contract (“Contract”) B. 8 8) individual services agreement. Manatee County District School Board . 656 faribault, minnesota and the faribault education association em-nea-aft. Diablo Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and Richard R. If CONTRACTOR does not return the Master Contract to LEA duly signed by an authorized representative within ninety (90) calendar days of issuance by LEA, the new contract rates will not take effect until the newly executed Master Contract is received by LEA and will School District No. MILFORD EDUCATION ASSOCIATION contract between the abc unified school district and the abc federation of teachers, local #2317, california federation of teachers, american federation of teachers/afl-cio effective july 1, 2020 through june 30, 2025 . He shall decide the nature of such training, guidance, and discipline and the time and place of MASTER CONTRACT THE STATE OF FLORIDA and FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES COUNCIL 79 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO Human Services Bargaining Unit Professional Bargaining Unit Operational Services Bargaining Unit Administrative and Clerical Bargaining Unit 2017-2020 Master Contract Master Contract Unified School District 253 Emporia, Kansas 2021-2022 The Master Contract set forth herein shall be included by reference in the contracts of all professional educators employed by Unified School District 253 who receive compensation on the professional educators’ salary schedule for the period of July 1st to June 30th. (for and on behalf of management) and international longshoremen’s association, afl-cio (for and on behalf of itself and each of its affiliated districts and locals representing longshoremen, clerks, checkers and maintenance employees working on ships and terminals in ports on the east and gulf coasts of the united MASTER CONTRACT THE STATE OF FLORIDA and THE FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES COUNCIL 79 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO Human Services Bargaining Unit Professional Bargaining Unit Operational Services Bargaining Unit Administrative and Clerical Bargaining Unit 2020–2023 Master Contract MASTER CONTRACT . 4 A teacher who is unable to teach because of personal illness or disability, or a teacher who is drawing disability benefits or who is on long term disability and who has exhausted all accumulated paid sick and hospital leave available, 5 . BOARD OF EDUCATION . The Erie School District does not discriminate in employment, educational programs or activities, based on race, color, religion, national The District School Board of Pasco County, hereinafter called the “Board,” recognizes the United School Employees of Pasco, hereinafter called the “Union,” as the exclusive bargaining representative for all School Related Personnel (SRP) in the school district known and designated as Pasco County School District. Paraprofessional 2021-23 1 Table of Contents Article 1: Recognition of Exclusive Representative 1 Article 2: Definitions 1 Section 1. 1 MASTER AGREEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I Purpose . This MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is effective as of July 1, 2023between . E. MSTR _____ THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE BINDING ON THE DISTRICT ONLY IF IT IS SIGNED BY THE DEPUTY CLERK OR AUTHORIZED DESIGNEE This Personal Services Contract (“Contract”) MASTER CONTRACT . Building Service Employees . general provisions 1. District ”) and the contractor listed below (“ Contractor ”) VENDOR . 2 ARTICLE I - PURPOSE Section 1. Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District are not covered under the provisions of the Master Contract. inte gration/continuance of contract following MASTER CONTRACT between Independent School District No. 59. Current Letting and Project Information. Cardinal School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (for employment), socioeconomic status (for programs), religion, disability, creed, national origin, marital status (for programs), sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity in its Master Contract between OCSD and OESP 7/1/2023 - 6/30/26. master contract 2023-25 table of contents e p a] f o) table of contents 1- article | purpose article h recognition of exclusive representative article aaaill definitions article iv school district rights article v teacher rights article vi duration This Master Agreement is made and entered into by and between Independent School District 278, Hennepin County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the “School District,” and the Orono Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association,” pursuant to and in compliance DISTRICT SCHOOLS MASTER CONTRACT 2 02 2-2 02 4 CLAY COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION January 11, 2022. 7. PREAMBLE . Below you will find a link to our latest contract. 5/31/19 capistrano unified school district and insert name of nps/npa table of contents i. 4 Negotiations sessions shall begin at a mutually agreed upon time. SECTION 4. 2021 – 2023 . This document is a master contract between the Greeley-Evans School District 6 and the Greeley Education Association This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of July 2023, between the Mt. 1 Parties: This contract is entered into between the School Board of Anoka-Hennepin School District 11, Ohio Valley (Adams County) Master Contract 2022-2025 2 2. Teachers’ Leadership Council. District 6 Master Contract 19-20 Final PDF - Free download as PDF File (. Upon acceptance of a student, LEA shall submit to CONTRACTOR an Individual Services Agreement (hereinafter Discover excellence in education at the Nampa School District. Within five (5) work days following receipt of a complaint, the District shall acknowledge receipt of the allegations in writing to the employee filing the complaint. (For And On Behalf of Management) AND INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN'S ASSOCIATION, AFL-CIO (For And On Behalf of Itself And Each Of Its Affiliated Districts And Locals Representing Longshoremen, Clerks, Checkers On the District’s website, the Master Contract shall be posted and clearly labeled. Certificated Professional Employee, covered by this Master Contract MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT . capistrano unified school district. Southern California District Council of Laborers and three (3) representatives appointed by the Associations . 3. ” The Board and the the contract, call your Association or the Labor Relations and Benefits Department. Board of Trustees of Kuna Joint School District #3 (“Board”) C. 2 above. Along with the Master Contract, all Memoranda of Understanding, Evaluation Handbook and all other agreements affecting terms and conditions of employment currently enforced shall be posted. It has been developed to help district employees and SELPA District Master Contract 202 2-202 3 6 x LEA Representative - t he term LEA representative means a L EA administrator designated to be responsible for nonpublic school/agencies. Teacher Bargaining Unit . Loveland Master Contract - July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I Page Article 1 - Recognition Agreement 2 Article 2 - Association Rights 4 Article 3 - Grievance Procedure 9 Article 4 - Reduction in Force 17 Article 5 - Disciplinary Action 19 Article 6 - MASTER CONTRACT . WHEREAS, HISD desires to Master Contract 2023-2025 9/7/2023 1 1 AGREEMENT 2 ARTICLE I 3 PURPOSE 4 Section l. and . 7 . 230 Spring Hill, Kansas MASTER AGREEMENT 2024-2026 . 2. Procurement has negotiated The Board of Education of Township High School District 211, hereinafter referred to as the “Board,” and the District 211 Teachers Union Local 1211, IFT/AFT, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the “Union,” recognize that the ultimate aim of public schools is to provide the best education possible in the District. 6 . 2 ARTICLE I PURPOSE Section 1. 7 6) right to report master contract violations . The council shall elect its own MASTER CONTRACT 2019 6. Non Discrimination Policy . 1 and 3. 2. 8. 8 7) integration / continuance of contract following expiration or termination. The term “board” shall mean the Board of Directors This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of , 2021, between the July _____ District (hereinafter referred to as “District” or local educational agency “LEA”) and _____(hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR”) for the purpose of providing special education and/or related services to District students with exceptional needs under the authorization of California When multiple contracts have been awarded for a particular service, a "bench" is created. Board shall place the Master Contract on the District website. 284, hereinafter referred to as the "Union. 5 Preparation LOVELAND CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Effective JULY 1, 2023 Through JUNE 30, 2026 . 832 and Mahtomedi Paraprofessionals - Education Minnesota Local 7310 July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2023. WHEREAS, District is authorized under California Education Code MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN SACRAMENTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROVIDER I. Tab le of Co nt ent s Tab l e o f Co n ten ts 1 P reamb l e 3 Arti cl e I : Reco g n i ti o n 4 Arti cl e I I : Neg o ti ati o n P ro ced u res 5 Arti cl e I I I : G ri evan ce P ro ced u re 7 Arti cl e I V: Asso ci ati o n an d Teach er Ri g h ts 11 Arti cl e V: Man ag emen t’s related services provided to any District student, or CONTRACTOR to provide such special education and/or related services, unless and until an authorized LEA representative approves the provision of special education and/or related services by CONTRACTOR. Section A. UNION CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION 2023-2024. 04/20/2021 0951-02 20-med-03-0260 40271. 6. Central Point School District 6/SOBC 2024-2026 Licensed Agreement Page 1 Preamble A. Terms and Conditions of Employment 6 Section 2. 2 Contract Days 4 Sec. 1J, MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON (PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS) and KCE CHAMPIONS , LLC . 482 Little Falls, Minnesota and the EDUCATION MINNESOTA LITTLE FALLS for 2009-2010 CONTRACT YEAR 2010-2011 CONTRACT YEAR . Stipend Payments- Concerns from some staff members regarding new contract 4. 2023-2026 . PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT - the agreement between Legal Resources MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT between the WEST CLERMONT HELPING OHIO'S PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (H. Established in 1815, the Mobile District employs 1,100 civilian personnel and approximately 10 military officers with a presence that covers the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi as well as all Central and master contract between united states maritime alliance, ltd. It has been developed to help district employees and Master Contract between the Avon Lake City School District and the Avon Lake Education Association July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021 Approved April 10, 2018 Printed August 2018 Revised October 8, 2019 (effective the start of the 2019-2020 School Year) Revised December 10, 2019 (effective the start of the 2019-2020 School Year) Revised January 14, 2020 (effective January Hello, brothers and sisters of District Council 33. THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT WHICH IS PUBLISHED HEREWITH IS A COMPOSITE OF ALL ITEMS WHICH HAVE BEEN AGREED TO BY THE BOARD AND THE ASSOCIATION THROUGH THE ANNUAL CONTINUING CONTRACT: It is agreed that each administrator will have a one (1) year contract, that shall be renewed for another one (1) year unless the District gives notice of non­ renewal as required by Section 1229 ofthe Michigan Revised School Code, MCL §380. Administrators are not covered under the provisions of the Master Contract. 4 . (Article 17) SEPTEMBER Donations may be made to the Sick Leave Bank. 3 2) definitions. (for and onbehalf ofmanagement) and international longshoremen’s association, afl-cio (for and onbehalf ofitself and each ofits affiliated districts and locals representing longshoremen, c lerks, c heckers and maintenance employees working onships and terminals inports onthe east and gulf coasts ofthe united The District shall provide the release of one (1) unit member to conduct this union orientation with certificated employee(s). between . Prior to any such disclosure, PARAEDUCATOR MASTER CONTRACT BETWEEN ORONO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 278 Independence-Long Lake-Maple Plain-Medina-Minnetonka Beach-Orono AND THE SCHOOL SERVICE EMPLOYEES, SEIU LOCAL NO. Chivi Rural District Council (Chivi RDC) embarked on the 15-year Chivi District Master Plan preparation exercise as guided by the provisions of Section 13 and Section 14 of the Regional, Town, and Country Planning Act (RTCPA) Chapter 29:12 for Chivi District as the Planning Area. term of master contract 2 5. When you click the link the contract will open in a new window in PDF format. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Article 1 Recognitions 3 Article 2 Definitions 3 Page 6 WSD/WTLC Master Agreement 2019-2023 . 4 Duty Free Lunch 4 Sec. Negotiations Stillwater Public Schools . 278, Orono, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "School District," and School Service Employees Local No. Such leave shall include time to MASTER CONTRACT Between Stanton Community School District and the Stanton Education Association July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 . Diablo Unified School District/SELPA (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and _ Maxim Healthcare Staffing C. 19 meetings held and agreements/modifications to the Master Contract. Terms and Conditions of Employment 1 Section 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Article Page Agreement 2 I Recognition 2 II Rights of the Association 3 III Rights of the Board of Education 4 IV Professional Compensation 4 V Teaching Hours 5 VI Teaching If the application packet is not completed and returned to District, no Master Contract will be issued. master contract 1 . 3 The District will give consideration to extending additional sick leave benefits in hardship cases. 1 This agreement is by and between the Waterville School District and the (WTLC) Waterville 2 . june 30, 2025 master contract between united states maritime alliance, ltd. ” Article I Purpose Section 1. pdf (9. OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS. An MTA member, upon his/her written request, shall be given the right of payroll deduction of combined dues for the 6 ARTICLE III – MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Board retains and reserves the ultimate responsibility for proper management of the District conferred upon and vested in it by the statutes and the Constitution of the State of Illinois and the United States, including, but not limited to, the responsibility for and the right: 1. 0301 The Board and the Association shall bargain collectively to determine the following: A. 8 1. pdf), Text File (. A part-time teacher is one who works a percentage of a contract less than 1. Parties 6 ARTICLE II RECOGNITION Section 1. 1 Article 3 Check Off and Organizational Security . Master Contract Addendum 2024-25. SCHOOL DISTRICT AND OHIO ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES OAPSE LOCAL 332, AFSCME, AFL-CIO . CONTRACTOR may disclose to any subcontractor, or other District-approved third parties, any information otherwise subject to Section (II)(B) that is reasonably required for the performance of the subcontractor’s work. THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT WHICH IS PUBLISHED HEREWITH IS A COMPOSITE OF ALL ITEMS WHICH HAVE BEEN AGREED TO BY THE BOARD AND THE ASSOCIATION THROUGH THE ANNUAL master contract between united states maritime alliance, ltd. The preparation of Chivi District Master Plan Council is also in line master contract agreement between the northwest association of educators an affiliate of the southwestern ohio education association, ohio education association and the national education association and the northwest local school district board of education hamilton county, ohio effective: july 1, 20210 through june 30, 20241. 6 4) certification and licenses. It has been negotiated pursuant to RCW 41. (for and onbehalf ofmanagement) and international longshoremen’s association, afl-cio (for and onbehalf ofitself and each ofits affiliated districts and locals representing longshoremen, c lerks, c heckers and maintenance employees working onships and terminals inports onthe east and gulf coasts MASTER CONTRACT between the FOREST HILLS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION and the FOREST HILLS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Effective: JULY 1, 2023 through JUNE 30, 2024 10/12/2023 0951-01 23-MED-02-0160 43520. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale Public Schools, Maplewood, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the School Board or School District) and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 19 C4. 1 Article 2 Recognition . TERM LIFE INSURANCE: The school district will contribute in full Master Contract – 2013-2015 6 Section 3. Such leave shall include time to 3) TERM OF MASTER CONTRACT The term of this Master Contract shall be from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 (Title 5 California Code of Regulations section 3062(a)). 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE TITLE PAGE NUMBER 1 Grievance Procedure 2 2 Employees Hours of Work 4 3 Holidays and Vacations 6 4 Wages and Salaries 7 5 Insurance/Annuity 9 6 Dues Deduction 10 7 Sick Leave LOCKLAND EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MASTER CONTRACT Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 3 ARTICLE 1: RECOGNITION 1. Wages B. Neither the CONTRACTOR nor the LEA is required to renew this Master Contract in subsequent contract years. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I Recognition . Preamble . MOBILE DISTRICT AREA OF OPERATIONS. 4 ARTICLE III Impasse Procedure . Table of Contents Page No. district . Capistrano Unified School District, located at 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 (“LEA or . ohio association of public employees – local 177 . table of contents . ROLES 7 The Dominant shall take responsibility for the wellbeing and the proper training, guidance, and discipline of the Submissive. ohio association of public school employees local no. O. E. At the District's discretion, category three (3) contracts may also be used for newly hired professional employees who were on a renewable contract in other Idaho school districts, or who had The district shall immediately investigate reports of alleged unlawful discrimination, harassment and/or bullying and shall attempt to resolve in as timely a manner as possible. To establish, modify, combine or abolish job positions and classifications. 1 This Agreement is entered into between the School Board of Independent School District 535, Rochester, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the District, and Rochester Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association, pursuant to and in compliance with the Public Employment Labor Relations The Board of Education of Township High School District 211, hereinafter referred to as the “Board,” and the District 211 Teachers Union Local 1211, IFT/AFT, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the “Union,” recognize that the ultimate aim of public schools is to provide the best education possible in the District. To LEA/District Tracy Unified School District Contract Year 2022-2023 X Nonpublic School (NPS) Nonpublic Agency (NPA) Type of Contract: X Master Contract for fiscal year with Individual Service Agreements (ISA) to be approved throughout the term of this contract. 3 1) master contract. 1 Purpose conflict with UCTA Master Contract provisions, federal, CAPTC, Carrera, or other grant requirements will supersede the UCTA Master Contract. fairfield classroom teachers’ association – term of master contract. Parties: 5 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between 6 the Independent School District No. From innovative programs and dedicated teachers to a supportive community and engaging curriculum, we offer students the tools they need to achieve their full potential. july 1, 2022 . John F. TERM OF MASTER CONTRACT . 1 Certified Employee Defined 4 Sec. Master Contract MASTER CONTRACT THE STATE OF FLORIDA and THE FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES COUNCIL 79 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO Human Services Bargaining Unit Professional Bargaining Unit Operational Services Bargaining Unit Administrative and Clerical Bargaining Unit 2020–2023 Master Contract MASTER CONTRACT AND NEGOTIATIONS AGREEMENT Caldwell Education Association and Caldwell School District #132 2021-2022 . SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ERIE, PA . 6 MASTER PRICE AGREEMENT (CONTRACT) Contract No 19-0044 This is not an order This Contract sets forth all the covenants, conditions, and promises between the following parties: Beaverton School District 16550 SW Merlo Road Beaverton, Oregon 97003 Attn: Business Services Purchasing STATEMENT OF WORK: Awarded Contractor Name ("Contractor" or MASTER AGREEMENT between ANOKA-HENNEPIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 33 MB) DC33 Contract This Contract is made and entered into by and between Independent School District No. Outman dba California master contract between the new albany–plain local school district board of education and the plain local education association july 1, 2020 through june 30, 2021 11/19/2020 0739-01 20-med-02-0186 39666 CONTRACTOR agrees that the rates set forth in this Master Contract will remain unchanged from July 1 through June 30 of the term of contract, with no changes in the services provided, unless changed in a duly executed amendment to this Master Contract signed by both parties. The contracts are utilized in support of schools and offices District-wide. northwest association of educators and 2023-25 master contract between independent school district no. ENROLLMENT FORM – the electronic or paper agreement entered into between the Primary Member participating in the Plan accepted by the PlanAdministrator. july 1, 2020 – june 30, 2023 . 2 PREAMBLE The Board of Directors of the Van Buren Community School District, hereinafter referred to as the Board, and the Van Buren Education Association, hereinafter referred to as MASTER CONTRACT BOARD OF EDUCATION and EDUCATION MOORHEAD Independent School District #152 Moorhead, Minnesota 2019- 2021 . forest hills board of education . article 1 - bargaining unit. Section 3. definitions 7 . 284 EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2021 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2023 master contract between united states maritime alliance, ltd. AND THE . School Service Employees . the dayton education association . Hours C. , a retirement HRA, salary, etc. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE PAGE SECTION I: GENERAL AGREEMENT Preamble 5 1 Recognition 5 2 Definitions 6 3 Successor Negotiations 7 4 Employees’ Rights and Obligations 8 5 Employers’ Rights and Board shall place the Master Contract on the District website. 11 . 3 Article 6 Federal MASTER SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND _____ PROJECT # 19-07-19 THIS SERVICES CONTRACT (“Contract”) is made and entered into by and between the Houston Independent School District (“HISD” or “District”), 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, Texas 77092, and _____ (Provider). I 229. 4. Exclusive Representative 6 ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS Section 1. Parties 1 II. WEST MASTER CONTRACT between SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. MASTER CONTRACT This Master Contract (“Master Contract” or “Contract”) is entered into this August 17, 2015 between the Sacramento Unified School USMX-ILA MASTER CONTRACT MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT BETWEEN UNITED STATES MARITIME ALLIANCE, LTD. Joint School District #2 (“District”) D. This Master Contract is entered into by and between the Board of School Trustees of the Fort Wayne Community Schools, hereinafter called the “Board,” and the Fort Wayne Education Association, Inc. txt) or read online for free. Some sections that were contained in the attachments or as Memorandums of Understanding have been moved to th regular bodye of the contract. Individual Master Contract for a specific student incorporating the Individual Service Agreement (ISA) into the South Atlantic & Gulf Coast District Executive Board; ILA Directory; Contact Us; Search for: Search. 1 Section 2 master contract between united states maritime alliance, ltd. SEIU, Local 284 . 1 ARTICLE II Recognition of Exclusive Representative . compliance with law, statutes, regulations 3 . WHEREAS, District is authorized under master contract agreement between the fairfield classroom teachers’ association an affiliate of the ohio education association and the national education association and the fairfield board of education of the fairfield city school district butler county, ohio effective june 30, 2023 through june 29, 2025 10/25/2023 0219-01 23-med-02-0114 43561. i master contract forest hills board of education and ohio association of public school employees – local #273 table of contents article 1 - bargaining unit. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of the new Master Contract (and of all local collective bargaining agreements MASTER CONTRACT between INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. B. 1 This Agreement is entered into between the School Board of Independent School District 535, Rochester, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the District, and Rochester Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association, pursuant to and in compliance with the Public Employment Labor Relations MASTER CONTRACT B E T WE E N T H E K UNA E DUCAT I O N ASSO CI AT I O N AND K UNA SCH O O L DI ST RI CT B O ARD O F T RUST E E S 2022-2023 SCH O O L YE AR. January 30, 2025 February 27, 2025 2019-2020 nonpublic, nonsectarian school/agency services master contract . In this Agreement, SRP shall be defined as those employees Contracts ; District Offices ; District 6 ; Lettings ; District Six Letting & Project Information. Paul-Maplewood- Oakdale Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association or NSPMOEA, pursuant to and in compliance with the Public Employment Labor Master Contract . 2, but not Section 3. the dayton city school district . CLC . Oversights may have LZEA MASTER CONTRACT 2022-2026 Article4. ) an affiliate of the OHIO EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and the NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and the WEST CLERMONT LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 . Master Contract between OCSD and OESP 7/1/20 - 6/30/23. ADMINISTRATION 5 . 2‐2 The Board policy shall not discriminate against any teacher on the basis of age, race, religion, color, Unified School District No. And . The Erie School District does not discriminate in employment, educational programs or activities, based on race, color, religion, national This shall not limit or restrict the District from making such reports to the Board. Board ofTrustees Joint School District #2 (“Board”) C. Regarding Terms and Conditions of Employment for . 5. Certified personnel are those persons i IMPORTANT DATES AUGUST 30 The Treasurer and GMLEA Treasurer must be notified in writing if you are discontinuing payroll deduction for GMLEA dues. 2 Article 4 Scope of Negotiations . " ARTICLE I PURPOSE The purpose of this Contract is to set forth all terms and Board shall place the Master Contract on the District website. 3 Duty Day/Work Day for Certified Employees 4 Sec. Master Contract Addendum 2020-21. dc33_contract. 284, Hennepin County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the “Employer,” and the WAYZATA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, hereinafter referred to as the “Association. JULY 1, 2019- JUNE 30, 2021 . individual services agreement 5 . 6 ARTICLE V 6. ERIE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION . 4 The District work year calendar shall state the day of the District’s New MASTER CONTRACT THE STATE OF FLORIDA and FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES COUNCIL 79 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO Human Services Bargaining Unit Professional Bargaining Unit Operational Services Bargaining Unit Administrative and Clerical Bargaining Unit Effective January 27, 2021 Middletown Teachers Association and Middletown City School District Master Contract Agreement Effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023 5 contracts. In this Agreement, SRP shall be defined as those master contract between united states maritime alliance, ltd. 3 Memoranda of Understanding, Evaluation Handbook and all other agreements affecting terms and conditions of employment currently enforced shall be posted. 1 Section 1 Recognition . Manatee Education Association 3821 . Along with the Master Contract, all . 5000 MASTER CONTRACT between the STANDISH-STERLING COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT and the STANDISH-STERLING EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 2018 -2022 . 3. i master contract . Definition of Terms . 0. Master Contract. This group of employees does not qualify for benefits beyond those legally required or granted by the USPA Master Contract or Board Policy MASTER CONTRACT BETWEEN Van Buren Community School District and Van Buren Education Association 2014-2015 405 4TH STREET KEOSAUQUA, IOWA 52565 319-293-3334 . The provisions of this Master Contract apply to CONTRACTOR and any of its employees or independent contractors SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CARDINAL SUPPORT PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION 2022-2025 Pay Chart Updated 7-1-24 . The parties, having reached certain understanding, which they desire to confirm in this contract, agree on the following: 4 ARTICLE I: PROFESSIONAL GROWTH CYCLE The Professional Growth Rubric is designed for certified employees who are in good standing with the district. RECOGNITION OF EXCLUSIVE authorization for master contract and general provisions. The parties, having reached certain understanding, MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 272 EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA AND THE EDEN PRAIRIE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025. This agreement represents the full and complete agreement between the Stillwater Board of Education and the Stillwater Education Association and shall remain in place for the current contract year extending from July 1, 2020, States to replace the existing Master Contract, including all amendments thereto, which went into effect on October 1, 2012 and will expire on September 30, 2018 (the "2012 Master Contract"). 2020-2021 . Nothing in this Agreement is intended to remove or reduce any rights or privileges gained by 6 Everything in this contract must be read and interpreted in the light of the fundamental purpose and the fundamental terms set out in clauses 2-5 above. 622, North St. table of contents page article i: agreement 1 article ii: recognition 1 inclusions 1 exclusions 2 article iii: definitions 3 article iv: union rights 6 article v: academic DISTRICT 152 2021-2024 MASTER CONTRACT PARTICIPANTS BOARD of EDUCATION Harvey Education Association Sandra Contreras, Board Member Myra Gardener, Board Member Mr. Anoka, Minnesota . 70 (hereinafter referred to as the Exclusive Representative or Union) MASTER CONTRACT . SECTION 3. Anthony Village Education Association, hereinafter called the Association, Local 7247, pursuant to and in compliance with the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, hereinafter by the Association, one (1) administrator and two (2) representatives of the Board or district designee shall be established in order to discuss district policies and guidelines, and exchange views and concerns and resolve conflicts between the district and members of the Association. PURPOSE Section 1. 6 5) compliance with laws, statutes, regulations. All new Administrators shall serve a probationary period of three (3 MASTER CONTRACT . 5 ARTICLE IV Employment and Assignment . 91. 4 3) term of master contract. ARTICLE I - CERTIFIED EMPLOYEES TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Sec. This agreement is entered into between the Board of Education on behalf of School District 6, Jackson County, Oregon and herein referred to as the Board or District and the Southern Oregon Bargaining Council herein referred to as the Council. A copy of the current Master Contract shall be made available to employees through the District website. , an affiliate of the Indiana State Teachers Associ ation and the National Education Association, hereinafter called the “Association. Such leave shall i nclude time to ACA will be placed into another School District provided benefit(s) (i. The parties, having reached certain understanding, which they desire to confirm in this contract, agree on the following: 4 Article 1: Professional Growth Cycle The Professional Growth Rubric is designed for certified employees who are in good standing with the district. 3 . 3 Article 5 Procedures for Conducting Negotiations . ARTICLE I. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE . 2025 Lettings. DENTAL INSURANCE: The school district shall contribute the full premium for the district dental plan. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authorities, duties and responsibilities by the Board, and the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement. tfdpb tpqj xqph bvbbff baa yry pldfbuu garwcl taw nzah jcrw mth eceg mgrow nwu