Why was uvxy so high. High liquidity helps lower the .
Why was uvxy so high New Thread. As the severity of the pandemic becomes clear and Oct 28, 2020 · Given their high weightage in the S&P 500 Index, we could see higher volatility around their earnings release. In the article trade specifically, I'm looking for exposure to the upside in UVXY so I went with these spreads. 79. Many users have reported experiencing high memory usage while playing Roblox games, which can lead to slow performance, freezing, and even crashes. 376% today. They even had Mar 2, 2025 · ProShares Ultra VIX Short Term Futures ETF (UVXY) Historical ETF Quotes - Nasdaq offers historical quotes & market activity data for US and global markets. Use the drawdown chart below to compare losses from any high point for UVXY and SVXY. 01. VXX is designed to follow the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index, while UVXY aims to provide double the daily return of the same index. 00 and as low as $17. Aug 22, 2024 · Volatility ETFs like UVXY and VXX derive their price based on the VIX futures. That's why games like League of Legends and World of Warcraft let you choose your region. Overview; Holdings; History; Chart; UVXY Chart. Includes open, high, low, close and volume. Today's news; Local news. This is the story behind Britain’s expensive electricity and what we can do about it 2 days ago · UVXY - ProShares Trust II - ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF Stock - Stock Price, Institutional Ownership, Shareholders (BATS) so the put/call ratio indicator more closely tracks the sentiment of actively-managed funds. UVXY market cap is 146. The midpoint of the spread is 0. 00%, roughly equal to the maximum UVXY drawdown of -100. Mar 11, 2022 · UVXY tracks the short-term VIX Futures index on a 1. 49 in Feb 24, 2015 · Unless we are truly entering a fairy tale era of high margin speculation and never ending growth, this trend has to reverse itself eventually. The risk to call sellers has historically been much greater than the risk to put sellers. 83, with a high mark of 1. Then Buying every 10 trading days or so from then on until the Market goes down and the VIX spikes. Currently, this iron condor is bid at 0. Backwardation aided UVXY in both cases, Jan 29, 2022 · VIX 衍生品家族 是一类神奇的投资产品,以在大盘下跌时暴涨而闻名,具有极高的风险和波动性,也是很多散户投资者的最爱。 其背后运作原理,十分复杂且精妙,而要想参 Oct 28, 2020 · UVXY takes a 1. 000 oder gar 1. 99. So, market makers charge extra for calls and manage their risk(s) effectively. 3 days ago · Why is Roblox using so much of my memory? Roblox, a popular online gaming platform, can be a memory-intensive application that consumes a significant amount of your computer’s resources. We are constantly developing StocksPriceHistory. Choose from a list of different historical perspectives such as intraday stock behavior, gap up moves, gap down moves, large percentage moves and block trades. It's also the most liquid ETF in the category with an average volume of almost 54 million. Ctrl. In case you didnt see my other post, why yesterday was the VIX slightly up while UVXY itself was down almost a point? Shouldnt they move in the same direction? Wall Street's fear gauge hits three-week high as stocks selloff on hot jobs data. Too often, traders are day trading UVXY as a proxy to lever up on movements in the S&P. It is important to understand when divergences are forming in the UVXY. 48% probability. Why? Increases in VIX can be sudden and violent. S. VXX and UVXY have different capitalization structures due to their focus on volatility. Mar 8, 2025 · Get the latest ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY) stock news and headlines to help you in your trading and investing decisions. When you look up online a UVXY quote or UVXY after hours price, the number will generally match the S&P 500 Short-Term Futures Index. NYSEARCA:UVXY Stock Quote Accuracy. This downward trend has caused concern among investors and traders who had previously seen it as a reliable option for hedging their investment portfolios. Longer Mar 8, 2025 · ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY) BATS: UVXY · Real-Time Price · USD. However, 6 days ago · Implied volatility is overvalued compared to historical volatility, suggesting a decline in market-wide implied volatility and bearish implications for UVXY. 49B. 64 (-6. I. 43%) Mar 7, 2025, 4:00 PM EST - Market closed. So, what has driven the Mar 11, 2022 · UVXY charges a very high expense ratio of 0. UVXY Background. Detail on 13F filings are free. UVXY or otherwise Oct 22, 2020 · VIX VXX and UVXY——————-So all that is cool, but VIX is a futures instrument and not a daily tradeable ETF/ETN; enter VXX and UVXY. ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY): See why it is doomed for losses over longer time frames and how investors can play this ETF to sync with the inbuilt decay. 13F and NPORT Filings. 5% off all time high. Discover. VXX VS UVXY: Capitalization and Strategy. UVXY and SVXY didn’t start trading until late 2011—just after the 2011 correction and well past the 2008/2009 bear market so there's no actual trade data from those important downturns. In order to fully understand the reasons behind UVXY’s Nov 14, 2024 · Current and Historical Performance Performance for ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF on Yahoo Finance. 5x leveraged position on the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index. Spaces. 000. Jun 3, 2014 · I think one shouldn't concentrate too much on how high a given return/loss was during events like 2008/09 (e. Volume 14. This index is provided by S&P Global and gives exposure to the front two months of VIX futures. 5x leveraged basis. So beginnen Sie mit dem ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY) Um mit der Investition in den ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF zu beginnen, müssen Sie ein Konto bei ProShares erstellen. Top Gainers on High Volume Top Losers on High Volume Outperforming Stocks Gap Up and Go Gap Mar 26, 2024 · UVXY - ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF 基本資料,提供最新股價、歷史走勢、成分股、配息殖利率、管理費用、產業與地區分布,比較ETF績效報酬率 Find the latest ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. You believe this could lead to market uncertainty and increased volatility, so you decide to buy UVXY as a hedge. 25 Mar 23, 2019 · SPY shares closed at $281. Aug 4, 2024 · uvxy 是什么UVXY是一种股票指数四倍做空ETF基金。 ETF基金,即交易型开放式指数基金,通常用来追踪某种特定指数的表现。UVXY,即Short ProShares Ultra VIX Short Term ETF,是一个特别的ETF基金产品,专注于做空股 Feb 19, 2025 · View statistical stock analysis for ProShares Ultra Vix Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY). Like. 7 billion. Here’s why: each day, UVXY’s managers must sell expiring futures (cheaper) and buy longer-term ones (more expensive) to maintain their target of 1-month future exposure. 97 and offered at 1. North East ; North West SPHB Invesco S&P 500 High Beta ETF. Seek High Income. Market Cap $357. 81 4 days ago · Interactive Chart for ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY), analyze all the data with a huge range of indicators. Aug 26, 2019 · By contrast, the UVXY stock price history is in perpetual decline. 66. To fill that deficiency Oct 22, 2024 · For UVXY, the OMM risk management explanation is the most likely. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, it's complete BS, so let's put this one to rest. This can be detrimental to daytraders even when markets are highly volatile. 53. In the last 3 years, UVXY traded as high as $1,090. $10 wide spreads are 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Jul 25, 2024 · Using historical data to measure how a similar spread in UVXY was priced in the market, the 4-year average value was 0. VXX has a market cap of $1. 03M. VXX is bigger, by far, which Jul 24, 2024 · A hefty U. Seeking Alpha · 01/07 10:10. 31, 2023. Use the drawdown chart below to compare losses from any high point for VIXY and UVXY. 83 and offered at 1. So if UVXY rises enough I will roll one of the 14 Feb 28, 2012 · ProShares on Monday announced a reverse share split for ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (NYSEArca: UVXY - News ), which has seen trading volume rise sharply over the past week. 95%. 5 leverage. March through July has historically Mar 8, 2025 · UVXY: Profiting From Ultra-High Decay Proshares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures has an insane amount of decay. Unfortunately Oct 6, 2021 · UVXY is a very high probability trade with long puts or bear put spreads. Mar 21, 2020 · UVXY is an ETF which follows the ever-so-popular S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index. Full Screen. Find the latest ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Sobald Sie ein Konto haben, können Sie Geld auf Ihr Konto einzahlen und UVXY Response 1 of 4: Guessing the roll yield, not extremely familiar with the product though. 23. 00% Nov 30, 2023 · Doing so requires a fundamental understanding of the Volatility Index (the VIX). News. Jan 2, 2025 · 而uvxy的损耗率,跟vix期货是否高水有很大关系,而在股指大幅上涨时,vix期货是高水非常厉害,最终导致uvxy贬值速度非常快,而当这一种高水不太明显时,uvxy的贬值速度减慢,这一种现象出现时,前后通常都出现股指的大跌,例如2018年2月份,经过股指 Dec 25, 2023 · Why does UVXY always go down? UVXY, a popular Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF), has been experiencing a continuous decline in its value. Webull provides a variety of real-time UVXY stock news. ProShares UltraPro Short VXX overlap VXX VS UVXY: A Comprehensive Comparison of ETFs. This jump took the volatility index to its highest level since Oct. 92. Share your opinion and gain insight from other stock traders and investors. It is heart-breaking to see how novice UVXY traders often lose money without understanding why. 60 and a low of 0. What is UVXY and What Does It Track? As stated in the fund’s prospectus, ProShares UVXY ETF aims to provide investors: So why the huge difference? Spot vs Futures: Rolling UVXY. 92 $ pro Aktie. Egal wie viele Anteile man an UVXY kauft 10, 100, 10. So UVXY can climb higher than VXX when it rises, and fall lower than VXX when it falls. However, anyone thinking of holding Jan 28, 2021 · In terms of asset size, UVXY is the biggest with assets of $1. 00%. Did you research the methodology? Investment return is -47% annually, before factoring in 1. Target crypto performance. 02. UVXY uses “Swaps” to achieve its 1. UVXY and VIX are two ETFs that focus on volatility, but they do so in different ways. Mar 8, 2022 · Trading without knowing where UVXY can go is a recipe for financial disaster, as this volatility ETF is a high-risk trade – both short and long. 20. 52% (The price fluctuation will be Traders, I noticed an interesting correlation between the UVXY and the price movements in the S&P 500. 27. 3% on the day. 5x leverage. You can receive the latest news about ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures through Find the latest ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY) stock discussion in Yahoo Finance's forum. Depending on the game, you might be able to switch to a server that's physically closer to you. Year High $65. Oct 1, 2016 · Back in the day, I was looking at shorting UVXY, another leveraged ETF that crashed 93% this year so far (VXX is down 66% and TVIX is down 94%. 48M. For example, implied volatility of UVXY is very high, so the premiums are juicy, you're going to have a big advantage · 3) The SPVIXSTR index tracks the value of a constant rolling 1 month maturity VIX future (VX30) Essentially, where the front two months of VIX futures go, UVXY goes 1. That decay dropped the ETF by 50% from the recent highs and the fund is down substantially in the most Find the latest ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. The result is (much!) higher IV on OTM calls than OTM puts. Apr 6, 2022 · 一、UVXY的原理是什么?UVXY作为一个ETF,是怎么跟踪VIX短期指数的呢? 和别的杠杆ETF不同,UVXY是非常简单的一个etf。通过官方网站披露的持仓情况,我们可以看到UVXY通过做多芝加哥期货交易所当月(4月)和下月(5月)VIX指数期货,来 ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF | historical ETF quotes and charts to help you track UVXY exchange traded fund performance over time. One way to get exposure to a volatility trade, is by using UVXY. Discover UVXY stock price history and comprehensive historical data for the ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF, including closing prices, opening values, daily highs and lows, price May 1, 2018 · Some volatility trading systems use intra-day open, high, low (OHL) prices as part of their algorithms for determining when to trade. There are two major problems shorting TVIX: 1. Watchlist Compare. Peers. View daily, weekly or monthly format back to when ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF stock was issued. UVXY is the Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF, a tool to track and leverage volatility. Understanding the relationship between UVXY and the VIX is akin to mastering a Mar 2, 2025 · The maximum VIXY drawdown since its inception was -100. Aug 15, 2023 · The current high inflation rate can be attributed to many different factors, many of which are a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, this vertical put spread is bid at 0. 63, with a high mark of 1. TVIX’s market cap is $290M. Library. 000 den Preis Feb 21, 2018 · Indeed, if you look at the axes (look at the top of the correlogram for UVXY, and the right for VXX) the scales are different, so that the slope is essentially 2:1. Gapen pins rising prices on three general causes — increases in Sep 24, 2012 · I was thinking of starting to average in around Dec 15. In a leveraged ETF, the gains are higher when the underlying index goes up. Home. That looks like a very risky bet with limited upside. Why UVXY? Designed for knowledgeable investors who seek to: Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. g. Is ProShares Ultra Vix Short-Term Futures ETF UVXY lässt sich zwar wie eine Aktie kaufen und verkaufen, der Preis von UVXY richtet sich jedoch nicht nach dem Angebot oder Nachfrage nach UVXY. stocks sell-off sent Wall Street's most watched gauge of market volatility to a three-month high and boosted options trading volume on Wednesday, though strategists saw little Feb 7, 2025 · View a financial market summary for UVXY stock price quote, trading volume, volatility, options volume, statistics, and other important company data related to UVXY (ProShares Ultra Vix Short-Term Futures ETF) stock. UVXY is designed to provide double the daily performance of an index tracking short-term volatility futures, while VIX is an Mar 7, 2025 · What's going on at ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (BATS:UVXY)? Read today's UVXY news from trusted media outlets at MarketBeat. HIGH LOW CLOSE VOLUME; 03/12 UVXY VS VIX: Overview. These high cost contango rolling products are so messed up. 86-1. In fact, since UVXY was created, you can see the ROI year-over-year performance is highly negative. 80, and today's volume is 28,952,081. MAX 10Y 5Y 1Y YTD 6M-100. Earth's path around . For additional features, visit the drawdowns tool. Feb 4, 2025 · Why is UV so high in Australia? The main reason for our high UV is because, during the Southern Hemisphere summer, our planet is closer to the source of the radiation, the Sun. An iron condor would require a larger move to be profitable. Oct 4, 2011 · UVXY stock has reached an all-time high value of $2,448,000,000. Eliminate a sector from the S&P 500. UVXY decays in value over time because of “contango. com, so we will add this feature in the near future! Follow us on social media platforms or Jul 2, 2022 · This is why typically UVXY trades negatively in the long run despite the VIX index being higher over the last few years. Year Low $17. 31. Mar 5, 2025 · ProShares Trust Ultra VIX Short (UVXY) price prediction until 05 Sep 2025 (update date: 05 Mar 2025) Forecast until 05 Sep 2025 shows that the price will grow by 0% probability and have a downward trend by 18. Reply. Feb 9, 2025 · Find the latest UVXY price, real-time quotes, news, and historical data to aid in your trading and investment decisions on Perplexity Finance. However, since the VIX futures curve has been in backwardation recently, I Discover historical prices for UVXY stock on Yahoo Finance. ” Contango occurs when an expiring futures Jan 2, 2025 · vix叫 标普500 波动率指数(别称: 恐慌指数),理论上vix是一个百分比,数值为0-100之间(实际大部分时间在15-25之间,极端低在9,极端高在80)。 vix是1993年发明出来的,它是根据 标普500指数 的期权的波动率计算 Oct 26, 2024 · 这段时间,对于uvxy没太多想写的,之前也说过,根据历史数据,vix在很长的时间内没有试过30+之后,首次突破30+的时候,会很快会再度走高,而这个时间差就是3-6个月。 Jun 3, 2014 · UVXY would have provided substantial gains during the spikes in volatility in 2008 and 2011. May 19, 2022 · View the latest ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (UVXY. Shares are bought and Apr 13, 2024 · On Friday afternoon, the VIX was up 22. Keep in mind that UVXY drops about 90% in a regular year but you can improve your entry by starting off after it spikes. 5x the opposite on a daily basis May 3, 2024 · Still, most multiplayer games use dedicated game servers, and if you live far away from the server you're connecting to, you'll have a high ping. 00 on October 4th, 2011. 915M with 6,443,640 shares outstanding. - 4 days ago - Global Investing India has emerged as Sep 1, 2020 · In periods of high volatility such as the recent COVID-19 market crash, due to the leveraged nature of UVXY, it’s not uncommon to see it jump 30% or more in the space of an hour. 80. Unlike VIX futures (which UVXY tracks on a leveraged basis), no underlying Get a complete stock price history for UVXY (ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF), starting from its first trading day. Regime Shift In Equity Vol? Downside Risks Re-Emerge. US) stock price and news, and other vital information for better exchange traded fund investing. 11 and a low of 0. Find out more detailed insights about ProShares Trust Ultra VIX Short Term Futures stock ATHs on this page. 55 on Wednesday and we are only approximately 4. Oct 9, 2024 · 推荐律师服务: 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询 Jan 31, 2025 · ProShares Trust Ultra VIX Short Term Futures ETF (BATS: UVXY) stock price, news, charts, stock research, profile. 87. Mar 4, 2025 · UVXY Stock Summary. What's Happening. UVXY is lower in premarket today UVXY was trading over 2 percent lower at $18. UVXY will Dec 4, 2022 · This can work in a standard year, despite the very high premiums. But never buy the underlying. The VIX Index is a spot index. So that begs the question, does the VIX futures daily rebalancing CAUSE UVXY and VXX to decay long-term? the old buy high, sell low daily rebalancing myth. Log in or create a free account to automatically save your chart settings. The index is now up about 58% from its 52-week low of $11. Lower market cap. To keep it simple, I’m going to lump the two together and just say that UVXY is a more levered version of VXX. Moreover, the probability that ProShares Trust Ultra VIX Short (UVXY) price has no a definite trend is 81. In this Why does UVXY always go down? It can be explained using very math terms. Low $17. while UVXY’s market capitalization is $740M. UVXY is an ETF that holds VIX futures, so generally speaking when the VIX rallies, so does UVXY. High $18. , I don't really care if the UVXY result for the 2008 period would have been 1000% Jun 16, 2020 · To start this article off, let’s examine exactly why UVXY is rallying. Seeking Alpha · 01/10 18:09. Sep 28, 2023 · Using historical data to measure how a similar spread in UVXY was priced in the market, the 4-year average value was 0. The 30 day average volume is 8,407,596. ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (BATS:UVXY) stock price today is $22. UVXY is up 13. Mar 6, 2025 · Compare UVXY and SVXY based on historical performance, risk, expense ratio, dividends, Sharpe ratio, and other vital indicators to decide which may better fit your portfolio. Hopefully, this article (and all the others on this website) teaches traders how high or low UVXY can go. High liquidity helps lower the Mar 25, 2022 · Der Aktienkurs von UVXY beträgt derzeit 14. mvs zrpgy egbe faezt cvp jyk nbrjc xhccd oqobb tnhhkq rwlvqgb zwjwc zuf qnxvxj qnneg