Pathfinder average dpr by level Several classes/builds can top 100 DPR by lvl 10. Sign In; Cart . Level Attribute bonuses: +1 to each, in order, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom by level 16 Size Medium Speed 40 ft. Not even at level 20. There's 4 sets of data. By level 20 your average blast might be as low as 25 average damage or at high as about 80 average. 2 times the DPR at level 4 to 1. 5 Butchering Axe = 65. They took the Sentinel Feat to lock down Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 86 votes and 76 comments Be primalist to pick up superstitious and the beast totem. 88 So at these levels, the difference between the Butchering Axe and Falchion is abundantly clear. This project is intended for users to calculate their DPR (damage per round) for the Pathfinder first edition (1e) Roleplaying Game. Thanks to his levels in fighter he has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls from his weapon training, and I also assumed he had weapon focus and weapon specialization with his trusty blade. And +4 aid other bonus super easy to give as well. ACs in intervals of 5, from 20 to 50. A large contributing factor to this result is that, under 2nd ed, better accuracy directly translates to more frequent critical hits, and critical hits cause double damage. There's the hp for a Cr 1 monster in average, and you normally get a whole bunch of weaker monsters. 2) and an archer magus who used spell combat to cast haste (DPR 52. This is for a play-by-post RPG games, where progress can be very slow -- it often takes 3+ years just to reach Level 5. A sniper making 1 attack will deal 9. If your APL 10, 4 person party is facing a Boss monster, expect it to be around CR 12. Follow edited Feb 4 at 4:11. 00 DPR: 101. BTW not a big 4E Level 8 Crossblooded Orc / Draconic Sorcerer +1 damage per die, 2 if the spell deals fire damage. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. The DM house-ruled an ability for the Moon Druid to Wildshape into swarms, and those did some serious damage! I actually find play style has a lot more to do with DPR than anything. Not exactly stellar. The median AC of a CR=1 monster is 14 in Pathfinder. DPR if any reaction attack occurs as well. They have the highest number of total class feats to pick from in the game as well as getting a couple of interchangeable ones for free as class features. Choose your class Throwing the same numbers together, I also evaluate how important (for the TKer) that stealth and invisibility are, for the obvious +4 (+20%) to hit (+2 and an average +2 from targeting flat-footed instead of base AC) which by level 16 gives you a 95% chance to hit (2+) even without using touch-ac, and gives about roughly a 10% boost to DPR. On average you deal 56 damage. Do you have any problem with a mounted charge build averaging around 40 damage a round at level 1? It seems perfectly legit to me. There will be two DPRs calculated however: "Charging" DPR and "Full Round Action" DPR. However, gunslingers are good at setting up for big damage hits (benefits vs hardness, shields and other resistances), decent chance oneshotting lower level enemies that could support a more bossy one and have more supporting feats. Weekly Digests Weekly News Digest Class and specialization. Any race is open, including whatever variants are available beyond that! Stats are using standard array and with the normal starting items/gold. Beginner Box ; Rulebooks . All News Dungeons & Dragons Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Pathfinder Starfinder Warhammer 2d20 System Year Zero Engine Industry News Reviews Dragon Reflections White Dwarf Reflections Columns Weekly Digests Weekly News Digest Freebies, Sales & Bundles RPG Print News RPG Crowdfunding News The flanker gains +67% dpr. ) assuming I hit or Crit I can do up to an average of B DPR at Level 20. From there BAB keeps up through level 8, and an extra +1 on the weapon can keep you in the running at level 9. 5, d10 = 5. So for one attack he'll still do that damage, and while we're at it let's throw in the duelist dedication I put in here as well. In AV, bosses come up a ton. C. Add paladin dedication to get retributive strike at Excellent work! I've done some analysis based on this. You do need to make all saves, but proper planning have made that a non-issue for me when playing this character. . A human sorcerer with dangerous sorcery hitting 3 targets with force barrage deals 3d4+6 each round for 3 rounds, which is an average DPR of 13 for 3 rounds. 5 levels of whatever (let's say wizard), 10 levels of noble scion. AC +1 natural armor Attack(s): bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4) ; Special Attacks rake (1d4) (in game 1x bite, 4x claw) Special Qualities low-light vision, scent. ) on average (considering hit/crits) I can do an average of C DPR at Level 20. If you're playing Pathfinder 1e there's the mythic adventures but it's not a "after level 20" system, it's a parallel system to make your characters stronger than the typical 1-20 game. PLUS Your "touch power" makes it double as a heal) racial alts, suggested: Scarred & Mage Slayer Attributes Level 1**:** Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied. Two strikes with 1H. Question. Fighter, great pick, power attack. So continuing our example with the Fighter lets assume he takes a level of Cleric. So using this logic, that caster's DPR is 120. A hardcore bard lets the party end it in 1-2 rounds. 05 crit multiplier * 1. 05 * 53 = 10. I intentionally gave the lion the highest numbers Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / Advice / Average Pathfinder First Edition Celebration! Going, Going, Gone! Accessorize Your Game Sale; Subscriptions Hit% = normal chance to hit (no advantage/disadvantage) Crit% = normal chance to crit (no advantage/disadvantage) Save% = normal chance to fail a save DPR = Damage Per Round DPH = average damage on hit DPC = average damage on crit #attacks = number of attacks AC = Armor Class AB = Attack Bonus DS = Die Size Formulas: Assuming your to hit is not at a point where you have to roll a 20 either way or a 1 either way the to hit is equal to a 5% higher chance to do damage so assuming roughly 10 damage per hit and you need a 10 to hit normally and ignoring crits . Assuming 60% hit chance, level 5, Personal Antithesis enabled (you probably need an action to draw your second weapon afterwards). Average 15. Average pf2 fight is 3-5 rounds. When you’re determining a skill DC based on something that has a level, use Table 10–5 to set the DC. At that point, in addition to everything else, I have a cohort of my level. 5, with a standard deviation of plus or minus 1. 5 + . Just to use your example, a Flurry Ranger making 2 attacks at level 1 will deal an average of 8. I set him to level 10, which means his base attack bonus is 10, and his power attack lets him trade 3 attack for 9 damage with two-handed weapons. But depending on how you build your kineticist. s = Precision damage per hit (or other damage that isn't multiplied on a crit). In all cases, the average Damage Per Round was higher for the True Strike routine, ranging from a low of about 1. 5 damage on that first strike. 2d6 + 7 + 3 (average 17 raw damage). DPR if character only spends one action to attack, such a stride, strike, stride. This allows them to gain a new class or increase their level in one of their already taken classes. 38. That's against a 25 AC, the number listed for an equal level high AC enemy in the GMG. 15 hits = 49. 33, but if you divide by the level before averaging, it becomes the average of 100 DPR is extremely low for level 20. So, vs low to average AC. A Human Master Summoner with Augment Summoning and 10 eagles can put out a DPR of 10 (# eagles) * 12/20(hit chance, presuming flanking bonus) * (3*(1d4+2)) (damage) = 81 DPR; if you are against a creature of opposed alignment and can smite, it's 99 DPR. All News Dungeons & Dragons Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Pathfinder Starfinder Warhammer 2d20 System Year Zero Engine Industry News Reviews Dragon Reflections White Dwarf Reflections. 66, or approximately 77. The Kensai archetype for Magus is typically the best choice for dex based builds. 15d6 + 30. Congrats at level 17 you can do a charge with haste as a dragon doing 1 bite (1. 32 Falchion = 58. A high level fighter with a mundane sword is underpowered to the point of being unplayable, and even a spellcaster isn't capable of facing at-level threats without at-level equipment. 5). 5) damage per arrow. Last session our level 9 party fought a level 11 caster. 225. Barbarian with Reckless Abandon/Accurate Stance being an I don't know what ya'll are expecting, but I don't know any character at level 20 that would easily shake off taking 132 points of damage. Second Edition Rulebooks; First Edition Rulebooks; Adventures . Depending on the build, but that's usually around the effective ratio of Power Attack, meaning doesn't really change the (average) DPR - which in turn makes it a bad feat, obviously. 5dpr in contrast however if you do an average of 20 damage per hit . Average damage is assumed. Sacred Weapon will never rival that at those levels. 2 average damage. Total is 1. 5*12=6dpr . Even taking the average over the 10 rounds required to summon the eagles, it's still 40. ) assuming I hit or Crit I can do up to a MAX of A DPR at Level 20. At level 1 your average damage is 15. By level 5, Paladins have skyrocketed to the top, followed by Beserkers, and Rangers. This also provides other benefits, UPDATE: As of 2024/2/12, I do not have time to continue working on this project, but I plan to pick it up in the future. 5str) 2 wings at -5 (1. 55*10=5. For the purpose of which rage powers she can select, her effective barbarian level is equal to 1/2 her character level, but for the To keep things simple, I'll look at the average true 3-round DPR at levels 1,5,11,17, and 20: Level AB Fiendlock (GOOD) CBE+SS Fighter (GREAT) Level 1 4 9 Level 5 20 34 Level 11 33 72 Level 17 52 92 78 Level 20 50 123 113 The fiend warlock is a good standard for damage. Those run the builds at level 10, with elite array (15 point buy equivalent), and standard wealth per level. At high levels quite trivial to give a fighter +8 to hit (synaesthesia, heroism 9, flanking). 4. The Bard was sometimes using a 1A one (on turns when she needed to heal) so let’s say it was a 2A MM on average, so 7. But then after 3 rounds you are out of damage. I assume that's not what you have in mind though. By 6th-7th level that may change as Manyshot enters the picture & as you need to build defences up a bit (& as full BAB becomes more than a +1 attack), but at 3rd they have a total of 4 bonus archery feats including point blank master, 5 if you count flurry as rapid shot. The caster's party has 3 fighters in it, and they're all using a Greatsword. 3. human and elf are both good for magus. 7 on single target in melee. 5 higher at 20th). For this to work the Dual Slice feat from the Dual-Weapon Warrior Archetype would be given for free at level 1. Neither are level 1 domain powers. A tabletop roleplaying game community for everything related to Pathfinder You better add a fractal graph with AC, DPR and hp when you analyze em <3 your real hit and crit rates with the bow are higher than with cantrips against level-average AC. On a normal hit (with power attack), you do between 9 and 14 damage, often dropping the creature. 96 (not great, Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / General Discussion / DPR Olympics - Low level edition : All Messageboards Sorcerers and Wizards are assumed to be casting Mage Armour on themselves to get the +1 AC 1 level ahead of Bracers of Armour Sorcerers and Wizards who are taking Paladin dedication for heavy armour are assumed to invest 1 class feat for expert heavy armour Shields are ignored as well as any other conditional AC bonuses Important observations Turns out at level 8 with similar gear against an AC 25 enemy, an archer fighter (DPR 44. 1, and 18-20/x2 and 20/x4 are an effective x1. Fireballs deals a base of 8d6 + 16 Caster level boosted by spell specialization, 10d6 + 20. The current highest damage blast build uses Fire, wood, earth and air. 30. Max avg dpr = 134. Adventure Path; Standalone level appropriate should be a function of average hitpoints of CR level -2or-3 monsters/enemies. CR + Level + Prof. 20/x2 is an effective x1. Finally, by level 11, Paladins are dominant with only Great Weapon Masters (Barbarians, Fighters) and Beast Masters (if the pet lives long enough) close enough to see the holy warriors. Must have, basically brings the average DPR up into the same range as a flurry bow or swap monter hunter for hunter's aim if you want to be more of a basic DPR source. If only one character is two or more levels ahead, use a party level suitable for the lower-level characters, and adjust the encounters as if there were one additional PC for every 2 levels the higher-level character has beyond the rest of the party. 083, Both Pathfinder games will let you buy level 1 wands for a few hundred gold with 50 charges. The value in DPR of a +1 to hit, a +1 damage, and an additional full-BAB attack will be figured out for each class. That barbarian who can swing for 14 on average is exceptional" sort of group. Adventure Path; Standalone A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Aside from the pathfinder-like expectation of keeping to but for how reliably you crank out crits 1d8 + 1d8 per spell level, doubled for a crit. . At 19 to hit, Acid Splash is 0. Magical lineage lowers metamagic cost by 1, our 4th level fireballs can be empowered. B. Average 40. 306 average DPR. 5str) 3 claws (1. Taking average per level you end up with 86 hit points. 5 damage per target. Even at level 5 the wizard only moves up to 12 average damage, less than half the fighter's two-hit capability, and at that point the fighter has a complete hit advantage (+4 from master proficiency. 2) put a 2 in Focus Level and change Misc +attack to 6 and get DPR 59. The chance of missing at least one attack is just 1-(chance to hit)^(number of So in this specific context, our average Magic Missile DPR was way higher than the martials. And it all doubles on crit. Which notes the median to-hit of CR 1/5/10 beasts as +3/+9/+17. 3 levels of anything/warpriest 17 takes you to 2d6 sacred weapon damage at level 20 which is a loss of 2 damage on average (2d8 is 9 damage on average). PAIZO Pathfinder 1e - Simulation/ DPR Comparison. Hit 1d12+10, average 16. He should hit 55% of the time, so that's (rounded a little) 33 average DPR. The only way you lose out on damage is crits. Level 6 isn't a bad spot to pickup monster warden since you have Speaking in pathfinder terms here, DPR by level damage cap. Most characters don't live that long, most adventures don't last that long, and at some point players want to play different This is a utility to calculate the expected damage for various Pathfinder builds. 1) put a 3 in Focus Level and get DPR 55. When player/character reaches level 2, he is supposed to accumulate 1K GP; at level 3, 2K GP; at level 4, 3K GP; and so on. 5 average damage per turn with no Ki. You do lose out a tiny bit on saves, as Crossblooded level 1 sorcerer will effectively add +0 to your saves, but the average wizard level is like +1/3 fort +1/3 ref +1/2 will so that's not really saying much. 4d12+12+4+3d8 (+20 for silver) averaging to a nice 59. The standard approach to playing Magus is usually to choose a weapon that has an 18 Each character gets a free feat at level 1, provided they qualify for that feat at level 1; All official sources are allowed and can be mixed, but UA is only allowed on a per case basis (so preferably not used), no homebrew; Optimization Goals: Highest average damage per round possible, using Shillelagh A more ideal comparison at base values, assuming your quoted base 20 STR, would be 2d6 + 7 + 2d6 (average 21 raw damage) vs. +1 Raging Barbarians, Sneaking Rogues, and Monks are great at level 1. Then, separately calculate the DPR of your bonus action attack. I plan to present a series of posts looking at damage and action economy of the martial melee classes across levels 1 Strike->Exacting Strike->Certain Strike (if Exacting Strike hits) In first scenarion you have on average 75% chance of Also Gada is really great weapon for raw 2 handed DPR due to backswing giving +1 for Rage: At 3rd level, she gains the rage class feature for a number of rounds per day equal to her Constitution modifier + her character level. If we assume that the tail attacks are You're 1 level behind the normal Wizard spell progression so you'll get level 3 spells, like fireball, at level 6 instead of level 5. 5 average DPR without external buffs I forgot to include the accuracy penalty of Power Attack. 5, while average for the 2d6 unarmed is 7, so the temple sword is still competitive (without even considering the crit range). Rage Power: At 11th level, she gains a rage power. If a monster of this level has similar (high 6, low 2 before bonuses) that would make them some combination of 6/6/2. Dependenty how you build. On hit it's 2d10+4. 15 point buy and distributing 15 points are not the same thing so make sure you understand how to start your ability score. After level 7, the Barbarian remains consistently ahead of the Fighter, at some levels the damage gap is as wide as 37. First strike is 2d8+8, at 0. So if you land Knockdown (with your stats it will be something like a 40% chance on each turn, over 4 turns you will pull this off with a decent frequency). Taking 3 swings at +7/+2/-3 for 1d12 + 5 each is a DPR of 14. However, 5d6 is just an average of 17. Experience Points (XP) are gained when a character defeats monsters, completes quests, passes skill checks, and overcomes challenges. 275. This holds up pretty well most of the game. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. At level 4 when striking runes are added the fighter is doing 4d8+8 compared to 2d4+4, which is 26 average damage compared to 9 average damage. 6 Yeah. 5 for giant, 12. Buy up some wands, use all of the scrolls you find, Average DPR will be calculated. That's lower than the 130-160+ of 20th level offensive martials but way higher than the ~89. View Cart; Help; Pathfinder . From there, BAB keeps up until you hit level 19, but the 19-20 leap is another simple 1-point jump, so you can get another +1. Tory Spelling. Also cleric proficiencies are sad. 5 Select a character you wish to copy and click this tab again. A level 5 monk can make 3 attacks (2 quarterstaff, 1 unarmed) totaling 2d8+1d6+12 for 24. A DPR of 6 per CR is utterly meaningless in that context, giving a false impression that it's somehow less dangerous than the DPR per CR of 21 for a 1/8 CR creature, whose only going to deal 3 hp of damage on a hit. Pathfinder combats are, and should be, extremely short (max 5 rounds). The maximum AC of a CR=1 monster is 18. TLDR: I created a notebook to compare different classes of Pathfinder Characters in terms of damage output for those that look for optimized characters. When I tried to replicate your graph, I couldn't, only showing a slight boost at level 3. Alternatively, using some basic buffs (enlarge person and lead blades for VS and the two you quoted for Chop), we get these figures: 4d6 + 7 + 4d6 (average 35) vs. This should be the same all the way down, 1st Level (4 slots): charm person, mage armor, shield 2nd Level (3 slots): blur, misty step, suggestion 3rd Level (3 slots): counterspell, fly, hypnotic pattern 4th Level (2 slots): confusion, greater invisibility He also has a magic staff that lets him cast the light cantrip, plus color spray 2/day and dimension door 1/day. Ridiculous. Since spells use a 1–10 scale, use the Spell Level column for them. Bottom Left: Removing level from the stats for the stats level directly affects for PCs. 15, but there's actually a tradeoff. Elemental Blast: +29 hit with total damage of 4d6 + 12 (desert winds) + 1 (str) = 27 average damage Aerial Boomerang: 37 DC with total damage of 9d4 + 6 (desert winds) = 22. 55 (or 4. In short: pathfinder mages aren't the battlemages of videogames; if you want those, play a kineticist I've always compared it with the DPR Olympics thread on Paizo forums to get a gauge for a standard build. At 1, 2, and 4 the DPR of regular strikes was higher than what is highest dpr you can get at level 10 with any pathfinder material (not Ref 9, Will 10, DR 5/Magic, 126 hp), a 20 point build with WBL level 10 (62k gp), and all dice rolls at an average (d20 = 10/11/10/11, d12 = 6. Is anyone aware of any resources that show average damage output for a character by level? News. AC 25 6d6+6 (base) +8 (Con) +6 (Power Attack) 41 damage per hit * 1. Members Online. Also, this kind of thought exercise favours unplayable or poorly-suited-for-play builds as you're essentially encouraged to optimize for a single attack in a single encounter and it doesn't matter how impractical or useless that is in I chose this as a starting point because this is when Falchions start to overtake Greatswords in their average DPR as seen below: Greatsword = 58. It actually puts the party up against level +4 monsters at levels 4 and 8. 1 DPR. 55 challenging). 15 hits per full attack vs. Not to mention Spellstrike triggers Attack of Opportunity most of the time making it even more dangerous. What would be the highest possible DPR for different levels as well? Say, 5, 10, 15, and 20. Just make a copy to edit the numbers for Level and Roll to Hit Close Duplicate Fill defenses from level: . At level 1. 1x21, about 23. But that's all they do. If 2 people in your group are built for 35 dpr at level 5, Adding haste easily shoves 65 damage out of the 55 point DPR average thanks to crit effects on DPR. 25 which is exactly what MIB got. 55*20=11dpr as you The usual formula for DPR is: The damage formula is h(d+s)+tchd. 5k on an item, you've gotta be at a decently high level. Plenty guides online to show the standard build specifics. 5 average damage: hit 14-19, crit on 20 0. It looks like you would have a 50% chance of hitting an average CR=1 monster at level 1, while using Power Attack. Second Edition Rulebooks; First Edition Rulebooks; Adventures +6 at level 4 isn't average if you are a character pursuing DPR as your primary combat strategy. The first number is how high I was around the time the chapter started, the second number is my effective level at the final fight of the main quest. 3 * 26. 675 challenging) with critical bonus damage being 3. Player Builds My friend wants to DM for the first time in a while and she wants to run a low-level one When devise a strategem tells you that your attack is a crit, break out both for a (2d12)*2+1d12+1d6 attack, averaging Sign In; Cart . Some classes benefit more from one type of buff over another. Same with level 12. 475 if the target is flat-footed from Covered Reload. At level 7 I calculate paired shot with two dueling pistols to deal 25. 8% of a high save before attributes. By the time you get to a point where you can afford to burn 1. 7x damage. For example at lvl 1 the average skill bonus for a trained skill is somewhere between +4 and +8 so a DC11 challenge is very easy at lvl 8 the average bonus is probably somewhere between +10 and +15 with magic and Masterwork tools available the range might be larger, but a DC23 This can happen at level 3. AC 16, the DPR of 1d12 + 1d6 + 9 is 13. Uncanny Dodge: At 7th level, she gains uncanny dodge. 05 to damage, 19-20/x2 and 20/x3 are an effective x1. X = Character Wealth Gained Every New Level based on WBL. Also, this kind of thought exercise favours unplayable or poorly-suited-for-play builds as you're essentially encouraged to optimize for a single attack in a single encounter and it doesn't matter how impractical or useless that is in If you go through loops, you can get infinite strength on level 1. Unfortunately, it can be hard to judge playability based on online guides since they often look at high level abilities to judge the worthiness of classes and subclasses (This does not apply at early levels, although if you have 18 ac at level 1, that is good (At level 1 opponents average +1 or +2 to hit, We can evidence the above estimate with the Pathfinder 1e Bestiary. And just enjoy dragon pouncing. There is no after level 20. A d6 will "always" do 3. What do you do after level 20? The truth is nothing. At 8th level, a fighters saves are 6/2/2. At every level up you get the average of your class HD rounded-up +1. I play mostly in a "6-9 at level 1 is acceptable. Double Slice with two weapons. A 20th-level kineticist focused on blasting can activate Crowned in Tempest's Fury and attack at +37 (1 higher than most martials) for 5d6+1d12+5 with 2 bonus attacks and agile for a DPR of ~124. 2d6 + 13 + 5 Take a Dragon Barbarian with a Greatsword at level 1, that's 1d12+4+4 (14. Explanation - These columns are the challenge rating, equivalent player level, and then you have to calculate his offensive CR by looking at average DPR and adjust it for "+ to hit" and only then do you get his Average base damage for a 1d8 temple sword is 4. I'm pretty new to 2e and planning my next character. You can start with two and at levels 5 and 9 can add the other two. Multiply it by the chance that at least one of your attacks misses. Use these DCs when a PC needs to Identify a Spell or Recall Knowledge about a creature, attempts to Earn Income by performing a task of a certain A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. I think that fighter is king of melee dpr due to opportunity attacks. These points accumulate over time, and when they reach or surpass a specific value, the character gains a level. Party members who are behind the party level gain double the XP other characters do until they reach the party’s level. (ignoring crits) 2 That the average damage from monster challenge rating scales near-perfect linearly with level is to be expected: hp per monster CR scale linearly by 15 points each level after 1st, until near the very end when it jumps up at level If AC = Touch AC with DR 5, the Light Crossbow is doing 0. EDIT: Critical Builds are welcome, but please show your math, lol. Second strike is 2d8+12, at 0. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. t = Chance to roll a critical threat, expressed as a percentage. 92% the "most ideal" DPR wise is the hobgoblin inflicter (due to race, favored class & the inflect swap. 175 (or 129. Average Damage will factor in the probability of hit on each strike. Take that mister monk and paladin who have high saves. This has no fancy anything. 5*22=11dpr . 5 for fury). Find the level of the subject, and assign the corresponding DC. A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder low-level build ideas . Average 55 damage, 27 on save. Cleric uses a d8 (or 8-sided die) for HD so the average is 4. Then DPR for that plus if any reaction attack triggered. Considering my builds are running at 20 point buy, if I can't get close to that on a combat-focused build, I probably need to average 1. That's approx +183% dpr for those 4 characters that round. 525 damage and making 3 attacks will deal an average of 11. A high level bard can debuff for 3, buff for 3, and give advantage to 4 allied attacks in the same round. Every fresh and new item (in GP value and half-price rule) and GP the player has accumulated adventuring while level 1 is summed up in Level 2 X. BAB keeps up for levels 10-11, level 12 you should be upgrading your belt probably to keep up. Giant instinct barb crit 2d12+20, average 33. There is a huge variation between classes, but not necessarily a huge variation among party compositions. My assumptions are so high because I'm creating a sort of 'unaided . Note that fighter +2 to hit is approx +33% multiplier to its dpr numbers. Power attack comes from bonus dragon feats. EDV (Estimated Damage Value) is an estimate of how much damage your character does in a turn, taking into account things like hit chance and critical hits. Looking at critical hits, increasing your multiplier and increasing your threat range are theoretically equal. 4x damage. If your starting stats are 14/17/14/14/10/8 and you enhance Dexterity at level 4, then at level 5 you would have an attack bonus with Rapid Shot and Bane of +10/10 (+3 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Physical Enhancement, +1 Weapon Focus, +3 Magic, -2 Rapid Shot), and would deal 5d6+2+3 (average 22. Share. 4+ at level 20. However, even after we added back True Target and decreased damage per Strike by -6 with Resistances of 5/10/15 the Non-Hasted PA sequence was only able to get average ~14 DPR lead but only versus enemies Level +3. Perhaps I misunderstood how this is supposed to work?--zerothbase Barbarian gains Weapon Specialization and increases their Rage Bonus at this level for an extra +6 damage. At both 16th and 20th levels, the increased base damage to unarmed is still quite close to the damage of the temple sword plus power attack (only . Duh In this group, the Druid had the highest DPR. 40 x 3 = 120. This is The Glass Cannon Network. There are exceptions, of course, e. He uses a +1 Nodachi, dealing 1d10+16 damage when using Arcane Strike and Inspire Courage +1, for an average damage I tested each of the above builds' average damage per round at levels 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 vs. Take levels of dragon disciple for extra con/str. With flick mace, reach and crit knockdown, you'll get lots of oas. For example, A barbarian with a bastard sword, strength 16 and level 1 with power As I hopefully explained well enough on the document, you can use this to compare different character classes in terms of DPR through varying levels and opponent AC. Reflex saves are surprisingly low at high levels, but it still stands a chance of missing. That is literally a Bard with 16 STR, a non-masterwork weapon, no Weapon Focus, not performing, with no buffs active, flanking bonuses, or advantage of any kind. It depends on your combat strategy and build. a Magus may be able to spike hard but recharging their Spellstrike interrupts their flow and brings down their average DPR turn to The + 5 and extra attack is at level 20, imagine at level 10 the warpriest gets his level Bab and a +4 (3 + fates favored) and an extra attack from divine power. For easy comparison the following weapons were used: Greatsword (for 2h), Longsword(for 1h and TWF), Shortsword (for TWF) We assume all weapons get the best runes for their level, and we only assume normal hits, without crits. By high levels our party was giving solid support to our 2 Pick fighter, who broke 500 dpr a few times at level 20. 1 DPR of a 20th level d6 cantrip. At level 5 this is a pretty good build, by level 12 it is arguably the most powerful in the game, for the simple reason that standing up from prone triggers an AoO. It really varies. You're not wrong. I was referring to the level 10 DPR thread from a while back, the best unbuffed characters topped out at around 60 DPR No thread on Pathfinder can go very long without people complaining about the supposed Bows are really freaking good in Pathfinder and Slayers do a great job at using them. In the first group, the Barbarian's player loves to be effective in combat. Pathfinder is a varied game and often the skill and non combat utilities stuff are where are you getting the 2 additional feats? By level 5 your total normal feat progression + talent progression Against the median AC of a CR 9 enemy (23) that's an average DPR of 79. The damage formula is h(d+s)+tchd. That's your average DPR against the second target. View Cart; Checkout; Help; Pathfinder . At level 1, with a +7 to hit vs. Str 12 Dex 16 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 7 Wis 18 Cha 13, Wis to 23 Posted by u/wminard - 4 votes and 13 comments Welcome! You may be interested in checking out some of the magus guides posted on this pretty comprehensive list of Pathfinder guides of any merit. Sadly Hasted PA could get only around ~10 DPR lead on A tabletop roleplaying game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. The median hit points of a CR=1 is 13. (average party level +2) It should have around a 27 AC, so you need to get your attack modifier to a +16 to have a 50% shot at hitting it. from having so high an attack roll bonus that you're overcapped. At 20th level dealing damage is rather suboptimal and it's instead faster and more efficient to outright shut down or remove the target (from Select a character you wish to copy and click this tab again. That can be a little higher or lower, (16. But fighter taking 2 actions to power attack. You will rarely see everyone playing a vengence Pally at level 4, and First, get the DPR of your Action attacks. First strike is 2d8+12, at 0. I'm still yet to experience the game at higher levels besides what I've seen on stuff like The Rules Lawyer's level 20 boss fight video, but it's easy to see where they're coming from. 3 1 A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. When it comes to DPR you also have to add ina consideration of how long you want that DPR to be. Tables: Top Left: The data LuniasM collected and averaged Top Right: The difference between each stat and that stat at the level before. Average 82 damage, 41 on save. Say all the Fighters hit for 40 damage a swing. Just assume that I dropped everything to focus 100% on the main quest as soon as A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. It is pathetic. A bad white room math dpr will say that a sniper gunslinger will be better dpr in short battles and rangers or fighters (bow) longer battles. Level 8 domain powers on the other hand are great. Fruian Thistlefoot : Mar 7, Battle would offer three feats for free over 12 levels; all of which are better than average for melee combatants. And when you have 2 skill ranks per level you can start feeling useless real fast vs a basically SAD caster in the Kineticist who gets 4 skill ranks a level. That said I don't have any numbers on hand, I can crunch something sloppy on request if you want. g. Average damage is again assumed. As others stated, with an acid flask as a focus, you get 1d3+1 damage, which is a higher average damage per hit than a light crossbow, if we include the (much) higher hitchance, you get an average dpr that beats a heavy crossbow. Look at the average hp for a monster of the right Cr and find your average damage. 5. A warpriest with human favored class bonus gets the same amounts as feats -1 Let's say the caster is level 10. Without accounting for teammates or that it's normally multiple creatures, the fights done in a couple rounds. 784 average DPR and the Heavy Crossbow is doing 1. 5 which is rounded to 5. This should stay roughly the same for each stat. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. At level 3 the best archer is probably a zen archer monk. h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage d = Damage per hit. 5) with an extra 2d8 if the target moves after (totaling 30. I've played (once) with a group who insisted I rebuild my character to stop dragging the group down when they learned that my bard's minimum damage at level 1 was below 15 per swing. 98 times the DPR at level 3. AC: Ref: Fort: Will: Average Damage: 0. Myrrh, Frankincense, and Steel is probably the best one to read. That includes the elephant attacks? 19str +4 Level +10 Magic weapon +3, longsword held in 1 hand Cast magic missile 6 missiles +6d4+6+5 (dangerous sorcery) = 26 Strike d20, +18, damage 5d8+4 (magical striker boosts magic by +1) - a 14 is needed to hit ac 32 average strike damage: 26. D. Columns. ) on average (considering hit/crits) I can do an average of D DPR at Levels 1 to Levels 20. Looking at three monsters all with different weak saves and averaging (so 2 high and one low) results in an average of 4. Hit point wise we have 17+1(level)+2 belt =20 con. It would calculate DPR against average AC for level appropriate enemies, From the dark streets of Duskvol to the mind-melting horror of Call of Cthulhu and all the Pathfinder lore you can stomach. Though on the following turns, if the magus casts snowball and actually uses spellstrike that gets up to around 75. But the jist is magical lineage trait (shocking grasp), weapon finesse,dervish dance and intensified spell at level 5. By level 8 you would have an extra Magus is often considered one of the weaker classes because it has a very strict action rotation and without Spellstrike, it does below average dpr. Fighter hits often and does good dpr and can nova very hard sometimes. A level 6 bladesinger with booming blade and a rapier can do 3d8+8 (21. Here is a breakdown of average monster stats by CR. An animal companion that's the same level as you would also increase DPR from lunar. The Wealth By Level is how much money the character should have at their level, in order to be balanced against at-level threats. Multiclassing is allowed, as are common, uncommon, and rare magic items. 5, d8 the d20 should be a percentage chance to hit target ac to figure out the average DPR. should be level 10. 2 average damage and paired shot with repeating have crossbows to deal 19. 0) loses to an archer barbarian (DPR 46. So already at level 1 the 3-strike activity is higher. Here were the weapon loadouts: Fighter, Ranger, Barbarian 1 : longsword + shortsword So if you do 5 DPR at level 1, 8 at level 2, and 24 at level three, currently that would average to 12. DPR for just standing there and making all 3+ attacks. That cohort will be a noble scion, and as 10th level noble scion, he gets a cohort of his level. 125 damage, or 11. If you go through loops, you can get infinite strength on level 1. 1 - 40 2 - 60 3 - 70 4 - 80 5 - 110 6 - 140 7 - 155 8 - 170 9 - 185 10 - 200 11 - 220 12 - 240 Thanks for the answer. 94, easily verified on anydice. On average, they’re pretty much equivalent. 5) average damage at +7 to hit. Suffered bad luck, and were some dubious tactical decisions, but overall showed just how ineffectual our While I've seen a lot of DPR contests for level 10 and up, Average DPR vs the Dire Ape: (AC15, 30HP) 1 shot = 13. An average of 45 extra force damage, for no action giving a free, guaranteed, 4 DPR (5 next The DPR Olympics demonstrated how varied characters could be and the ac/ damage they could give In an average campaign, 20 + level is a good score to shoot for that will get you through most fights. Any non flanking allies gain +34% dpr. (not in game) 7TH-LEVEL ADVANCEMENT Size Large DPR Average: 20 Adjusted DPR with +5 to hit vs AC15 (55%) = 11 adjusted DPR *Strength adds to hit and to damage of both attacks so you have to choose between 14 wisdom and 16 constitution so you ether have 1 use of War Priest and 11 What Amount of Damage SHOULD an average 4 person party be able to output per round? EDIT: LEVEL 4 Don't worry about the exact party make up - an average, hypothetical party. 5 average damage Originally, I thought the best strategy for single target damage would be Elemental Blast > Air Boomerang, but now I am second guessing myself. But I Optimized DPR at 20th level is 0. 5str) 1 tail at -5. the average crit damage of a longbow at level 1 is actually lower than a hatchet with 18str unless you at least get a +1 from something like a I made a spreadsheet to calculate average DPR between melee and ranged rangers and at +7 to A. You could say that the DPR of a caster is the sum of all those additional attack, as they wouldn't have that attack normally. By fight end, 4 of the 5 party members were down and dying 2 or 3. Average lvl +10 is easy +15 is average +20 is hard. Seeing as your DPR can be calculated as (d + s)h + dhct d = average damage s = damage not multiplied on a crit h = chance to hit as a % c = crit multiplier -1 t = chance to confirm crit as % Your accuracy or "reliability" actually has a very real and large impact on your average DPR. If you crit you're doing 5d12+8 damage. Average for Cr 12 creatures is 160. Obviously the average DPR of 3A Magic Missile was 10. That's your DPR against the first target. One at level 1, 2 at level 10, potentially 3 at level 16. Clerics are super MAD and need Wis,Con,Cha,Str,Dex, and int. 21, Light Xbow is 0. 5 Average DPR for example. Sign In; Cart (48 items) .
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