Unemployed economics major reddit

Unemployed economics major reddit

in 2017 with a major in Economics. Our goal is to help navigate and share challenges of the industry and strategies to be successful . unemployed economics major. im currently working as financial analyst (econ major) marsexpresshydra. The unemployment rate for actuaries is usually near zero and it's somewhat easy to get to six figures after college, depending on the tests you pass. 4 per cent (for comparison for men 25 years and older that is 3. In 2009 it was 10%. Per the title, I'm 26 and graduated in May 2018 with a BA in Economics (I flipped-flopped between that, history, math, and political science). I don't know how creative you want to be, what exactly you mean by creative, or do you just need to creative adjacent. Yes, but at least you can use a graph to explain why. Law classes may give you a leg up because it gives you familiarity with legal reasoning, but its much, much more about understanding and thinking. In my field (real estate) John Burns Real Estate Definitely keeps me entertained! First job was a Market Research Analyst as a not for profit in the financial services/life insurance space. Hard doesn’t mean impossible. Add more details about your "Additional Experience". Not to knock business majors but if you want to get the most out of your education, go with econ. d. Make yourself valuable. 3% and 3. Com (H) peeps pursuing more courses like CA or ACCA. The unemployment rate remains unchanged year-over-year at 6. I graduated and then my friend dad needed help with his company the whole summer and after that I’ve just been working in retail. As usual, the headline is very misleading. Economics is the study of human behavior and the rationing of limited resources while having unlimited wants. Bachelor's Degree, Unemployed For Years, Zero Work Experience, Stuck. Structural unemployment occurs for a number of reasons, such as a mismatch in the skills that workers have versus those in demand with employers or geographical differences. I went into consulting with an Econ degree and a shotgun approach to applications. Although a quant job usually requires a Master's or PhD in CS. Look for recruiting firms, and they can help you find contract work. You want to go to grad school to become an economist. Currently, there are still about 6 million people actively looking for I think economics is a very marketable degree but some technical skills would be enormously valuable. Com. China is their major sells market. This is what Powell (and the markets) want to see and will hopefully boost the likelihood of rate cuts. The closest I came was for a remote position in an international company as a customer service consultant but that didn't work out either. Political science is the scientific study of politics. You should focus on engineering roles that build off your experience and maybe have exposure to the business side. 205 votes, 126 comments. One worked for Harvard's endowment after college, and now is a consultant. Learned a lot off free code camps full database course for beginners. Still Unemployed after Graduating 1 Year Ago. 4 million workers filed for unemployment last week, which means 38. If you do econ, you can be an EXTREMELY valuable candidate if you minor/double in comp sci, mathematics, or statistics. I've mostly been working retail or something low level since graduating and I've been feeling down on Piece together the major freelance jobs you've done into a coherent timeline for your resume to explain the gap in your employment. In the past, I have worked as a Financial Analyst (3 month contract), Data Specialist (3 month contract r/PersonalFinanceCanada. If you want to go abroad, technical roles or medical are better. Some of my friends from school are biochemistry majors, finance, etc. I graduated a year ago with a degree in business admin with a concentration in business econ. Here we go, I did everything you're suppose to do. See Rortybomb's discussion of a paper by Raj Chetty: flavorless_beef. An economics degree should give you the training to be able to apply solid analytical frameworks to problems. I'm just kidding, I've seen a lot of econ majors move into the logistics and purchasing field in my industry. Employers LOVE to see economics courses taken (either Minor or Major) BUT I agree if only a Bachelors Degree have some business courses mixed in with it. This is why you see B. Hackathon) submissions, charity work etc. The jobless rate for 16-to-24 year olds hit 20. I majored in economics and am currently unemployed. They’ve been posting stuff on our graduating year’s facebook page calling for a socialist reform because they can’t find a nice six figure salary. 24, unemployed, useless degree, no skills, no idea what jobs to look for, totally lost. Every entry-level job I've applied to has also required 2-5 years of experience. I had a terrible gpa at 2. In the job market experience and connections are more important than your major anyway. I’ve been trying to ask this question too and I’ll say that from what I read- economics doesn’t actually give you an edge in the job The official unemployment rate is inexplicably steady—or “suspiciously stable,” as economists Shuaizhang Feng, Yingyao Hu, and Robert Moffitt put it in a 2017 research article. People like to think Econ is a Finance degree's little brother. • 2 yr. I am so fucking tired of being unemployed. I graduated from a top 40-50 school in the U. My two cents would be that finance trumps economics for this reason. AvailableHalf3. 83 Major GPA 3. data analysis jobs/supply chain jobs and other jobs which require modeling, Econ degrees will have great value if you beef up on math. Humanities and Arts majors have no one to blame for their unemployment but themselves. If you're looking for mathematically intensive economics, I think UBC is a safe bet. I want to become an analyst so I decided to learn sql. If I'd go back to uni I'd pick theoretical econ, Econ policy or regulation. Understanding those relationships is very beneficial. I've been applying for jobs for over a year now after finishing my commerce degree from a uni in toronto. (H) and Econ (H) get the same placements. 5 and Ive been struggling since then to get a job related to my major. But neither Konczal or Zandi see this as cause for alarm. Yes, unemployment benefits increase the duration of unemployment, but this is due to two different effects: a liquidity effect (which most people consider good) and a work disincentive effect. Granted it’s a liberal arts degree, but it shouldn’t be this difficult to find a job. • 15 hr. Or you can apply to masters in data science or even a master's in economics and get a data analysis/science job CMV: Studying economics is worthless. As for specialization, a BA is fine - no one will think less if your Reddit's largest economics community. I graduated from a top Ivy League college with a 3. ) From my limited experience, it appears that Econ majors have a lot of options in terms of types of careers. Also financial economics still has stats units like financial econometrics so you’ll still get stats knowledge and it will be more tailored to your degree. Competition economics consultant. I would say the UBC economics curriculum is pretty rigorous. Core prices, which excludes food prices and energy, rose 0. Econ at oxford not worth the fees tbh. Your mandarin doesn't have to be great to get a job in international relations in hk but it helps a lot. Major in Accounting, Marketing, Business Analytics, or whatever you're interested in. Strong but softening growth. 9%. You will need 1-2 yrs experience so i suggest getting an internship while you study there. Since you are CS, put the languages and technologies at the top. 3M subscribers in the Economics community. Unemployment. •. I don’t really know if I can rewind my decision for my minor but oh well. economics Vs economics and management. 4 million, also little changed Reddit's largest economics community. 7%, little changed over last 12 months Part-time employed for economic reasons at 4. She also has skills in programming and data analysis. g. I'm stuck at a dead end job that doesn't compliment my degree. You need to have something that stands out on your resume. You have time to work on your career. econ is versatile, from finance to consulting to project management to HR. Try Asia society, Amcham, us consulate local hire positions. I studied hard in high school, went to the best university in the state. 4% (+90,500) from June 2022 to June 2023. It’s okay to feel lost, just don’t give up, and take action to change your life. I have an MA in anthropology and work as an Instructional Design Manager for a large clean energy company. If you're interested in getting into the Finance/investment industry in a tech role you'd still be able to do that without the economics major. Preface: I’ve read through a lot of the faq An economics degree is enough to land a job in finance, but as others said competition is fierce. They can't agree on the important things; They put a lot of effort into convincing everybody that their econometric models are going to solve unemployment and other important problems while all they seem to actually do is benefit the powerful business men. As the title says, I am 26 years old with a bachelors in Economics (minor in Mathematics) and I am unemployed and broke. I am tired of living because I can't find the right career. Luckily, I got a few scholarships to cover some of the costs, but also got a few loans because "hey whats a few hundred a month, when you're making 43k a year" (average In the process, build a portfolio of your efforts, including personal projects, open source contributions, competition (e. 2% in October, keeping the increase for the year at 4%. Econ (H) people usually try CFA, FRM, Actuaries, but thats going to be less than 20% of the kids. Terrible career path. At some point something will stick. Econometrics will prepare you for a job. 750 applications, 100 coffee chats, referrals, everything and I have gotten 1 interviews that led to 0 offers. The only time someone really “needs” an economics degree is if they are going to go to grad school for economics. Thats 4. Going on 6 months underemployed after college, I feel horrible. Com (H) have a less academically-intensive syllabus. Depends what you want. I’m a second year in college and I’m currently an Econ major with a communications minor. DonSalaam. Good luck to you. They will tear it apart, but they will help you land WHATEVER job you're going for. Contraction is comming. ( Timing played some role in her not getting a job immediately in May 2020 at the height of the pandemic fears and closures. wordofmouthrevisited. P-Diddle356. I think the boring, statistical answer that people often lose sight of is that the US labor market is very large so even during close to historically low unemployment it's very likely that there are a lot of people struggling to find work. Perhaps financial economics would be better because the units sync better with the finance major. On the other hand, this was 7 years ago. Graduate econ does not look like undergraduate econ and the biggest reason people struggle in graduate programs is that they can’t handle all the proofs. I haven't been able to find a job. 37% of its degree holders experiencing unemployment in early career. Unemployment is often used as a measure of the health of the economy. 2. Reply. Unemployed? - Just keep applying and keep your head up I’m actually in your spot sort of. CSCareerQuestions is a community for those who are in the process of entering or are already part of the computer science field. Hello, I am currently a second year economics student and I hope to be able to do a 4 year honnors degree in economics but I am unable to get through calculus 2 and I was just wondering if anyone had any if having a 4 year degree in politics science or sociology with an economics minor would hurt my job opportunities German unemployment seen rising to highest level in almost a decade. just moved HOU_Civil_Econ. Not for lack of applying, but I've never had a job. I have no internship experience and bad grades. In that time, the overall unemployment rate for college graduates has dropped quite a bit on average, which could have improved the situation for poli sci majors. Hello, thank you for posting to r/Jobs!. A couple of friends from college work in banking and others are all types of analysts (budget, market research, etc. kweentato. I TAed for a few undergrad courses last year and they seemed years beyond the same material I saw in my undergrad at Waterloo. Gues what: Germsns did not sell their electric vehicles in China well. Econ Major who minored in stats, w/ an emphasis in business. My hope is to save up enough money to be able to get certified as a high school teacher. lots of opportunities. Roughly 12 million more graduates to hit job market in 2023. 4 percent, is higher than the overall joblessness rate and nearly double the rate for all workers with a college degree, according to an analysis by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. CS majors were told it was easy after college but ask the average person on Reddit and they’d have applied to 50-400 jobs before getting an offer. No. US economy adds 175k jobs in April, falling short of expectations. This change now puts me back into the labor force, as an unemployed individual, but I am now "in the labor force. Long story short we all make about the same. Medical School requires a year of Biology and two years of Chemistry, so you see a fair number of Biology and/or Chemistry majors with this plan. I have a BS in statistics and a BS in economics. I'd also recommend volunteer work not only to fill in that gap while you look for work, but to form connections (other volunteers you converse with might be able to give you a few leads). 1 pc while for college graduates this is 2. Award. 6%. I thought I would have found that perfect career by now. " Everyone else goes thinking it'll make them more employable. Once you can program competently in a language which is in demand you should start applying for relevant jobs to acquire commercial experience. Under that, put a "personal statement", but don't label it. Smart kids do it because they want to interrogate the approaches of society's great intellects. Even then, plenty of statisticians and physicists find their way into econ departments. For example, Business Analyst roles. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Since I graduated I have been working a minimum wage job. You're only 27. 1 pc. 4. We have written rules to support this aim and welcome those who want to learn and those who want to contribute. The reason why they are unemployed is not the lack of jobs, but their lack of basic skills. OrangeMonad. " Sadly not so much. It can also occur when something holds wages above the equilibrium (a minimum wage that is too high Almost 25 and unemployed. Theoretical economics will prepare you for being a leader and work in politics for example. I feel like a failure. Even if you don’t do finance, a solid econometrics background will allow you to get other jobs with a quantitative analysis focus. 9 gpa two years ago, but I haven’t been able to land a job since. 3. It's a good way to get experience, and if the company ends up liking you after your contract ends, they might give you a full-time job. You have to pass a series of tests (outside of college). 4% better employment rate than English majors; "language and drama education" is a slightly more employable major than microbiology, and petroleum engineering, yet again, is the most profitable major. Average Salary rates and unemployment rates for various College Majors; Nursing and Finance are good fields, while clinical psychology has the highest unemployment at 19. Also, graduating with an undergraduate degree in economics pretty much won't get you a job as an economist anyways, that's usually for people with MA's and PhD's. It's actually the other way around. No experience is hard, but keep putting out resumes and learn how to properly apply to these agencies and you'll get in eventually Also, interesting facts about the data: humanities majors are more employable than military technology majors; economics majors have a 0. Only trust fund babies go to college for the, "experience. I learned more useful data techniques in the 15 credits of Econ classes that were data adjacent, than in the 40ish credits of stats classes that I took. A more useful gauge for selecting a college major would only include unemployment rates for recent college grads. 39% A place for sixth formers to speak to others about work, A-levels, results, problems in education and general sixth form life, as well as university applications and UCAS. Sometimes it's grey. Im also working on a coursera certification in front end web development which will give me experience in languages like CSS HTML and JavaScript. The more hard skills the degree requires, the more solid of starting opportunities you'll have. Reply reply. Do a data science bootcamp, or learn Python/R and SQL and make some data projects and apply for jobs with a portfolio (the most cost-effective option). Focus on building your work ethic, industry skills, resume, and industry connections while in college; the last one being the most important for landing the job you want out of college. 3 pc and for women aged 20–24 that is 5. That prepares you for a leadership role. " Economics Major vs Minor. A lot of people from my graduating class have been very upset about being unemployed. 2%. The disposable income of households has not increased at a rate which is high enough to create general inflation. Minor in something useful and relevant to your goals. "Employment in the Toronto economic region increased by 2. But you'll also be WAY more marketable. China’s record high youth unemployment rate may climb further in the months to come, a warning sign that will pressure policymakers to take action. The typical answer for "Jobs for Economics Major (undergrad) who isn't interested in Finance" is "analyst" that is not a "financial analyst". List your accomplishments rather than job duties. A cool guide of … college majors with the highest unemployment rates in the US. If you do major in History, be realistic about your options outside of teaching. Surprised to see my own major of Anthropology is not here. 3 million, also little changed Those unemployed currently seeking a job at 5. 6 million Americans – about 23. It deals with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Graduated in Dec ‘12 with a B. Business climate in other countries are vastly different from ours. So sorry, Aerospace Engineers. You can do many many things with the degree, and it’s got hefty reputation behind its back. Economics is often quite broad and theoretical, and it's important to specialize and gain hard skills to land a good job in business. For example, Soil Science, ranked 1st, has the lowest overall unemployment rate of just 0. Was never taught in school. Most econ PhD programs heavily weight math. To my economics majors what are you guys doing now and what jobs did you work fresh out of college. Yes it’s a great choice. They require coding and math, but there is no specific degree requirement. This year the electric vehicles sold more in china than petrol cars. Graduate-level economics is extremely math-heavy, so just major in Math They ended up being account managers, consultants, and/or working in finance. Economics major, trouble finding a job So I graduated last May, and I didn’t have time to find a internship since I was taking so many classes just to graduate on time. The latest unemployment rate for recent graduates, at 4. Took a job as a financial systems consultant making 55+ bonus, which ended up at about ~65. 3% in November, up slightly from 0. On the flip side, the interest rates hikes are working. It’s hard to get a “good job” within a certain timespan of graduating. Yeah, you'll graduate a year later. I have to fight off depression every day, I feel so useless. Econ is great for most finance jobs but it’s broad and general knowledge. Soil Science: 0. Guess what. 6% too. edit: In light of that, I'd like a list that accounts for underemployment as well. I currently work in management consulting (Mergers and Acquisitions) and have many coworkers with Econ degrees. 4% of the workforce – have lost their jobs over the last 9 weeks as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the economy. 5% graphicsweb upvotes · comments Thing is, any reasonable employer who has an applicant with a philosophy degree should realise that this person is smart enough to accomplish that and has likely sound logic/reasoning skills. You’re probably better off choosing between econometrics and financial economics. Unemployed_540. Im going to tell you the dirty little secret about law - anyone, with any major, is allowed to take the LSAT and go to law school. Same boat as you dude, except for one thing, I’m 10 years older. In 2018, the rate had gone below 4% and the last time this had happened was 2008, before the recession. But B. 5. My goal is research, so I minored in statistics. 0% unemployment, which compares to the overall unemployment rate of 3. Do some networking too, that’s all you can do. I'm starting to think at this point that getting a better job will never happen. Reddit's largest economics community. ADMIN MOD. More important than the degree, get any and all experience you can ASAP. The rate described as "getting even worse" is 4. IMHO unemployment rates should be factored into a school's worthiness to receive federal funding. Unemployed, Ivy League Grad, and Always Angry. 2 million, little changed Labor participation rate unchanged at 62. This also marks the longest stretch of <4% unemployment in US history. Someone close to me graduated in 2020 magna cum laude with an economics major from the University of Houston and has yet to find a job. 7 pc); within persons above the age of 25, high school graduates have seasonally adjusted unemployment at 4. Write a resume and submit it to r/resume for critique. Protip: Econ grad programs hardly care if you know anything about economics or economic theory. From your bachelors you will know alittle about a lot and but not a lot about alittle. Jun 11, 2024 ยท Unemployment is a phenomenon that occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. A little backstory, I'm an engineer Actuaries are the people at insurance companies who set the rates. S, in Econ, concentration of Financial Econometrics. Hello all, Let me first say any help would be greatly appreciated. The economic impact of the pandemic is staggering. • 1 yr. You should be applying to 10+ a day. Other ideas include obtaining certifications for relevant interests. Aim for medical school. “In aggregate, there’s still a lot of strong savings and strong spending,” Konczal said. ago. 4% last month, nearly four times the national rate, data from the National Bureau of I graduated with an economics degree from Stellenbosch. I would actually suggest majoring in math and minoring in econ, or double majoring if you can. 1%. 5 years later, I’ve made one company change in the same field, albeit the industry I consult for is mostly power. Long-term unemployed at 1. men between the ages of 20 and 24 have an unemployment rate of 8. Unemployed Computer Science major with no experience I have taken Python and am working on a Java course right now on algorithms/data structures concepts. History majors and Social Studies teachers are a dime a dozen. This interrupts the virtuous cycle that would normally be occurring with low unemployment, and its one of the major reasons why wage growth has not responded to decreased unemployment in the way that it has in the past. The participation rate also remains unchanged, at 68. 37%; Miscellaneous Agriculture: 0. Otherwise, if you do want to utilize your econ degree, you have a couple options. 4% rate is fairly low still. Even if/when the number of jobs come back these people will still not be employed because basic Maths and English is beyond them, let alone being able to act in a professional manner. . From 2002 to 2017, for example, unemployment hovered within a very narrow band between 4. Data analyst for the gov but now I'm in grad school. If I had to do it again, I would still major in it, but I would go for my Ph. The ones who studied mathematical economics likely turn out fine, whereas the majors focused on theory likely end up having a harder time entering the job market. My statistics minor was almost more work than the entirety of my sociology classes as we had to solve problems by hand and on multiple computer programs. The latest numbers on unemployment claims came out this morning: 2. • 14 hr. I’ve applied to hundreds upon hundreds of entry-level jobs Be kind and supportive - no hate or judgement allowed here. I would recommend double majoring and getting the CS major instead of a minor. The other works as an Oil Analyst tracking offshore production. The major can be applied to a vast number of fields and specific jobs. In the mean time, just get a job and work it for income and benefits. Government is likely the strongest field and bugger higher of BS’s in economics or that have jobs which will adequately allow your skills learned in the degree to transfer to a position. Get an engineering degree. Business undergrads are good if you want to go into a financial analyst position or doing With that said, economics is a valuable degree for finance if the university you are looking at offers a solid econometrics and finance modules. 27 unemployed and regretting what I majored in. S. If too many of their former students are unemployed a school really isn't doing its job properly. These degrees involve a lot of science and can keep your options open for graduate/professional/PhD education. Mundane-Television38. On the other hand, Clinical Psychology, ranked last, has about 9% of degree recipients unemployed. The A lot of international organizations have offices in HK. I graduated from my undergrad in economics dec 2020 when I was 23 and now I’m going to be turning 25 at the end of April. 6. A subreddit to discuss political science. Nowadays it seems that economist are clueless. On the one hand, a report said in 2011, political science had one of the highest unemployment rates for new college grads, at 11. Regarding your resume: do not list that any of your positions were unpaid. A good resume is an interview in your hand. If your son goes to a fairly prestigious college and gets good grades, an Economics degree will be very marketable. I'm applying to economics and management at Oxford but my other options offer both economics and management and pure economics, I'm Business, Economics, and Finance Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I feel pretty confident in what I learned. 1. It's why you almost can't be unemployed with an accounting degree. I guess this is more of a rant. Being an "economist" isn't the only thing you can "be" if you're a major in economics. I’m unemployed and if I’m being honest I probably could have tried harder applying for jobs but severe depression got the best of me this past year. It depends on what your end goal is really, but I would recommend concentrating on CS. Prepare for more ! Germany is car industry dependent. We just wanted to let you know that we have a new discord server, come join the chat!. As a minor, or perhaps second major, I would look at either math or computer science. In 80% of the cases, B. Funnily enough, we also have a Skills Shortage. In 2010 it was 5. Again, you want to have the tangible skills. However, afaik it is slightly less quantitatively demanding than economics degrees elsewhere. MembersOnline. Serving as a central forum for users to read, discuss, and learn more about topics related to the economic discipline. yaboi456767. 2016 was at 5. Serving as a central forum for users to… ADMIN MOD. However, I now have a degree for my time, but wish to continue my education, therefore I am looking for a part time job while still attending school. Now working in private wealth management as a financial analyst. For every unemployed biochem major, there are probably a handful making less than $25k/year (in fact, that applies to almost everyone I graduated with). 08 Psych minor GPA Took me 7 years to complete my 4-year degree No internships, or relevant [to economics] job experience Have been working restaurant jobs for the past 5 years; mostly serving, but also started bartending a year ago Currently making about $20,000/year This is a stereotypical "bad" unemployment, and we want this to be zero. Then right now work for a Fortune 100 company as a data analyst in Internal Audit. Stupid kids don't do philosophy to get an easy degree. 32. ua vl bf ek ow qh sb vg er hj