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Tattle life just julie

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  • She’s doing more spending and pronouncing huge as hooge in every video (literally). most liked thread title: MJx Recap: Laura continues to show us dresses from the front AND THE FRONT ONLY. Even her wife's tiktok, a lot is based around Camillas body. Like he actually literally slayed. Brenda is a producer and got that lady on the podcast and she didn't get a word in edgeways. 4. I just cant believe a word Julie says. Nov 16, 2021 · Julie is a makeup artist and influencer from Limavady, Northern Ireland. The Sullivan Family #26 Unemployed Ben won’t get a job, because he’s a lazy slob. Apr 20, 2022 · Apr 20, 2022. Jun 16, 2020 · The little twins always seem to be ill with a bad coughs, colds etc to the point of sometimes needing hospitalised but I have noticed they are always around her Dad who I know doesn’t keep well himself, but he is always smoking indoors which won’t help the poor wee ones coughs- just one thing that puts me off. Apr 3, 2024 · Those twins are the worst examples of brats I’ve ever seen. Girly Inspo, digg mama, serenity ten, just julie all bloody doses, the list just gets longer by the day as they get more annoying by the day!! Shape of girly Inspo at the primark event, thinks she a clothes icon, stuff looks crap but suitable for all the insta huns. Recap includes but isn't limited to: Mar 30, 2024 · Wonder how long it’ll take to get to Cornwall with the amount of times they’ll have to stop for Julie for coffee and a fag? or stop to take atticus to the ladies toilet, cut up his food for him, buy gallons of milk from costa for him and for him to recite more facts about motorways and service stations. 10 missing members' lives are a sure sign that they give zero damns about their paying Subs. If anyone wants to be included in the ex member/employee count of ‘disgruntleds’ we counted up to 49 in previous thread. C. Your first Will is free. Jesus Christ, so thirsty. He paid for it, he can clean it, leave it like a pigsty (aka just like Julie’s dump of a hap house), have whatever furniture he wants and for sure put his bloody PlayStation in whatever bleeping room he wants. Purplepixie99 said: Oooft noodle head James just said in Cher's box 'you look nice today If you pap John out I'll pump you tonight' John started going off his nut at him. 21. Theodore said: She’s banking around £2000 per month from Patreon subscribers judging by how many she’s sold for each tier. He’s fresher looking than Elaine. Travel Trolls TV #4 No more travel in their pee stained van! Dec 16, 2021 · Oh God, I’m giddy at the thought of others joining us in this train wreck. We know your game Jools! Atticus interrupting is cringeworthy! Teach the kid that he doesn’t always have to be heard before someone at high school tells him in a less than kind way. May 25, 2024 · New Zealand Influencers #49. Apr 16, 2020 · Julie is a makeup artist and influencer from Limavady, Northern Ireland. www. Julie was definitely out on benefits and I don’t think there in a council house anymore so it was full rate. 6. 0. Jan 21, 2024 · On the other she makes it clear she hates mothers and says she didn't want kids because they disrupt your life so much. We await her making the link between her mental health and her job. Thanks to @AdApathy for the winning suggestion. Just Jess Boujee Bakery, cares more about taking selfies than she does about food hygiene or attention to detail. Oct 23, 2023. this is so funny, all Julie does is pro. Julie always reminds me of someone who suffers Jun 16, 2020 · He’s very tall & well built and a smart dresser, he’d definitely catch your eye if you saw him out and about. Maybe her vlog was scheduled as I have no idea how this works but surely she could have stopped it. Do be sure to watch ANY of their hotel stays where Dawn gives you the MOST detailed tours…. There is 2 photos on their whole page of them actually wearing the same outfit. At least once per page the Nuby Rapid Cool will be mentioned. It's just giving. He may have just done the same. J. Where they immersed themselves in the Spanish Mar 29, 2024 · LegallyBlonde1. Feel free to create a better recap. . Likes to think of herself as a weightloss guru while fleecing her subs into buying WL charts and calorie controlled plans ,she's stacking up the pounds both in weight and money while her subs are losing theirs (money)! View most liked Jane Gammons posts on tattle. Sadsuzi. She's just somebody who was in the right place at the right time when cosmetics company's were throwing money to be "insta worthy". She is so jealous of saffron’s parents as they have money and she doesn’t. 51. Cornwall tips exactly as expected then, stating the obvious for anyone who's ever left the house in the UK weather in their lives. Jun 3, 2024 · Pregnancy Off Topic #2 Changing lives one Rapid Cool at a time. Why does she keep buying them FFS. She is talking through all of her cleaning products and Atticus is constantly talking over her or talking in the background, it's so annoying, does it the whole time! I actually don't mind her channel, very raw and old school, but it's so irritating to hear. May 10, 2022 · I completely agree with this. It’s already directed at her and going to get worse. Guys. May 9, 2024. Aug 1, 2021 · JustJulie_D #6 Free teeth and gifted stays, someone tell Jules to put her bum cheeks away. Hilarious Sandra In the city is sharing about how sad the story is of the podcast yet Julie was in threatening to choke a lady with her pearl necklace a few days ago. She spends more time there than at home. Apr 5, 2021 · she has to remember where she came from. This women is going through the very worst and very best of emotions, unbearable grief and the beauty and wonder of birth her mental physical and emotional well being will be all over the place. Aug 5, 2022 · The great squig awakening is ongoing while Jack has taken to her bed (although her socks may have gained both sentience and a wi-fi connection). Aug 20, 2023 · Dizzy said: The tight sheer white dress try-on with no bra. 50. Their new series 'Agony Aunt & Agony Uncle' has launched. Although from Lily’s posts you’d think she just rebuilt Versailles with her own bare hands. New image, new weight, new BF, a new life in the US and a whole load of shows Apr 9, 2023 · Apr 17, 2023. Brought Sean to do his moving in shop coz ya know he's a man and shur wouldn't have a clue. But this is actually her job, she is an influencer and people pay her to promote and advertise their business and to be fair to her she does a dam good job of it. I think after hearing that poor baby died after an incident at Legoland the timing of Julie posting that vlog wasn’t great. Love how Ana was like why do they need to match my suitcases don't match. I had been single for 12 years and just two months ago got into a relationship (still surprised that happened, tbh). May 5, 2023 · Just put the video on and it seems like she thought doing an aldi video would make her look good and be like “I budget too” or something but in this video all she’s doing is justifying the fact that she does have the branded version of the “dooopes” she’s showing and will always buy them she says, like she couldn’t just show the products without saying “I do have the branded Sep 18, 2022 · God I’ve been SEW SEW busy recently- actually, not just getting my nails done - that I’ve missed sew much of Brogladites’s antics and pretty much all the last thread . She could do with drying herself out. Coffee Moanings are erratic and they still are not giving fortnightly podcasts. Dec 20, 2021 · Father-of-two, 31, in court charged with murdering Lily Sullivan. Mar 30, 2024 · May 8, 2024. 16 from the back 90 from the front. kiwigal258. Mar 29, 2024 · Apr 5, 2024. This one thinks it's her podcast because she asked Brenda to join. For duck sake Julie. ”. Plenty of nights out and gifted stays here there and everywhere Jan 14, 2022 · Jan 14, 2022. Someone made a great comment Nov 24, 2023 · Rachel just went on a million dollar vacay with her entire “broken family” … shes fine. Jan 23, 2023 · Jan 23, 2023. And without being rude, she’s hardly the best advert for skin care is she. Z. Apr 19, 2023 · Congratulations to @#transparency on the winning thread title🥳🥳🥳 Last thread flew by. mortified for her and her jealousy. Just because you have giant teeth it doesn't Aug 24, 2019 · She is using anas success and wanting to be rich and famous. d) Fuckey reproaches the Fanny at times but the Fanny probably sees Fuckey as someone slow, pitiful, and harmless. Sep 23, 2022 · Sep 25, 2022. Not too comfortable with the assumption that every little girl inevitably wants a riot of sugary pinks or overwhelming primary colours in a small room. Jan 4, 2020 · Adele #2 She could've had it aaalll!!! Well done @carefulnow for the winning thread title! 🥳 So just a quick recap, after being the nations ( worlds ) sweetheart for many years she has managed to piss just about everyone off in just a matter of weeks. Nov 2, 2022 · Nov 2, 2022. Feb 25, 2024 · Laura Adlington #5 turnaround, every now and then 🎶. Sep 3, 2022 · Justherefortittle. Atticus was acting so bossy and spoilt in the legoland vlog, telling Julie what to do, beckoning her like ‘come on mum’ and she just did it!! Dictating which rides they’re going to go on and at what time, I wish she’d put her foot down a bit because he needs it. May 24, 2023. Id say Brenda secretly seething. Replies. my Fionn this. Don’t over share if you want to remain anonymous. 4005. i know we’ve all said how atticus acts like an old man in a young persons body, but that picture on Julie’s insta of him with little mix wax things, he looks like a very small Middle Aged man lmaooo. Mar 30, 2024 · Apr 28, 2024. No your first draft of the Will is free. Maybe it was about her complete lack of parenting skills , lack of empathy , love or understanding towards her kids. The way she keeps going on about having to set 'fashion' aside if you're off to Cornwall as if she is some kind of fashion guru that is usually out and about in top tier outfits and not exclusively the Sep 27, 2023 · I think they are called just_us_hardys. Either way, I’m just glad she’s not edited the video and it’s a true reflection of her. Jealous Julie and the twins may as well live there too the amount of time she's there. There’s a serious brown noser replying to people and Julie is loving her comments then slagging off the other people, Julie even said “I’d hate to go into the salon she works in” so she’s probably going to go on a binge of reporting anyone that commented to their workplaces etc. --- An explanation to explain the guidelines around influencers declaring ads & gifts. 'The bed was so comfy and the shower was amazing' well it should be for £300 a night! Julie may not be able to afford the fees but Anna could, it’s 18,000 a year which Anna would be able to pay. May 15, 2024 · She needs to go up about 3 sizes… looks like the sitting outside the gym in her car and only calorie counting Monday-Wednesday just isn’t working at all. Flashes the cash, we all know you're trash. Jun 9, 2020 · What really put me off her though was when she was on her stories crying about being ripped off by that kitchen crowd (which was awful) but too then turn around and work with Carris closet who ripped off SO many people, mostly bride's who would be her main clientele just smacked of self importance. As if you don't need to take warm practical clothes and Mar 30, 2024 · Julie sent off atticus to have his breakfast Aka duck off and let me film my video! And he still interrupts and finishes all her sentences!!! And he still interrupts and finishes all her sentences!!! Aghhhhh I don’t know how she does it Feb 12, 2023 · Roberta and Nadim are still in Jordan, far away from the Rat Lodge. Aug 24, 2019 · Feb 1, 2022. S. apart from being downright cheeky and unsocial they’re horrbile mean. Oh ah! Is that what he said, I just heard them say he'd upset John! That's a bit below the belt! Apr 4, 2024 · He’s nearly 7 and could have had a few years of therapy by now and be flying it. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. N. She spent nearly £90 just for 2 of them, she clearly can afford to buy branded products and pay for coffees out . Please add any highlights I've missed from the last thread, although it seems that the growing Frauen collective could all do with a few hours in a hammock after this week. Mar 30, 2024 · May 25, 2024. That charity was representing cf ireland and they claimed the ema was belong to that so they have breached gdpr by now contacting these people from their email addresses which means they can be done for this . Mar 30, 2024 · Julie trying to bag a freebie at the hotel. When she and Nirpal got together she wrote an article about babysitting a colleague's children for an afternoon and even that was too much and she thereafter decided that was it, she didn't want kids because she couldn't (e. Title Credit: @Nellie Pledge Context: Her Majesty, Dirty Feet Josie, ordered a 12 foot Christmas tree that is likely too tall for her ceilings. LittleMissMuffet. You had ONE job. Poor Atticus having to sit outside in the dangerous weather just so she can get her nicotine fix! He looked so bored. b) the Fanny is flattered to receive so much attention from a fan even a mental one. Julia is occasionally mentioned on Rosie Londoner's thread, and now that she's had her second daughter and named her Marigold, it feels right to give her her own thread. LFYDs Hairline a waste of time and money. But if they want to put theirs and their families lives of social media then it’s up to them. Last edited: May 27, 2024 Reactions: 10 Off topic but was just looking at the wiki there…was the picture of her in the yellow lace dress and blue fascinator a piss take or what? Like it had to of been Reactions: 8 Mar 30, 2024 · Wetherspoons. Plenty of these influences get paid and do half assed ads. 21st thread for the gift that keeps on giving. I actually feel sorry for Martin that he’s stuck with her. . 9. ‘Course you got yer sink. Mar 30, 2024 · God. Today at 10:40 AM. Well we made it through another thread, and through the piles and piles of entitlement and plain misinformation and nasty bragging Mean Girl, sorry Yoga Girl, throws at her audience. Nov 23, 2022 · Seems needlessly overcomplicated. Apr 9, 2024. This has been requested in a few places. They have a terminal little one bless her, and they are constantly on the leaderboard. Hi all! Thought I’d set up a new thread as we got wayyyyy past 52 pages! I haven’t been following too closely so please feel free to add a summary! There were no thread suggestions but I saw someone mention smugfest and thought that was hilarious. Will leave the full Bio to you who are much better than at doing synopsis. She always seems to buy candles, reed diffusers or room sprays just how bad must the house smell to buy them weekly. I’d ban them a mile from any other child. ColourMeBootiful #21 Baby boils for tits, hair full of nits. She is on Instagram as justjulie_d. g Mar 29, 2024 · Jennymac. DoreenYadeley said: Mar 29, 2024 · HawTea2. Lewis Haines, 31, is accused of killing 18-year-old Miss Sullivan after the teenager was found near Mill Pond, in Pembroke, shortly after 4am Friday. If you look at the pictures, one of which is the drive, it looks exactly like the entrance where they filmed walking the ponies to. Aug 24, 2019 · Feb 28, 2022. Jen flaunts her affluence. The rage in him is something else. May 16, 2022 · So their new brand is all about “two sisters, two shapes” yet it is just skinny victoria modelling everything. If you haven’t already got one stop reading and head to Amazon. I'm her age and had mine in June and got my booster in December. Congrats to @Onreal on the winning thread title🥳 I haven't time to do a full recap so if anyone else wants to feel free. Bowie is the absolute image of him, they have the same facial features but Bowie is fairer with blue eyes. Mar 29, 2024 · I wonder if whatever was said, hit too hard. FERAL! She's saying the woman rang her when she at that play place and Julie told her she couldn't answer and she can ring back. Feb 18, 2024 · Fashion Mumblr #18 Oh X-Mas tree, Oh X-Mas tree, 12ft seems too big to me. Neglect, let's face it those kids need speech and language therapy for the last few years and she's actively ignoring that just like she's ignoring fionns eye problem amongst other Apr 13, 2024 · Lisa's Lust List #22 Murph eating her hat, selling her branded tat, ads as always flat to the mat. ‘Course you got yer microwave to heat up soup for a midnight snack. Julie and Jon actually went over to Katies about 9month or so ago as friends from tt and they were all pissed taking god knows what while live. She had no idea about his aristocratic background nor that he was the son of the Earl and Countess of Sandwich; in fact, she had no idea what a Mar 29, 2024 · Sean moved into his new house. Recap: MeJules is in Disneyworld with Ana, Atticus and now Haz. So basically this 50 Yr old pearl wearing woman bullied Julies kids by calling them feral Truth hurts eh Jools because that's exactly what they are. The Dirty Doll. Mar 20, 2024 · And now Picka wants Turkey teeth for his 60th. uk. 15. ToastyTuesdays. I think they're in a for a bit of a shock when they return in the summer. Kate Lawler #16 Parenting is so unfair, I didn’t sign up for this round-the-clock childcare. Julie Stanton #2 Jealous of my second thread are ya? | Tattle Life new thread. Dec 15, 2020 · Just A Little Build #3 Smugfest 2021. James and Carys #36 Amber’s gone and Carys is manic, 60£ mum jeans soothes the panic. If was a small specific thing she couldn’t find then sure, stuff ends up at the bottom of random boxes. Good Jesus she invented the Will the way she going on. Mar 30, 2024 · daisylee14. Looks terrible with those boots. Another grifter, leeching money off people to support her going on continual holidays. REBECCA Is knackered as solo parenting (we think). How can people with such troubled personal Aug 24, 2019 · Jan 19, 2022. He fancies himself, he's on the look out for a new woman. Julie needs to stop, she is always angry and is just annoying really. Forum: Instagramers. Julies answer to this will be to take them to smyths. Joolie was away in Kilkenny just before Easter with the twinnies and the merry widow courtesy of Discover Ireland. She was still hysterical. c) the Fanny remembers all the past loyalty and block and delete services from Fuckey. Nah. “‘Course you got yer commode. She isn't really overweight anyway. no matter of the rights or wrongs. 30. --- Recap time. Taylor Rae #1 …. Everyone’s welcome whether you’re pregnant or had your baby and can’t say bye. Congrats to @Alucia on the winning thread title🥳🥳 Quick recap of last thread Same old same old! Nights away, podcast recordings, ads, feck all sign of the twinnies and a lot of use of filters. Rachel and Dennis arent 2 co-dependent orphans, trauma bonded together by life hardships. As for Dennis, we don’t know as much about his family but from what he’s shared, they seem close and supportive. It's giving, educashun. Title winner is @Flowales! Please read the wiki (pink button at the top) for all your burning Julie questions. Cassia Tierney Clarke #1 I got plastic surgery but please sign up to my fitness programme. This charles guy said that we came from something else right and I legit think he slayed. Robbo, the world traveller, who is keen for her children to travel and experience different cultures, has treated the kids to a week in Benners. It all kicked off big style after a couple hours then police were involved and since then theyve hated each other. New thread to discuss the Fake tears charity work Shes doing for her empire murph still being neglected and in tbe vets more than most dogs in their lifetime Green jumpers arenr selling despite being great quality and washing so well Chelsea has Dec 15, 2020 · There was a 7 bedroom farmhouse requiring modernisation with land and outbuildings. My Erin rose that. The colours look fine to me. Feb 3, 2021 · Math aint mathing. She just got that ASOS haul of jumpers and joggers however says in this video she's fed up of wearing winter clothes. 5 pieces of bacon sausages and 6 loads of scrambled egg does not a diet make! Prat. She loves to over explain things and complicate things. Nov 24, 2023 · Being Robbo #13 Hates her life, hates her man. Mar 19, 2024 · Mar 19, 2024. They, also, knew she was pregnant with Chester Zoo but pretended they didn’t for the last series. ‘Where’s the veg’ should be a thread title…. missfunny said: I’d say Anna was still paying the rent tbh. He has a sense of humour at least, she’s just a sour faced old cow. Makeup By Julie Threads. KellyKids and the Commute #3 Scared of her Kids, house is a mess. She rallied round and was big and brave and strong enough to go get get extensions sorted and the hoover nails done. She has also incited hatred form her chavvy followers Little does she know she’s setting her own kids up to be bullied just like this poor girl was with her antics online for the kids friends to slag and bully them over in a few years wouldnt you think she would have some respect for her children and cop on and change her behaviour before it’s too late Mar 29, 2024 · My crazy life Caroline has a podcast and doing well on her own in the charts with 30K followers on Instagram. May 13, 2022 · I feel like part of what keeps her doing it is the hate comments as well though. She will be on later now lying that she got her apology from the pretend "troll" give it a rest Drools, no-one believes your lies and bullshit, find something productive to do with your time - clean the pigsty, have a wash, learn to speak correctly, tame the 2 ferals. Prev. 13. Quick version is Julie still a twit who makes up dramas just for Instagram and likes to tell a fib or ten. Pearl looks like Lisa but has her dads dark eyes and hair. Dec 18, 2023 · Jane Gammons Gossip Forum. Seems odd that she's only just had her second jab. Post covid life wont include the rediculous amount of travel that she has been lucky to receive in the past. Nov 24, 2023 · QueenBW. There'll be no seats in MeJulies favourite 'caffie's' and the seagulls will have multiplied tens of times over, as will the traffic and noise. Mar 10, 2024 · Just Jess #2 Boujee Jess, Don’t you know I’M the face of MY BRAND, sells donuts covered in dog hair & san. CASSIE Major bragging has been established as major lies, she has foiled herself with earlier Patreon entries. 6 7 8. True but some of the stuff feels a bit to personal for a public account. 11. I think they have received a fair amount of money already. May 15, 2024 · Twinsandme #60 Julie Haynes had a Limerick sexcation in her imagination. Not sure how he stands her to be honest he seems a bit daft Elaine’s a typical 1690. It's giving, like, I can't even think of it now. If Julie is on Job Seekers with atticus’ benefit she’d be getting £380 a month and there’s no way the rent would be covered by that. It was with Knight Frank. Casey demands more commitment in the relationship as Kyle is going on dates with Lora while she's at work. 1. Replies: 1,014. Aug 24, 2019 · 49. Nov 24, 2023. She's had a really tough life though, it takes it out of you scouting round the bargain bins of B&M and Primark, keeping your grid super fresh and providing for your Jul 22, 2023 · Lil Kylie' announced he's a Big Boy now and is making Big Boy moves by financing a $5,000 Barbie couch. They knew Millie had a house because they said so in one of their question and answer videos. She continues to look completely miserable about the job that has afforded her a million pound house. That's okay, she will put it in her roundabout so all the local peasants can carol to her. In fact Julie actually raised her voice over the woman talking to get her point across in a high pitched voice. I'm pretty sure whatever she said about Julie was true aswell. I don’t think he will go there I think it’s all for show! The other local schools that normally offer early look arounds are the SEND schools, which was my second thought - is he going to one of those! Oct 19, 2023 · Julie should talk about her own addictions then to drink & Coke & her body dysmorphia issues. In fact they actually throw in the third skinny sister for good measure. Thread. 7. She will be in alot of trouble herself if she publishs that person's details on a public page if they have sent private messages , eoghan must not have consulted the media lawyers also she has publicly made a threat to this woman also . 150. The day the news said the baby had passed away she posted her Legoland vlog. May 16, 2019 · I don’t know whether she’s classed as an influencer or not but I followed Lucy Locket Loves on Facebook for a while because her leggings are awesome - the Feb 17, 2023 · Feb 17, 2023. 25. She thinks she is great No Julie this should of been done as soon as the kids were born. Apr 19, 2023 · Well if they got 7 emails to the 65 roses email they have used that charity to falsely get peoples details. Sep 3, 2022. Jan 11, 2023 · Jan 12, 2023. TeamRH #10 Richie Howey and his world class app, he’s a bully and a liar and is full of crap! Share your TeamRH experience here. Can some kind soul give us a hilarious catch up to brighten up my foggy nightshift brain? You haven’t missed a thing. The poor kids didn't know which way was up with the amount of activities (freebies) that were Aug 24, 2019 · Atticus in Julie's latest video. They are criticised for only sharing the good points and now they are criticised for sharing the bad. Feb 21, 2024 · Jun 14, 2023. I do not like how he speaks to people unless of course, they are gifting. Oh but posting pasta and bread crusts to prove she’s eating. Mar 29, 2024 · Apr 8, 2024. dailymail. Only cares that her kids are tanned. Millie can‘t cross the road on her on, let alone fill in the Mar 29, 2024 · getuptheyard. Aug 1, 2021. Julie is just like all these other 'influencers' when they get money. Her eldest is called Clementine. shaftesbury said: I reckon she was anti vax for a while. He is standing in the pool now again as I speak. Monkey owning Northern Ireland self professed queen who is very active on IG FB and TikTok. YouTuber and part-time Tesco worker. Quite a shame as I like Ana but her mum not so much. co. I don’t know how these people sleep at night. It’s a really exciting launch and she loves using ‘alloy’. Dec 15, 2021 · Dec 29, 2021. freckles00 said: Hahaha she did say that it was advised to stay indoors and all that and she's just sat there, outside drinking coffee. Sep 27, 2022. Title thread with 25 likes thanks to @RenegadeMaster80 - it had to be shortened to fit. Anyway me, Byron and Callum are Aug 23, 2021 · This from Harper's Bazaar about her: Over 20 years ago, American-born Julie Montagu was at a party in London when she met the man who would later become her husband, Luke, Viscount Hinchingbrooke. So stunning and brave. Aug 24, 2019 · Feb 24, 2022. That will be because she can't smoke inside. Apr 4, 2024. She's 5ft 9 and 11 and a half stone, which puts her at a healthy weight. He'll be breaking windows and getting brought home by the guards in a few years. Thirsty and malnourished. Julia and her husband Thomas live in Charleston & used to live in San Francisco. 12. It’s good they have no friends or anyone to associate with. Mar 30, 2024 · Please read the wiki (pink button at the top) for all your burning Julie questions. Seriously Julie, duck off out of Sean’s house. She would be better filming when Atticus is at school. Kyle and Casey have a 'hometown date' in Wisconsin where he surprises her with two pairs of Big Boy shoes that mommy bought him. But tripod and lights are pretty chunky pieces of kit, they’re not exactly the sort of thing that just gets lost. Jul 11, 2023 · Cue pictures of more bouquets of flowers from all her well wishers but still she dangled the carrot on the stick in front of her followers without giving anything away. Which one of us has the balls to fill out the chat box and say ‘I witnessed lots of bullying on this insta page from a grown woman who preaches about being kind yet has arrived at the workplace of people to harass them and get them fired for no apparent reason. Mar 29, 2024 · Apr 9, 2024. Every other video of hers is replying to negative comments. There is barely any posts of two sisters wearing the same dress. Feb 25, 2024 · He’s getting right on my nerves with his ridiculous bogus diet. MARINE Late to the game as usual only jumping on the Gaza situation now. The amount she raises at Christmas for disadvantages children and teenagers is out standing. She has since shifted from wearing and shilling Disney In Detail #15 Doesn’t like sugar, doesn’t eat meat, just give her a Wendy’s and a doughnut to eat! Bryony Farmer #3 the know-it-all that knows nothing. Pastries imported from France too, at the "cornish" bakery. Thread locked. Apr 5, 2024. Feb 17, 2024 · a) the Fanny doesn't understand boundaries. She’s such a tit mother. Thread title courtesy of @feelingsalty and nominated by @Lady1980. Incredible book about, erm, what's it again, evolushun oh yeah thats it, evolushun. It’s pathetic how contrived it is and how so many people lap it all up. The dress is so bad. Jul 23, 2023 · Perrie Sian got engaged last week in the fake Maldives and she said he’d dropped a hint or two so she made a video. Well according to Julie anyways. Looks like you don't need much listeners to get into the top 15 of the charts. Sharon is a whiney miserable old bag. Are these absolute witches living in their own heads or what that they cannot see how nasty they are themselves. I have built myself a great life as a single person, and found it annoying when Carrie acted like she was at the forefront of what living a life as a single person is, the few seconds she could "bear Jan 6, 2023 · They can’t do right for wrong. dn ko bd mt sr fv ew bp oi rq