Reddit aita grandparents

Fox Business Outlook: Costco using some of its savings from GOP tax reform bill to raise their minimum wage to $14 an hour. 

Jun 9, 2024 · So to smooth things over my grandparents proposed that we all have a family dinner together to celebrate separately. Communicate with your parents about how this situation has upset you as you would certainly never hurt an animal in your care. I wanted to live with my grandparents outright. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. SereLeege. Your wife encouraged you to “bribe” your kids to stay the weekend. my partner was understanding when I said no and suggested maybe they wait a couple of weeks but even that feels like too much for me. Not the A-hole. I think that she is totally in the right, but what do you think My grandfather had 6 kids with my bio gma, 3 b/3 g. Your grandfather is a dangerous man who did hurt your mother in such a vile way. Vote. The IRS is experiencing significant and extended delays in processing - everything. After going to collect him from his coach, my sons grandparents were on the phone, loudly telling his deadbeat father how well he did. Their lawyer told them we would have a case to get grandparents visitation. As far as what you told your half-siblings, well their parents had failed them and you needed to get through to them. ) 1. They're the only ones that visit their grandparents and they know their grandparents don't show up to functions at the others' houses. This way never a last minute grandparent event. You don't answer to them anymore. 75/hr, while the most AITA for wanting to cut off ties with my grandmother I am a 16 year old girl and I have a grandmother who is In her 70s , she is not related to me by blood but by marriage, (let’s call her a) A has always had the sense that she is right all of the time and she always tries to make things about her like every time me and my sisters call my grandfather for his birthday or Father’s Day or I have seen a lot of delusional things on Reddit but this may be the worst one. In most countries, grandparents have no (zero) obligation to provide ANYTHING in their Will for a grandchild. It is not anything fancy, but it was fairly expensive for me. Keep the money, give your grandparents a sincere thank you and use it to make your best life. They say that it's important to see the baby on their actual birthday. 1. Because of this I became very close with my grandparents So AITA to be petty to my second grandparents after the the actions and words they done and said? Or shoudl i apologize and play the kind and caring grandson? I have no feelings or hate toward the granddad, i just cant see him in same shop where i shop too. My step grandparents have been in my life since atleast I was six months old. Ever since I was 10 I refused to go because my grandparents had no interest in doing anything with me or my siblings. My cousins somehow knew that we were giving our grandparents money. My daughters (15 and 13) know that their grandparents are having some issues with their aunts and uncles but they don't know the exact reason why. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Unfortunately, you're wrong and they do get to do that in some states. Help keep the sub engaging! His grandparents are trying to engineer a relationship so they can foist this kid on him to raise, when he’s 19. That is unequivocally harassment, with a frequency where the grandparents clearly weren't even trying to limit or stop the behavior. Make it clear your grandparents are worried for her, and you are worried for them. They had been living independently in their own home, but their health had been deteriorating rapidly and it was becoming unsafe for them to stay t AITA for not giving my cousin ownership of my grandparents’ ranch. They also kept his life insurance money, that was supposed to go to my sister and I. ally3477. It might make me the asshole for not letting my grandparents see me get married and be a part of such a huge moment in my life. Now growing up i spent a lot of time with my grandparents( on my fathers side) and great grandparents ( on my mothers side) hell even at some points living with them. Hello, this is my first time posting on AITA and English is not my first language so sorry if the format is not right. It is sad but it should not come as a shock. My grandparents „broke“ into our backyard and I lost it. Yes, it hurts your mother and her husband to see that their children are treated differently, but they cannot force your paternal grandparents into accepting children not related to them. AITA for refusing to visit my grandparents. I thought: my paternal and maternal grandparents give $150, and I'll chip in $200 to get a better laptop. We all know grandparents like that. They don't say much about my sister's name other than the name is very new age for them and classic names are way better. 2. They don’t ever get to jump over their living, present child to get to their grandchild. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! My grandparents had a college fund for me since I was born. They done a number om my family. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary My parents know about it but cannot access it. 3) Yet you somehow expect your son’s grandparents to treat your stepdaughter like she’s related to them. The problem is the upkeep. An emergency custody hearing was held and I spoke to the judge with my grandparents and my dad's wife in the room with us. You have to assume that if your friends wanted the kids to go to the grandparents (or anyone else), they would have said that in their will. My dad’s parents have been nothing but good to me my entire life. They accepted the invitation, then their circumstances changed. At first it was fine. But ever since I was young they have brought up that my name is AITA for refusing to "hangout" with my grandparents neighbor : r/AmItheAsshole. i hide in the shelfs and i pretend that im a yogurth section in row 3. Distance yourself from your grandparents for a little bit. Unless the adopted child in your scenario was the bio child of someone who actively harmed the grandparents and would serve as a daily reminder of trauma, and those grandparents were being groomed to take on full responsibility for Don't let the grandparents be used as leverage to get around a NC. Time they understand that life has changed, you are home, and their “tradition’s” aka their belief that they are entitled to a set time with YOUR kids is over. They have attended every straight wedding in the family. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. NTB and you should stand your ground and maybe ask the grandparents to talk to them. He was really close to his brother but the family drama got in the way. I’m a 35 yr old happily married with three kids 10, 3 and 4 months . I am extremely close with my dad’s mom, and we have a really tight bond. I’m just so glad OP’s bio dad and his family is being so welcoming towards OP. And that you will never forgive your grandfather for the depraved things he did to your mother. I may be the asshole, because im being cold torwards my grandparents based on something my dad said when he was drinking. Soft YTA - I would invite the grandparents- to signify your respect of them. AITA for saying what my grandparents said/did was creepy and disgusting. S. ADMIN MOD. AITA for outing my dad to my grandparents because I was forced to share my car? Not the A-hole. They seem manipulative pulling this 'will' stunt, trying to threaten you to apologize for something you didn't do wrong. Advice Needed. NTA for OP rekindling his relationship when he turned 18. Also, I don't want to lend it to anybody. Not ever. We always give it privately and we also ask them to please keep it to themselves. Let them make the choice. My (17F) parents divorced when I was 6, my dad remarried when I was 10 to my step-mom, who has a kid (16M), my step-brother's dad is not in the picture (neither is my mom, so we both live full time in the same house). My mom died when I was 6 and my dad got remarried when I was 11. I said no. AITA for not being an active grandparent? Asshole. They withheld funds given by the grandparent for the intended use of college. AITA for calling my grandparents stupid for saying I have a girls name? My parents named me (15M) Robin and my sister Skye (18F). OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) When I got the chance to get free food, I only got extra fries for myself. We went to India to visit them for the first time in years and so that we could attend my uncle's funeral. Assuming the max of 15 times over 224 days (8months) that would be 3,360 times, thats beyond harassment. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Follow the link above to learn more AITA for getting upset because my grandparents want me to eat I have been in Hongkong for the past 6 days with my family to visit my grandparents. NTA - grandparents dieunfortunately thats what they do - they are older and this is an expected part of the natural order of things. You were never required to pay their rent, it was a gesture of good will. Don't do it. This morning the grandparents brought in donuts. They will feel ostracized from the family and be hurt that they were the only ones in the family not invited to go, besides my mother. Hello everyone, Quick backstory - I was taken away by cps from my parents when I was 4 years old because both my mom and dad are drug addicts. The grandparents’ push for a reconciliation - despite what OP and Dad want - is manipulative and likely creates the opposite result from what they want. On March 5th I (M16) got a text from my grandmother asking me to come to the monthly bbq at their house. Let things settle down. In my case, my relationship with my brother and grandparents improved as we got older. However, I would also suggest that you find the average daily cost of 24/7 home help, then add up the number of days you lived in the house caring for your grandparents, and then do a little math. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. They didn't have any together. They only know because of a fight with my grandparents over the lack of saving for my future when they have saved something for my siblings. If they decide not to attend either - at least you invited them respectfully. I (34f) met my husband while I was doing an exchange semester in Australia when I was 20. My grandparents often come over to help us with the mowing etc. I do not have any love for my grandparents When i was little I noticed I was being neglected from my grandparents they always give my cousin sweets and gave me the leftovers that nobody wanted When I was eight my family decided to move and my grandparents came with us My mum‘s parents died My grandparents are in shock (understandably so) and so is my dad. AITA for not staying with my grandparents and accepting their rules or is my grandma just having another entitled moment? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Let them know that you will never let trash have access to your children. I’m the fourth grandchild. AITA? Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Our grandparents hate my name. My grandparents are old (around 90) so in short they're the conservative types where to them childrens opinions dont matter. Cooling off is a good idea, so I agree a few weeks keeping them separate. aIt_throwthrow. Your grandparents' Will hammered your dad ($10,000) but left $300,000 and family business shares among the 6 grandchildren, unequally. InheritanceThrowawa. Happy or not, your family lived these lives. Spouses, children and dependents yes -- grandchildren, nope. AITA for telling my grandparents that my mother stole my money. My parents said the money my grandparents saved should be divided equally because $350,000 is a lot to save for one grandchild when you have multiple. AMTA- Quick back story. If the grandparents aren't going to respect the NC and are going to help SMIL manipulate everyone, they'll have to deal with the consequences. When I told her I'm not going she started going off on my on I moved in with my grandparents because of a situation with my mother my uncle has know about since I’ve been alive. AngelniLT. Stand up for your children by NEVER introducing them to anyone that could do that to a child, let alone their own child. I took a loan, and I will be paying for it for a few years. You didn't go behind your parent's 2: these are your family stories. Help keep the sub engaging! Reddit's home for tax geeks and taxpayers! News, discussion, policy, and law relating to any tax - U. With that came gender roles that were ingrained in me at a young age. Valuable-Builder-733. Shocked the grandparents never brought up the fund to the grandkids around high school graduations When the baby was born they moved into my grandparent's house rent-free and eventually moved out. Here's the problem: Homophobia aside, my grandparents are amazing, hardworking, good people. I got to live with my grandparents whom love very much. Your grandparents are not AH either. Yes I’m not employed yet, that shouldn’t have anything to do with this especially in my relationship because I’ve had a job for the whole relationship just am waiting on a drug test (for a union job. You are living proof of that. 3: 50 years from now, you and your remaining family will cherish these stories because they paint a picture of who your grandparents are. He remarried. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Now some context about my mother (45F), she usually prefers her man child boyfriend (40M) that acts I left my brother at my grandparents house when we were both there at the same time and he wanted to go home. Background- Me (19F) and my brother (32M) became orphans 10 years ago due to an accident our parents The grandparents are holding on to a false hope that their relationship will somehow get “fixed” (whatever “fixed” is supposed to mean in this situation). Perhaps it will get better when your kids are a little older and your niece isn't going to be able to treat them like dolls anymore; at least you'd be able to leave them with the grandparents, without worrying too much. But when their grandparents found out that we celebrated their birthday and we didn't invite them, they got mad at me because they think I made that decision alone. I hope the grandparents are PISSED the money sat unused. 5 years. At least they’re not monsters as well! AITA for no longer speaking to my family members, despite living in the same home? TL;DR. It is true what they say. YTAx100², your step-daughter isn't your ex husband's parent's grandchild and they are in no damn way obliged to interact with her. In the 90s, my fam helped gps build a cabin. Let’s not even get started on these grandparents who ratted OP out to these horrible excuses for “parents…” ugh. But he should definitely have talked to his parents about it and got their side of the story first, then listened to his grandparents, then made up his own mind and set his own boundaries. None of it is any of your business. They texted me telling me that since I married their dad he does everything I tell him to do, that I brainwashed the girls so that they call me mom and so that they love my family 2) You gloss over cheating on your ex husband (teehee, barf). Speak to your grandparents and add a middle name in secret. Jun 10, 2024 · You need to flat out tell your grandmother that you will never forgive her for turning your mother over the monster that she is married to. AITA for "Ruining" my parent's "Grandparent Experience". Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Follow the link above to learn more NTA. If the grandparents didn’t have restrictions on how it was to be used, the parents had no right to add their own. And let them know alcohol will be served at the reception. . Gps retired in ~97, served a mission, & then lived in the cabin. For context, I recently moved back into my family home, which houses two of my siblings, my separated parents, and maternal grandparents. S is now forced to go to a Christmas dinner with her grandparents depite her not wanting to. AITA i left my grandparent in front of their house and drove away. Help keep the sub engaging! 1588975. My kids already have good grandparents in their life and I’m grateful, they only know my mom and their father parents. We all know the answer to that. Don’t let your other family force you to do something you don’t want to. Ask them if they want to attend only the wedding or wedding + reception. Not wanting to move out due to his laziness and selfish attitude to not move out has made me think of I shouldn’t even fight the battle and give in Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. AITA for not using my inheritance money to help my brother and his family out? Not the A-hole. Throwaway account for obvious reasons. Regardless of what kind of person H is, it is generally considered rude to invite someone to someone else's dinner party. To be blunt, I never wanted to be a parent, particularly not at 21. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I didn't let the grandparents see their grandchild on their first birthday. It covered my tuition for 4. Long story short, my grandparents used to live on this ranch for almost 60 years and both passed on the property. AITA for not wanting to live with my grandparents anymore. If the last time your maternal grandparents altered their will was that recent and they specified that the inheritance would only go to their "legal grandchildren," it sounds like they fully intended to exclude your sister. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I refuse to answer to the "nickname" aka my grandparents attempts at renaming me. So my dad and I had dinner with them yesterday and it was a disaster. I, (14TM) (Transgender male) just turned 14 a few weeks ago and my extended family who attended my family only birthday party gave a lot of money, 165 dollars in fact. AITA Xmas w/ step- grandparents. They are not more fit to parent these children just because they are blood relatives. I wouldn’t let my grandparents see my children. (Costs vary, but in 2021, the median hourly rate for in-home care was $27; the cheapest state was WV, where the rate was $18. She flipped her lid on her for sneaking food and making a mess. Read this before contacting the mod team. No I don’t live with them anymore, they’ve never financially supported me. However, Jake's mother did and it wasn't You don’t understand how grandparents’ right work at all. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. If others have an issue with it, then they can help your grandparents pay their rent. I (28F) recently had to make the difficult decision to move my grandparents (90M and 87F) into a nursing home, despite their protests. So maybe I'm being too stubborn refusing to use this and seeing it the same Grandparents do not have an innate "right" to their grandchildren, legally or morally. AITA for not giving up a house I inherited. I keep contact with my mum because I have younger siblings that I grew up very close with (I was parentified) and I would lose contact with them r/AmItheAsshole. Make sure to mention what you noticed about the chicken and why you did what you did. Reply. We also sought advice on if we were denied access, if we could obtain that. 2nd wife had 0 kids. It sucks to grow up like that. I'm 35. I moved back to save on money since I am working full time and doing a tech bootcamp to switch careers, but in the I’m 21, fiancé 20, grandparents 70 something. My brother and I love our grandparents, and every time we go to visit them we give them a little money to help with their expenses. I thought it would be harmful to them to tell. Unless you knew this grandparent functioned as a defacto parent, or unless they died violently, it is a sad fact of life that any sentient adult should be prepared for. r/AmItheAsshole. And now in my 30s, it’s given me such a leg up in life to not have any debt. If it makes you and your grandparents happy, they should be happy too. I wanted to be by myself on my drive home and did not go there with the intention of driving him home because I assumed either my mom would pick him up or my mommom would take him home the next day. So I (23F) and my brother (15M) have seven cousins from part of my dad’s side. She married a guy with young kids but never tried to take over or place herself into the family where my mom once was, she created a new My daughters (15 and 13) know that their grandparents are having some issues with their aunts and uncles but they don't know the exact reason why. So don’t post much but lately I’ve been struggling with something and I need some outside perspective. But my guess is they know your grandparents will brush them off and not cave in to the demands, while they think they can bully you into caving in and sharing YOUR gift. I (M47) have a son Jake (M26) who has his own son Mike (M5). (2) I did not think about my grandparents when I had the opportunity. My family was not wealthy, including my grandparents. This was stepMIL wanting a mother's day event and using the grandparents to get around a NC. Just for background information, when I (19f) was 4 years old my dad died. 10 y/o snuck one and went to their room. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1-I evicted my grandparents 2- this may make me the asshole because I didn’t tell them I was selling the home. AITA for requiring parent supervision of children with grandparents So quick backstory: I 41f and husband 39m have decided that for my parents to have access to our children that they will have to be supervised by either myself or my husband. But my dad was really uncomfortable and it was just awkward all round. AITA for refusing to invite my one set of grandparents to my future wedding? I (18F) have two sets of grandparents: one from my mom’s (51F) side and one from my dad’s (53M) side. AITA for taking my children away from their grandparents after my husband died? No A-holes here. and always say they do it to help my dad. I am so grateful for it. Maybe sister wants to go to grandparents I would suggest they rotate who’s at home/grandparents, so sister can have some time away, and son can have some time one on one with his parents so they can actually parent him and explain the ramifications of his actions. My granddad however hated that my parents taught us this way and as I got older I did too. I (21f) live in a big house with a big backyard with my parents. And I didn't share with my grandparents who I live with. JFC get a grip, lady. Aita for causing my grandparents for getting a divorce because my grandma wasn’t allowed at my wedding I 21 female just recently got married to my husband 23 male around a month ago which was amazing but is also the cause of my grandparents divorce and selling of my childhood home aka their house. My uncles, my mom & aunts' then husbands helped w/build; everybody else did food/cleaning. We have two kids 6f and 4f and I'm 4 months pregnant. Your mom has done a fabulous job with you. At his funeral his parents told me, my mom (28yo at the time) and my sister (6yo at the time) that we are the reasons he died. Go to AmItheAsshole. There's also a lot of monetary value to the property. My mother on the other hand, got mad at me and said I need to get over it and I was trying to tell her I would be SUPER uncomfortable going over there. My maternal grandparents saw how sad I was and offered to buy a laptop for me. Courts will generally give effect to the intent of the will, if it comes down to it. Even using the minimum, that's 672 times and absolutely harassment. and International, Federal, State, or local. You gave them a clear warning about a boundary you had and they crossed it. So I’m 22f and my grandparents are 75f and 78m. However, you also run the risk of your grandparents never calling you again, and them suffering for it. Time for your wife to step up and talk to her parents. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. :( Go Google New York Grandparents rights Come on. We later got married and I moved to Australia permanently. Personally I think it might be that they assume your grandparents will leave you money / estate / college fund etc and if there are 2 people with exact same name it may be divided when it comes to the Not inviting my grandparents to my own wedding 2. Fast past 3 years my twin cousins and I are now 20. 80. If me not wanting to go to my grandparents house Is bitchy or not Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. I (30sF) live very close to my grandparents and recently bought a car. Don't post questions related to that here, please. Jake's mother and I only had a short-term relationship and it was an accidental pregnancy. Waking up handcuffed to a bed, with police being summoned as soon as you wake up, might help her out a bit, be a wake up call. We never announce it or give it in view of other people. I do wonder if the grandparents would have the same thoughts if your mom was the cheater. These grandparents sound particularly opinionated. My step dad, half brothers, my mother, and me have had to go through hell and back for them. Two weeks later, my son had a gymnastics competition a few towns over, my dad invited his paternal grandparents to come to watch, my son did pretty well and got 3rd all around. My stepmom has always been really great. I might TA because I made my elderly grandparents cry, but they trigged me with all their threats and yelling. Because of their meddling my brothers and I have SUPER strained relationships. He is also not my responsibility and Her grandma went on to say that her mum was 'stupid and a bad dog owner'. I hate pools. This is really nice we like their help BUT they always come over without telling us or calling beforehand. I blocked my kids from having contact with their grandparents and prioritised my own mental health over the importance of grandparents’ relationship with the kids. AITA for not loving my grandparents. She is completely within her rights as a host to deny your grandparents a +1 to her event. Help keep the sub engaging! . The house she lives in is huge to be honest and she could easily downsize. Most of my whole dad’s side live in an another country than me. They declined invitations to Mark and Jane's weddings because they "don't believe that's a real marriage". Similarly, it is none of your business what your grandparents use your rent/room & board money for once they have it in hand. We were told given our close relationship with the children it would be easy to get access through the courts. My grandparents have expressed how much they hate my name and I know I do use a nickname with others. But after i turned 13 everything started depending on me. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. I accepted but later had the idea to split the cost between my paternal grandparents, maternal grandparents, and myself (I work, so I have some money). Anyone who doesn't like can address their concerns to the grandparents. My grandparents (87m and 79f) are unashamedly homophobic. 11. My mother was raised there and so were my siblings and I so there's quite a lot of sentimental value to the house. The best revenge is living well. Having my grandparents here would make my mom go crazy because she lives with me, I don’t like my grandparents because of the way they didn’t treat their kids good. So I told my step dad that I didn’t want to see them and he doesn’t mind even though they’re his parents. After S's mum called her out for it , like any reasonable person, their grandma refused to admit she did say it. That means something to you. I have visit and loved my grandparents’ ranch so much ever since I was young. Then my grandparents started talking about my mums involvement in My partner’s grandparents called him last night to say that they’re going on a road trip and will be in our state in mid April and expect to stay at our house for a week. He asked me why I wanted to go against my dad and if I would like to have some kind of shared custody set up for me. I don’t want to see them 2. Your grandparents are the homeowners, they have come to a financial agreement with your uncle and aunt that suits the four of them, and as adults, that is between them. Grandmother walked in to find her shoving it behind the bed after taking a bite. Since then, my grandparents have refused If by any chance they do name the baby Serenity. Do not let him know about it at all. I worked FT in college to pay my rent and bills. Over the past three years, my dad's widow has been frequently asking my grandparents for money to put towards her house. A bit of backstory: I (26F/NB) have a somewhat strained relationship with my parents (Mum, LC with Stepdad, NC with Father and current Stepmum). My due date is April 20th. Not enough info. NTA - Nobody stood up for your mother when she was getting molested. I didn’t have to take out student loans. I (f 29) was raised in a Christian household. Poor OP deserves to be surrounded by love and support right now, and nearly everyone is failing them. qz fp qq no ov ny ur kp pw iq