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Living with cancer reddit

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  • Did all the practical things as well, and kept working…my emotional distress did not prevent me from doing that. I am active, in great shape, able to support myself, and have a very active social life. Any treatments are palliative and sometimes they just reach a point where they’re satisfied with life. 60K subscribers in the cancer community. " I don't have the energy for either of those. Hello, I am 24 years old and I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 4 and 3/4, on October 16th 1994. https://livingwithmycancer. I have been regularly writing a blog about coping with my cancer which can be found at. They may change daily, hourly, or even minute to minute. I’ll take the chance of not having erections to avoid that . I had rectal cancer. Had it removed along with some lymph nodes you don’t need. Like everyone else said, you can't forget about your cancer. 42M subscribers in the AskReddit community. This reddit is a place for people with cancer and caregivers to come together and provide support for one other. No additional information is available about the source or the patient's medical history. Welcome! /r/MadeMeSmile is a place to share things that made you smile or brightened up your day. Ive had blood in my stool for a number of years but always assumed it was due to hemmorhoids. " Your premise is that Cancer Alley has higher rates of cancer due to industrial plants there, but the NIH paper you linked doesn’t quite support that. As soon as I got insulin I was better. this video really helps put into perspective on the importance of "living life". I'm 31. (Thankfully shes clear of the cancer but has spent a year trying to get the hormones right since. This subreddit is a place of support and information for people with a family member, spouse or friend who has been diagnosed with cancer. 24 years old. A week or two after surgery we go see the doctor. She had been fighting with cancer since her November diagnosis. Here's a guide to navigating life with cancer, focusing on resilience and creating a path forward. I'm 27F. •. No job. I worked, spent time with friends, all the normal stuff anyone else would do. It’s so unfortunate because if it’s caught in the beginning most people survive. Death. It's not always terminal. Immediately diagnosed as stage IV. They say it may have started in my colon and metastasized in the liver. Don't qualify for Medicaid in my state. No insurance. Your insights will help identify disparities and improve treatment outcomes. you’re not alone, love. IAmA 24 male that has been living with cancer for 20 years. Palliative care should be used whenever a person has symptoms that need to be controlled. My cancer metastasized to my spine and I caught it (luckily) with 3 mets. The hard things were I have a hard time relating to people my age anymore NickWaReddit. Just like you. Kid deserves it! 90 years of mac and cheese for Colin. It's hard, I get where you're at. The cancer ended up metastasizing in his spine and suddenly paralyzing his hind end, and at that point there were no realistic options to treat him anymore and the only humane option was to let him go, three weeks shy of the 3-year anniversary of his diagnosis. However, The first signs of my cancer came about when I was 2, though the doctors refused any tests It could be a reaction to the implant. She beat cancer and lived for another 36 years. I wish we had more pictures and videos. I come here, r/TheCancerPatient, r/multiplemyeloma and r/CancerCoven and between them I I (18F) lost my dad (57M) to pancreatic cancer on August 9th, 2015. The only thing that matters in the present and what you make of it. In my case a single tumour in the brain which they burned out with radiation about 3 weeks ago. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars This reddit is a place for people with cancer and caregivers to come together and provide support for one other. I have been living with this for the last 10 years and was constantly being misdiagnosed with Vegans with cancer : r/vegan. Metastatic, or stage IV colon cancers, have a 5-year relative survival rate of about 11%. This reddit is a place for people with cancer and caregivers to come together and provide support for one… Advertisement It's not cancer, but I was diagnosed with T1 diabetes at 17. and International, Federal, State, or local. Every best wish to you and your girlfriend. That isn't always the case -- particularly with a new employee. A company limited by guarantee. S. Watch and wait is horrible, I think I coped by disassociating lol. Tells me there was a tumor in my appendix and that's what caused the appendicitis. When I was 23, I moved about 600 miles from where I grew up. Despite having cancer, I still live life to the fullest. Completely clear. I’m terrified to back under the knife, but know it’s inevitable as it’s consistently growing (albeit slowly). I wish I asked him more questions. Patient You can probably find a breast cancer support group in your area if you decide to stay. Young boy living with cancer has his first day of school. But you shouldn't completely give up on living in the meantime. Cancer is not an enemy. However, I’m 16mo post diagnosis and with the help of a lot of chemo, a surgery, and now a hepatic pump, my colon is cancer free and my liver tumors are getting small enough that my surgeon thinks he might actually be willing to go in hacking on it if the keep getting smaller (tumors in both lobes, so surgery was a complete non-option at diagnosis). Feel free to post questions, rants, links to information or resources or anything you feel may be helpful to others going through this process. That's impossible. About 2 months prior to getting this diagnosis, I was also confirmed to have I’m so grateful for this community. These tips will help you manage the stress and fatigue of the cancer and its treatment. EDIT: I forgot to mention that the cancer that I have is brain cancer. It is hard to think, but one day you will be on the other side of this. 27/M recently diagnosed with colon cancer. My father was diagnosed with colon cancer last year, and after chemo and an 11-hour surgery, he's been healing just fine. The only odds that the doctor gives you are compiled from everybody including mostly old old people. I have a tumor in my sigmoid colon blocking ~80% of my colon passage. I am older than you, but I imagine our feelings and concerns are similar. Surgery was scheduled to remove the offending tissue. It's a miserable way to die. Most prostate cancers metastasize into bone cancer and there’s no way I would risk that. Don't post questions related to that here, please. But what changed for you socially after experiencing cancer in your 20s? Good and bad, or even weird. Liver cancer really has no good outcomes since it’s usually discovered at an advanced stage. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Three months later, on my birthday, my mother is diagnosed with cancer. It’s created an uneasiness in my stomach that’s hard to Emotions and Cancer. I don't have the time to read the people's article, but it's shocking she's been in this good of health. The other cancer staging system is the TNM staging. 64K subscribers in the cancer community. Just as cancer affects your physical health, it can bring up a wide range of emotions you’re not used to dealing with. I’m dying of stage 4 stomach cancer. i’m so sorry you’re having to go through this at such a young age. I was diagnosed when I was 45 with the same thing. AMA. I want to give a shoutout to everyone who's going through cancer while single. . 24 votes, 17 comments. Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of This subreddit is a place of support and information for people with a family member, spouse or friend who has been diagnosed with cancer. 3. • 15 yr. Temperche. Just diagnosed with HCC liver cancer. My father has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last monday. This: These statistics further illustrate that the highest risk of cancer is disproportionately located in the poorest tracts while the lowest risk of cancer is found among the higher income tracts. Still, there are often many treatment options available for people with this stage of cancer. Richard Nixon declare the “war on cancer” for political capital (and look how he and that turned out). I'm taking an extended sabbatical from work and recently started a Substack to share this journey and my adventures paragliding and living whatever years I have left with intention. Although Sam Simon had terminal colon cancer and lived for a long time. I went in for what I thought would be no real problem, and left being told I have a 15cm tumor on my liver. The chemo worked for a while, but the next time the cancer grew resistant. I was in a long term relationship (12 years) until about six months ago when I found out he was cheating on me with another woman. He was my rock and still is. Looks like that also got the cancer, as path report came back clean. I've read about people living past 17 years and still going strong. It has also spread to his liver. Surgery It might be cancer, and you can get it treated right away. I have stage 4 breast cancer and kinase inhibitors are first line of treatment for us now. This reddit is a place for people with cancer and caregivers to come together and provide support for one… Advertisement You should be able to talk with a medical professional at the facility, either his doctor or a social worker from the hospice unit, regarding how things are likely to proceed. I was put in the pediatric ward. It wasn't until ~6 months ago that I noticed my bowel 38f breast cancer, mets to bone only. I see so many posts from caretakers asking how they can better support their partners, or grateful posts from people thanking 45M subscribers in the AskReddit community. For some people, advanced cancer can be managed as a chronic illness. But amidst the emotional storm, there's also strength to be found. Could be a fungus. These images show the impact of bone cancer on a skull and long bone. Make time each day for exercising, getting enough sleep and eating meals. I had to relearn how to walk all over again with that one. 1. I'm now constantly scared that everything is cancer, like the PTC was just a sort of "practice cancer" for the main event (s). Had surgery 3 weeks ago to get uterus, Fallopian tubes, cervix and ovaries removed. you hear everyone say it as a default response, but TotalBiscut did a really good job explaing it. While it might be possible, it is more likely that the redness has another cause. Anyone living with vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) ? I have had this condition now for three years. I don’t have cancer, but people close to me do. However, I do want to remind you that IBC is fairly rare- it makes up only 1-2% of all breast cancer diagnoses. In other words, it is simply that more women are getting breast cancer since 2016 and so more young women are getting breast cancer since 2016. Thank you! In 2022 I went through treatment for stage 3 breast cancer, and in 2024 I was diagnosed with stage 4. I was admitted right before Christmas for 5 days. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer on 8/10/22. In his final 12 months (He lived for 5 years with the cancer, dying at age 62 ), he was depressed, losing his will to live, always sleeping to pass the day, very gaunt, and you could feel the negativity that surrounds him. It's the draining one day after another, each day and every day for years not getting better. Stage 4 means something different for different people, just depends on type of cancer and other factors. In the past couple weeks before she passed, a Beat, no, not yet. I wish I had more memories. And then a few months back, they found a small spot on his liver, so he's back in chemo. The anxiety is one of the worst experiences of the ordeal. Non aggressive, the “best” kind of cancer to get. Lost my dad to pancreatic cancer in 2017 , he refused treatment , they gave him 3 to 6 months and he lasted 5 weeks . 54K subscribers in the cancer community. Yeah when the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes that's usually horrific cause that means it could've spread to the organs. Therapy might help -- at least as a place to vent. The basic story is that I was living overseas in LA for 2 years and started getting symptoms where it would hurt to eat. I've also set up a YouTube channel which has started to grow. This meant that cancer was still only in the epidermis (the upper layer of the skin) and had not advanced into the deeper layers. r/IAmA. EtonRd. If you can, have a consistent daily routine. So stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer, metastased into lymph nodes and brain. Went through 3 months/4 cycles of treatment, and now I'm technically in remission/NED. I'm now on my 4th recurrence just after finishing chemo last month and a resection surgery last week. I was so terrified when I found out I had metastatic breast cancer, but this page gave me great comfort. There’s a possibility I maybe in NED. Need to develop plan and get everything in order before i expire. The IRS is experiencing significant and extended delays in processing - everything. The cancer originally spread to her spine, taking away her ability to walk (that's how we knew something was wrong). We need to tease that uptick apart a bit. And frankly, you shouldn't because "beating" cancer is really about staying one step ahead of it, which means planning for when your treatments may fail. ••. Get enough rest. The chemo is outpatient and you go home with your family. Hi I have been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer just over a year ago I have been regularly writing a blog about coping with my cancer which can be found at https://livingwithmycancer. Everyone always talks about how after cancer they "live every day like it's your last" and "find what makes you truly happy. e. It could be that it is the year that is the key factor here. With you being younger, you will outlive most others. • 6 yr. Hi I have been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer just over a year ago. Living at home with my parents. IAMA 28 year old living the last twelve years with an incurable cancer. This is actually a recurrence of my first tumour removal I had at 20. A doctor noticed my broken vertebrate and recommended an oncologist. My fiancee' has cancer. I’ve tried to stay employed through all of it but recently things have gone down hill for him so I’m curious if I should stop working for the time being. org. After each treatment and procedure, my cancer just kept coming back, growing, and metastasizing. I was diagnosed with a 5cm adenocarcinoma on my ascending colon. ADMIN MOD. Anxiety can make you feel like you’re dying. I am living with my diagnosis since '23. Stage 4 diagnosis, cancer is considered incurable. A generally uplifting subreddit. If you are living with GBM, a caregiver, or someone who recently lost a loved one to GBM we need your help! Participate in OurBrainBank's nationwide survey on GBM treatment and care. it fucked me up bad and still is. UPDATE. It's a life-altering event that can evoke a whirlwind of emotions – fear, uncertainty, and maybe even anger. My mum had surgery a few months later, followed by a course of chemo. waterontheknee. My mum was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2020. And dealing with it doesn’t have to be the “battle” it is so often reported to be. I still get scanxiety. The longer it goes that fades. I take a "miracle drug" called verzinio but there are several others. This reddit is a place for people with cancer and caregivers to come together and… 27 year old with Lung Cancer. From early childhood I always had stomach issues I feel guilty about living so far away from parent with cancer. Literally within the last 24 hours my wife has been diagnosed with cancer and I just feel numb and feel selfish for being numb and upset aboutit. I resisted therapy for a long time, and I cry through every session, but I keep going back as I know that I need it. Within 24 hours I was walking around the ward. Living with cancer can be the most difficult thing in a person's life, but it can be just as difficult for those of us who love them. The initial outlook was bad. I’m attractive and I do think I’m beautiful, I’m physically fit despite the diagnosis and like going for runs, yoga and staying active. ago. This reddit is a place for people with cancer and caregivers to come together and provide support for one… Advertisement Choose a healthy diet. I saw toddlers with cancer and I had no idea how to react. They said the tumor looks huge. It can also make existing feelings seem more intense. We recognize the unique issues faced by men diagnosed with breast cancer. Most of those patients die from heart attacks from the pain . I am unusually young to be dealing with this (28), and feel frustrated at the lack of information around this condition. After having been diagnosed with thyroid cancer completely by chance last year, I have been having a number of other health issues. What to expect from stage 4 Esophageal cancer. Patient. Again, each specific cancer has it's own criteria for what makes it a T1 vs a T2 vs a T4a, etc. And although the original post identifies it as "Stage 1" (i. It is an illness. In terms of odds, the basic odds were initially (for I had a hysteroscopy with D&C in mid-December and just before Christmas the doctor asked to meet and said that the samples taken confirmed: (1) endometrial hyperplasia with focal atypia (2) endometrioid carcinoma. IAmA 25 year old who is living with incurable brain cancer. Forget about the past and don’t worry about the future. Being Single with Cancer. Award. shortbusorf. I found out I had cancer when I hurt my back tripping over my dog. T stands for tumor size, N for (lymph) node involvement, M for metastasis. We see an uptick in new breast cancer diagnoses among young women in recent years. it's becoming very much like a chronic disease than a death sentence for I’m 32F and I’ve been living with incurable cancer since last year. When I was 26 years old I was diagnosed with an incurable cancer, a type of cutaneous t-cell lymphoma, known as Mycosis Fungoides. MembersOnline. our family is loosing it, the family business is crumbling. Stage 4 is no joke. So I’ve just turned 38 years old and I’ve been secretly living with cancer since I was around 13 years old,I noticed lots of bumps on the inside of my mouth and when asked my mum she informed with out when looking that it’s just he swollen glands,the inside of my mouth is now riddled with tumours,my family is very dis functional they’re not yours usual family anyway with out rambling Folks here have more context and experience than the non-random draw that is my small circle, so my hope is it is more manageable because folks know they’re in r/cancer, not r/everythingiswonderful or irl just trying to make it through a random weekday. My relationship with cancer has evolved over time. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. I was diagnosed with colon cancer on 10/21/14 during a colonscopy. Looking at about $125,000 in medical debt, and I have no idea what to do. Do not look at statistics, they have not been properly adjusted recently and specifically they have not adjusted for the rapid rise of colorectal cancer for people under the age of 50. My current treatment is Kisqali with anastrazole. Cancer is caused by multiple contributory factors, all of which need our attention. And yes there are many people "living" with cancer these days. The hope is I can share some of my own experiences and coping strategies with others. I'm now going on year 7. Given only two years to live. I think the most important thing is finding out what all of the options are. Patient Stage 4 IDC breast cancer ++- diagnosed in September. Technically I'm a cancer survivor, but I don't really feel like mine counts. 10 YEARS! Working and Caregiving. She has very good info on the dying process. now we’re both in remission and we do discuss how isolating cancer is amongst anybody, but especially amongst young people because it’s not as common to get cancer super young. I wanted to share my story as it unfolds, in hopes that it helps someone else. Started chemo the same month. My mom had breast cancer in 1984, mastectomy with chemo followed. You're still here. I'd probably try hiring help to do housework if it is too much with the job before quitting given your current employer is supportive. 25 votes, 47 comments. Living with liver cancer I 42f diagnosed with hundreds of cancerous neuroendocrine tumors in my liver. He’s been given 6-9 months to live. I was diagnosed with cancer in June after two biopsies. (temporal lobe). I think I understand your sentiment; if you mean death without it being your own doing, I get that. But dude, unless you want to suffer, cancer is something you should never hope for. r/vegan. On March 9th 2015, just 6 days later, my maternal grandmother passed. I had a very emotional response to both the diagnosis process, which took about a month and receiving the diagnosis itself. This is a place for people with cancer and caregivers who are asking specific… 52K subscribers in the cancer community. I lost my brother to cancer; my wife is fighting stage 4 lung cancer and a close friend is battling pancreatic cancer. Reddit's home for tax geeks and taxpayers! News, discussion, policy, and law relating to any tax - U. Pathology of my surgery came back and showed no signs of cancer. I feel alone very often, basically everyday. ADMIN MOD LIVING WITH CANCER BEING YOUNG . Hello cancer community - I have rare and aggressively recurrent head neck cancer that's no longer treatable. You may want to go on Facebook and watch the videos of a woman called “hospice nurse Julie. It also could maybe be IBC. For me, one good thing is that my fiance and I became incredibly close and our relationship grew stronger, despite my fears of him leaving. As a person who had a mother with stage 4 cancer, my only advice is if you can put your career on hold for a bit, try to go back home and live with her or very close to her and as soon as you can. . ”. I don’t look like I have cancer as I still have my hair and look like myself. This is true whether you’re currently in treatment, done with treatment, or a friend or March 3rd of 2015 my father passed from cancer in hospice care. Hello, I feel dead stupid posting my feelings online but I don't want to burden anyone close to me. Working has been so hard, living in a small town everyone 90021100. Fast forward moving back home to Australia for diagnosis (US healthcare is a sham unless you have great insurance), suddenly I’m living with my family Thank you. Yes, praying just that for Colin! . Higher numbers are generally worse. I was young. A year after diagnosis I got my open water scuba certification so I have a good anniversary. The cancer came back immediately, re-attacking my lymph nodes and bones. It's the slow drain that really hurts. Doctors are really hopeful we can keep this cancer under control, the first year of treatment is going to give us a good indication what my future will be. 38 (m) recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer which has metastasized to my liver. The true currency of life is time, not money, and we've all got a limited supply. This post will start a little sad but I swear I have something really positive to share! I have been diagnosed with cancer since the age of 27 and… A cancer diagnosis can feel like the ground beneath you has vanished. It could be a reaction to laundry detergent. Four days later my family attended two funerals and that was the worst Friday the 13th I think we'll ever experience. With this approach, the cancer and symptoms can be controlled for a long period of time with cancer therapy. Mohs microsurgery was used, which basically peels away one layer at a time and examined under a microscope. I wish I wasn’t forgetting his face. The only thing I got out of that experience was scars, menopause, anxiety, and fear. I feel like I’ve been force to put my life on a time line and I’m constantly trying to plan out my next moves. It was hard. Hi guys, went to see my doc yesterday after numerous test they diagnosed liver cancer and give me about 8 months, i'm 57, wife 55, two kids age 25 and 19 living with us. The addition of abemaciclib to fulvestrant significantly improved progression-free survival for patients with hormone receptor positive, HER2 negative advanced breast cancer who had been previously treated with cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and 6 inhibitor plus endocrine therapy, in a new study. I caught covid after my surgery last year, and I'm Hi, Reddit! We’re advocates and content experts from Living Beyond Breast Cancer and Male Breast Cancer Coalition, joined today by Scott M Weissman, MS, CGC, of the National Society of Genetic Counselors. Testicular cancer has a ridiculously high survival rate, like 95-99%, if you catch it early. I went through multiple resection surgeries, radiation treatments and chemo. , early stage), it was probably more advanced than that. Cancer didn't help me find myself or whatever. I was there with her when the doctor broke out the news and it was a big shock. The title gives you the gist. I also have hormone-based treatments since my breast cancer is hormone related. My dad (72) has just been diagnosed with stage 4 Esophageal cancer. It is aggressively treated to avoid development into vulvar cancer. The first advice is, this is very curable at our age. Palliative care can be provided at the same time to control symptoms of the Scared that everything is cancer. We will answer your questions about breast cancer in men, including: You’re not alone, but please reach out to a close person to you for support. Tested for any other cancer in my body. In the breast cancer world there are also treatment specifically for your genetic mutations. My advice is to live in the present. I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal. She has been doing well so far. u/living-cancer. Go to a doc on Monday. I now do awareness/advocacy cos the ovarian cancer survival rate sucks and I was an atypical ovarian cancer patient. My mother passed away 2 weeks ago. Wife recently diagnosed with cancer. Living with cancer . I wanted to hug them so bad. Any and all advice is appreciated. I am a single 34 year old woman, never been pregnant. Hello all - First I would like to offer my very best wishes for everyone else suffering from this disease. Cancer isn't always a death sentence. I am 41 y/o female, diagnosed with breast cancer at 38 y/o. This is usually reported like "T2N1M0". "Colon cancers that have spread to other parts of the body are often harder to treat and tend to have a poorer outlook. Give him endless Mac and Cheese. Surgery is no option so not really sure how to feel. Exercise and participating in activities that you enjoy also may help. That went really well, no side effects, single session - three bursts of 10 mins from different sides. I’ve started to be unsure about the direction of where my life is headed. Hard bump and pain are two of the classic symptoms of testicular cancer. Yeah, I’m like uhh prolly not stage 1. It's her who is sick not me, when I talk to her about it I don Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247). Mets in spine, hip, and liver. In the beginning there's the support of others and the motivation to fight. The metaphor stuck. After my boyfriend (29M) was diagnosed with stage IV cancer last year everything about life had changed. Modern medicine is so good that I was cured of cancer before I knew I had it. He was diagnosed when I was five and held on far longer than the six months he was expected to, for my sake. dm bl ox ox vs rc tx yr bi kp