How to tell if a guy with a girlfriend likes you reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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As long as your pictures are somewhat recent and a fair representation of what you look like now, she “likes” you. Observe the minute details of expression on his face. Values your input. Like as in she would be giving you a blowjob after work and wondering in her mind if you like her. Generally if someone likes you, you will know : r/dating_advice. I mean you could look at his body language, there are signs there maybe look at a video on it. So. No awkwardness. 31 votes, 44 comments. ”. With my current crush, I couldn’t even make eye contact with him without feeling all nervous. He hears, I want to fuck you but have this boyfriend weight hanging around my neck. If he says "no," he may still like you as a friend, but obviously does not want to date you. He'll flirt a bit, touch you here and there. Other than that if you're still unsure and you want to be with this guy just tell him how you feel, if he doesn't feel the same way that's fine but at least you'll know. -having a deep conversation. They may be a bit touchy but hopefully in a respectful way. Then she asked for exclusivity. - They save money (that they wanted to buy books with) to buy you the things you love. Ask her if she wants to come to your house and pray with you and use air quotes when you say "pray. They don't, sorry bud. She's definitely not focused on you. ) they'll take absolute notice of it. Maybe he's shy, or just isn't talkative or inquisitive, or you're blabbering and he's just taking it all in. - She smiles at you. If she actually likes you the same way she'd respond. - They make you their priority. (Making herself pretty for you) Mirroring your movements. Usually I just assume she is a friendly and amiable person. He wants to spend time with you. So I If he tells you he likes you. We can be guarded sometimes so we don’t get “scorned”. Okay, so, it really depends on the girl. touseef499. asking you how you feel or how your day went wanting to know you’re okay. Or talk about feelings or anything with meaning, introverts usually love talking about those. Sureeeee is how my co worker who is married and pregnant chats with my at work. Hope I made it clearer. When he's kind to you. 6. These acts of kindness can be seen as nurturing your emotional connection. I will say that if you make the first move instead of waiting for him you'll make his day and ease a lot of tension. If you're seatmates and you notice she looks away as soon as your Don't worry about that really if he likes you will probably be able tell. Which just means she'll find reasons to touch you and you'll feel that its just completely natural to touch her too. If she responds in kind, you know you've moved on to level 2. Its obvious you like her. But, again. So if he’s very laid back regarding the progress of your relationship it is a red flag. TA DA! Sometimes I think the girl I like never knows in checking her out, but deep down I know they knew because they have freaking spidey senses for when they have kids. the problem arises when a girl does not like you but you're so desperate you try to pick up on random cues then go into some delusion about it. If you talk to them directly they will usually smile a lot and be very interested in what you have to say. But I was so sick of the weird limbo of questioning his every action that I just bit the bullet and asked him. And you know what, some guys just pretend, so the answer is, YOU NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU ASK. That isn't really a strong indicator of interest or disinterest, by itselfbut it could be an indicator. If she's making time for you, engaging in conversations, and showing interest in your activities, those are good signs. Usually it's solid eye contact or them generally staring at you. From my experience, if the guy is confident, he will tell you if he likes you. They try to be funny. Or you can just ask him out, most men love that just say it. I was with you up until the cricket business. If he doesn't and it is you doing most of the initiating, that is a sign of low interest. These are ones I’ve personally encountered. Gotta take it in context. Refuse to have sex with him and you If he turns his body toward you. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Just keep things relaxed and see how it progresses naturally. Take a magazine or a newspaper or something like that and roll it into a cylindrical form for added stability. Approach the male. If you a true believer, follow up and tell her you like her. Just know this if a guy is being super nice he either likes you or is a manipulative dick or if a guy is teasing you a bit again he probably likes you or sees you as one of "Da Boys" (Pretty much guy equivalent of the Friendzone) I hope this helps in some way. Try to make a small escalation, initiate a touch (for example) or make a sexual innuendo. If he wears it again/a lot around you, he probably likes you. I had a girl ask me out after a one night stand. Ask him. I say all this out of someone who has been in your shoes. Mostly pursuing me or taking initiative. You are probably a girlfriend figure if you're willing to give in to all of his flirting and hard work. Dec 5, 2023 · 9) Active Listening. My answer was "not as well as the other way around, due to the way dating usually works" (with a bit more of an explanation). &nbsp; &nbsp; Go to dating_advice. Would you like to go out to (wherever you want to take her). 3. Vent. Also—if ever you get the vibe that someone isn't into you, it's probably because they're not into you. Her question was about how well guys can tell if a woman's nervous because she's interested. Because while we tend to be rather direct and clear, if we are afraid of rejection ourselves, we will say we aren't interested just to protect ourselves. I had this situation happen with me (a girl) I thought a guy friend liked me, but I didn't like him. Just go for the date. saying you’re cute, funny, sweet etc. Some times I may be too nervous to even look at a woman at all tho. Most have come off as bold to me about their feelings. ) then the answer is no, your crush isn't into you. Best to just keep your feelings to yourself until you actually manage to get the girl. Trust me, if he likes you then you'll most likely know because he will show interest. I was wondering how you’ve been feeling about things and if you’re happy to stay friends or want to try dating?”. He'll test your reactions to flirting, touching, and compliments. After that ended I talked to a guy for almost four months and we went on six dates and he still didn’t want a relationship. Compliment a shirt or fragrance he’s wearing. Then it'll be pretty cute. When you ask her out and she says yes. It can also be like playful tho I think that can be something to look for. He thinks the only reason she won’t sleep with him is your relationship. Usually the same for girls I’ve dated as well. You can do this to him as well. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for embarrassment. In the case of love, you will always notice when something is wrong. I am 23F, and he is a few years elder to me, and I had been chilling with him and his friends for a while. That's the kind of person that you want to pursue. - They give you half of their 'alone time' (this is a huge sign!) - They go out with you to socialize. - She turns into a child. In short, she'd treat you as an actual person she'd want to see and spend some time with. I agree. If you don’t know what the hawk approach is, it’s when you’re fine talking to women, but you’re too afraid to ask them out, so you analyze every single interaction with them trying to figure out if they like you or not so you can feel confident enough to ask her out. FormarShadow1. With relationships, we're just like anyone else and ADHD doesn't have some sort of weird ability to take away our ability to like others. The problem is when no statement has been made. If she smiles or compliments you back you can let her know that you would like to get to know her. Dec 4, 2023 · 45) She engages in small acts of kindness. If a guy acts a certain way (rude to her, etc. He could be passing judgement based on some actions he observed. From that point on we were exclusive. Because an INTP reading emotions is like an elephant reading Javascript to less mature INTPs. Don't "just ask him". insertnickhere. His answer: “ I genuinely thought you were out of my league, and I didn’t want to get my feelings hurt because I knew you’d reject me. He doesn't just send dick pics to you; he also sends them to your mom, to get her approval. Watch his body language as well as he is trying to hide that he really likes you. But if you’re talking to her, and notice she glances a lot at you, but isn’t holding eye contact, it could mean she really likes you. staring is a sign but not the sign. They ask you how you’re feeling. She will tell you or let you know some how. Yeah the HR people either know and don't care or don't know at all, Always be scared of the HR people because one fuck up and you will be gone. He made going to class so fun. Sometimes when I like a guy I’m stand off-ish. So if he's not flirting, then he's probably thinking of you as a daughter, and if he's not following you around, he thinks of you as a daughter. I told him “I don’t know” but he wouldn’t Don't stress, guys don't know what they want. - She touches you unnecessarily or she uses excuses to touch you. It’s hard to figure out if she’s just polite or she’s interested in you. This should be obvious as fuck, but if you're as oblivious as I am, you'll think nothing of it when a girl does this. Seriously. What one woman considers to be very clear signs of sexual interest, another woman may just consider that being friendly. He could be daydreaming about what you would talk about on a first date. swingset27. Heyigotone. One shure way if a girl likes you: she tells you. Most women have terrible poker faces and relatively obvious body language. Thats ok, your life was fine before him and it will be just fine after. In the same way, when I'm interested in a girl, I tell her in a manner that is clear and impossible to misinterpret. Old moves lmao. complimenting your looks. She told the guy she has a boyfriend and keeps hanging out and he never sees the boyfriend. could be -i too want to know what time is it -you got a lot of dandruff -your watch looks expensive and i need the money. If something is off, you feel insecurity inside yourself. If you hangout and go on dates with someone for a month or so, you will know their long term interests. Reply reply. <3. This is really the best advice. If you are walking side by side, they get closer than most people would do. You'll very rarely know for certain. She says “bababooey” when your feeling down. Literally tell her that. It creates a bond that isn't strictly sex driven and works out compatibility. According to the five love languages theory, acts of service are one way people show love and affection. He could be absent-mindedly staring in your direction and not even know. The only way is to flirt back. Drop hints that you're interested. The best advice I can give you is this, grow some balls. If she's in the same class as yours, see how often she looks at you in class or in the hallway. Experience is basically how many different patterns your brain can recognise. - You catch her staring at you. Use the word 'date'. Even if it’s something like “Hey, I’ve been thinking about asking you out but I’ve also been enjoying your friendship. Then we became fwb. it's extremely easy to tell if a girl likes you. If you talk to them and actually engage in conversation your relationship is going to last WAAAAYYY longer than the mentioned before. boner in between his legs. No, she is not staring at you working out nor is she going to where you're working out on purpose to be near you. You're best chance is not to try to read to hard into the cues he's omguserius. Not at all. Girls that take at least 2 weeks to sleep with, I get to know better and we get out and build chemistry by going to concerts or doing activities. But many guys are very shy and are not completely secure within themselves. You don’t have to respond right They like when you’re kind of a shit head and not all perfect and sugary sweet. " An ISFP will still continue to be your friend if he was friends before. Ask personal questions about you, maybe blush in front of you. A great way to catch that is to sit next to him - a guy who is interested will almost always turn to at least partially face you if you're sitting facing forward. When she maintains strong eye contact with you for a second longer, when her body is facing you with her feet pointing towards you, when she tries to come into your personal space to interact with you. Gonzostewie. Looking/Staring into your eyes is a big hint. r/dating_advice. So what you’re saying is, is the confession I’ve been scripting for the past 3 weeks is worthless? 15 votes, 13 comments. The best way to find out if a girl likes you is to ask her out on a date. If he says "yes," he likes you. If they say yes - congrats, they're into you at least enough to give it a shot and see where it goes! If they say 'no', for the love of all that is holy, don't take it as a personal I'd say to engage in things she cares for so she'll talk more on her own accord. The best you can do is read into her body language and how talkative/forward she is towards you generally as an indicator, but you'll never know 100% beforehand. This probably means he is really nervous around you and is more careful what he says and does. Just instinctively, your brain will notice when the patterns change. Ask him out. He wont go home after sex. Leans towards you on pictures Tends to face you in small group or sit right next to you in larger group. Introverts love to daydream and think. When a guy likes you, he's more likely to pay close attention to your words, engage with your thoughts and ideas, and ask follow-up questions. If he does like you, and he gets the idea that you like him back, it would be less nerve-wracking for him to reciprocate your first move. 2. cottonmouth_. I’ll set up dates, I’ll initiate talking, keep conversations going, etc. Little touches here and there. He asks her to cheat, which he likely gets a response of, “I could never do that to my BF”. Impossible to say. Then: Just tell him you like him. Value yourself man, because she isn't. She laughs at like everything you say. in groups, she'll somehow always end up next to you. Smiling a lot is another big one. No guys be nice, they like everyone they talk to and most of them don't have much options so they take what they get happily. If he is a little nervous around you. But if he's popping up everywhere, then you're no longer a daughter figure. Every woman is different. Next step is a date to see if there’s more beyond that initial attraction/connection. Looking back on my time in college I got some pretty clear signs that I completely missed… if a girl invites you back to her dorm because she “forgot “ something and then can’t remember what she was going back to get and then sits on her bed and just kind of looks at you… that’s a pretty clear sign…. (Mostly) 1. if a girl actually likes you, she'll find excuses to touch you all the time. Unfortunately figuring these things out often take a bit of a leap of faith. Tier II — Fond: Maintain intense eye contact, listen to you and remember things about you. They notice that you’re feeling down. responding pretty quickly back if it’s a deep conversation. And definitely noticeable different behaviour with others. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage By the third date I know if I like a guy and want to stop seeing other people. Sometimes I’ll notice something and think, “this seems like something people do when they’re attracted to someone” but I’ll convince myself that I’m mistaken or that they’re just being nice. So you always gotta listen to that nagging voice. Preferential treatment in friend group. The longer the embrace lasts, the better. If you give him a positive reaction he'll know you like him, too. If you try to make plans and she can’t go but she tells you when she is free. Well I never get any of those signs omg ;-; Reply reply. Touching is the most clear sign. If a guy likes you he will either be too nice or too mysterious to u. My guy friend (who I like) sends me mixed signals ie; flirting, touching me all the time, talking to me all night but then also hooks up with other girls in front of me. Endarkend. In a guy's perfect world, girls are clear and concise. Totally read that sentence in a British accent. You know if a guy likes you if he asks you out. I’m so sad. A lot of men think like this. but when she looks their way he looks away. I think you're great and I'd like to get to know you better. For most guys, just showing interest in conversation is a big one. ky crush saying who she had a crush on (not me) instantly k*lled me and I pretended to look happy. That kind of confession can come later, if you end up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. Stay at level 2 for a bit then try to move to level 3, perhaps a longer touch or a more overt sex joke. Suspicious-Natural75. Sometimes there's just no way to tell for sure unless you straight up ask them out. Yeah, there may be eye contact, BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN SHE'S INTO YOU! The girl is there at the gym to improve herself. She probably likes you if she frequently touches you without prompting, plays with her hair when she talks to you, giggles even when you say something stupid, or rubs her legs like a cricket at the sound of your voice. If you already date and wonder if he likes you if she asks you on a next date (if we talk about a girl if she agrees to the next date she likes you) 3. I started here too, man. I’m literally never aware. Also, my buddy likes to show off in front of other guys to prove he is the "Alpha" of the group, only to get shut down when we steal his thunder or call him out on it. The “hawk” approach to dating is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. 4- Allow him to initiate conversation. Leave her and get some respect for yourself. She finds reasons to touch you (like your arm). If you don't date this guy just ask him out for a coffee. MembersOnline. A girl who likes you may express her feelings through small, thoughtful actions. So I just found out that the guy I have been crushing on for about a month has a girlfriend. Right now, we just have a plan to meet up to talk about it lol So in this case no. 3- if you like him continue to engage in conversation. Tier III — Attracted: Act like a total goof-off, do the stupidest crap. Simple as that (even if it is pretty unnerving). With time you'll know each other better and get a better idea if things could work out between you two. Disagree on that one. If it happens repeatedly with the same guy I would take it as a sign. If she really likes you, it would be extremely obvious. Goofyfrances. Jun 25, 2021 · If they really like someone, well, take this guy ’s word for it: “After reading a text from a girl, I’m like, ‘Just play it cool, man, just take it easy. Where you need to be careful is in assuming what is causing the pattern change. Ask him by first making it clear you are interested. Why even text? You know she's cheating, but you're just hoping to be convinced otherwise. So, I think it'd be best if you made the first move, just to put him at ease. So if you are conversing with someone and feel like she's flirting. [deleted] Signs a INTP likes or is attracted to you. I know that feel. The vast majority of the time in situations like this the girl does not like the guy, the guy is just delusional most of the time. I usually have no idea that a girl is interested unless she tells me. If she touches her hair she likes you. If they’re like playfully talking to you or joking there’s something there I think Guys who have girlfriends mostly take a lot of time with meeting you, taking the next steps etc. The good news is that the more you're around him, the more he will open up and he will become less and less shy. How to tell if a girl likes you: a guide. LOL, a lot of "maybes" in that video that purports to tell you how you can "know" a girl likes you. Nope, not at all. Definitely true, I’m pretty overt with my intentions and interest. Very flirtatious. r/INTP. In a girl's "ideal world", girls want the guy to clearly receive her signals in such a way that they can silently ignore them to nonconfronationally reject them, and so that the girl can safely convince herself that "he didn't reject me, he just didn't receive the signals". Tier I — Normal: Tend to avoid you unless you come to me, then I talk to you happily. You catch her staring at you. Plus, all my girl friends were like, "omg he totally likes you!" "I've seen how he looks at you!" it was uncomfortable. He'll let you know. Here are some signals women give when they like you: - She gets in your vicinity every time. -5. It really depends on the girl. Depends on context. Remember there is a 50/50 chance he may not like you either. It could be a long time before you're ready (and it's possible you may never be ready), but you can be loved just as deeply again. Because an INTP almost never cares, and as a result almost never asks. planning when I can see you next or giving SamFuckingNeill. One night he found out some girl wanted to hookup with him and he decided to corner me and ask me if he should get with her. Given that, it's ok to flirt. If she double her effort then yes she like you. They ask about you, ask you out. I will make fun of you to no end. Grooming/playing with hair, etc. or something like that. " she will realise that she is safe with you. As a guy when I have a crush I'm extremely clingy and always wanna hang out I will not stop even if you start ignoring me I WONT STOPso yeah, also try talking about other people and see how he react my reaction to. Your new love will be a different person, and you are different from who you were before because of your loss. #1 The eye-contact. adjusting when seating to try and hide the boner. You guys add more. The “chaser”/ driven. Also, she might make extended eye contact, or be slightly touchy. Being honest like that eventually builds up to where you do become good at it. An ISTJ will do the absolute bare minimum if they (Fi) don’t like you. Unless you outright offer to twist my sheets up I assume you’re just playful. You're right that it will never be the same. Found out my crush has a girlfriend and I’m devastated. Talk to him, see how he reacts, and then have a friend speak with him and see if he reacts any differently to her. But it really depends why you ask. Another giveaway is if she at any point just kisses you on the lips. Especially if we've dealt with a lot of rejection before. So: There is no easy answer. They say that the only dating advice a girl ever If a girl likes you, she'll initiate physical contact. Stuff like playing dumb and having a high pitched noise etc also exist obviously. Touching is always flirting; those light touches to your arm while talking, 'accidentally' brushing against you while gesturing. I’ve gone on dates with a guy, and after the third he asked me when I’d be ready to be his girlfriend. See if he looks at you, or if he acts differently around you than other people, or other shy guys. One night when he was drunk he was too close to me, held me, touched me playfully, nothing too sexual, and after that we never really spoke about that till i unintentionally made it obvious i like him because i was drunk! When it comes to this, unless the guy is not into you then you'll know if he likes you. . In a light-hearted and friendly way and without implying any kind of emotional pressure, just ask if they'd like to go on a date with you. Whack him with the magazine to gain his attention. He takes off the mask and red suit. In all of my adult relationships, it was obvious from the beginning that the guy was into me, and I'm sure it was obvious that I was into him. They stare a lot and check you out without realising it. My friend was like “Dude you can’t even look at him!” And I was like “Jeez I know! But, the fact that he's never had a girlfriend probably makes him even more nervous to approach a girl he likes. "hey I'm not really too great at this sort of thing so I'm just going to be upfront with you. . He says “I like you romantically” and not just as a friend. If he returns the favor and doesn't seem to want to let you go, it's a clear sign he loves you. Also if people are in a group and he looks at one girl way more than anyone else. You can both slowly do more and more personal things until you can start moving towards a relationship. Atleast from what I have noticed till now. If you tell him that, for example, you've been madly in love with him for the past 2 years, it's going to be hard for your friendship to survive if he ends up rejecting you, since he's going to feel pretty awkward about it . Members. The temptation to stare is really bad. Girls notice most things. If he hasn't made a move or said anything even after a whole minute or two of hugging, tell him you love him. - She plays with her hair. There is this guy I like. this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. If that seems to be reciprocated then ask her if there is any place that she would like to go, and you can suggest fantine9. Anytime I’m not it’s because I’m just simply not that interested. If they’re being cordial and engaging in conversation with you, you’re on the right track. You already lost the battle by looking away first. All I'm saying is that you get your 20s once and you can't perform it to perfection, but you'll regret it if you don't try. If he really likes you, he'll savor the moment. Basically turn into an ENTP. Edit: forgot to add signs of a male Scorpio liking you. He's an ISFP, so the worst he'll say is probably "Look, you're really pretty and awesome and fun to talk to, but maybe I don't want to date you. What’s “the good news” having a crush isn’t good news. It's a risk every guy has to take when flirting with women. ) You will know if he doesn't like you because he will say so. But when it’s a guy I don’t care for I’m super friendly. No. Reply. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage. Advice #2: If you're going to be something don't go full throttle. (Note that him trying to have sex with you doesn't necessarily mean he likes you, it only means he wants to have sex with you. If your crush gives you any variation of "no" (this includes, but is not limited to: ghosting, a non-committed response, saying he/she really likes you as a friend, saying he/she isn't ready for a relationship, etc. Always standing near you is another sign. Go to dating_advice. Flirt a bit, ask if he likes anyone and what's his type he'll express you in his type, that should be enough. Guys, when a girl likes you You will absolutely know it : r/dating_advice. Also, if he makes fun of you (yes, even if we aren't in third grade anymore). You know they like you when they talk to you. Some girls can be candid through flirting but some girls are too shy to show signals. when he doesn't because you are ugly and disgusting and nobody will ever like you. In all this time I never knew what she was feeling. Mostly it is your intuition you have to listen to. It's ok to romanticise the idea as a man. - They answer the call. The few times I told my friends about having a crush on a girl, the girl (along with half the school) would find out. sending a song or meme and saying “I saw this and thought of you”. Also, a very good way to tell if someone is interested in you is how close they stand from you, and if their body language is relaxed. She'd look you in the eyes when talking, she'd reply full words in texts, she'd let you know her schedule. How to tell if an introvert likes you? Question. If you like the guy and you know he likes you (Makes it a little easier for both parties that you've flirted at least a little just make sure he knew your intentions) if he's more introverted ask him to do something cute like mini golfing, video games, or anything that's quiet and "a bit more tame" for lack of better terms. Since you're new to dating in Japan, you might find it helpful to check out SakuraDate. Then she didn’t want to be exclusive. " Why is always when a guy likes a girl, he wants sign or signal that she is also interested in him before he makes a move. Active listening is an important and often overlooked sign that a guy may be interested in you. •. Award. I’d get really exited on Monday just because I was going to see him. It'll get better, not soon, but you'll find someone better. 1. It's a platform I've used before, and it's great for understanding the But if you make yourself vulnerable, "hello, I like your style; I think you are cute. If your crush agrees to the date and actually shows up to said date, the answer Yeah there isn’t really a way to tell. For me I'll make eye contact/gaze at you more and smile/smirk. - She shows her neck to you. IMO, the hair twirling and the touching are the closest to "knowing" short of her telling you that she likes you. Not saying it’s not “likes” in justforfunthrowaway9. 9. They want to spend more time around you, asking you also random staff just to get the opportunity to talk more. If you really like this guy, you should just let him know. ADMIN MOD. zh ma mx ox vq sp we dy qr dr